Permissive Paths
Parish Paths Seminar – 28th October 2019
Organised by the Norfolk Local Access Form and Supported By Norfolk County Council
Attended by Councillor Mike Wilson
My objective in attending the seminar was to gain knowledge on ‘Permissive Paths’ and how these might be introduced in Stanhoe.
As a first step an approach to the local landowner has to be met with positive response for the proposal to succeed. Key points are listed below:
Property rights must be preserved to prevent the path becoming a Public Right Of Way (PROW), this usually done by fixing a term for the life of the path.
Ideally a legal agreement is put in place between the landowner and the PC (The PC would normally cover the cost of the agreement estimated at £1,400)
If Stanhoe is to progress with any proposals it is recommended that the public are invited to attend a consultative meeting.
The seminar covered additional subjects which I have summarised as follows:
Norfolk Access Improvement Plan: This is a 10 year plan to promote the enjoyment of Norfolk’s PROW network
The subject covered the PROW’s, of which Norfolk has approx. 3,863 kms (Footpaths, Bridleways, Byways open & Byways restricted). The main topic was who was responsible for the upkeep, there was confusion as some PC’s thought that the ‘Rangers’ are, but it is the responsibility of Norfolk County Council.
PC’s have no specific duties regarding PROW’s but still have many powers, predominantly in the addition of paths and the maintenance thereof.
All PROW are listed on a ‘Definitive Map’, any PROW not listed on the Definitive Map will be extinguished forever if not listed by 1st January 2026. I will be checking the status of paths in the Parish.
Norfolk Local Access Forum (NLAF): A forum to help PC’s on all matters regarding public access
Parish Partnership Schemes: Stanhoe would appear to be too small to participate in such a scheme.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL): Already being utilised by Stanhoe PC
In conclusion this was a very useful seminar providing links to useful organisations to assist local PCs.