Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

January 2022

Parish Council Matters:–

  • Bircham Crossroads:– At long last we hear the main traffic signpost at the B1454/Bircham Road crossroads is being replaced/re-erected. There have been a few too many accidents there in the past 8 months – one accident is too many (!). We have been lobbying for this since the sign was knocked down in an accident in April. The work should be done by the time you read this.

  • War Memorial:– Tim Bentinck and a Councillor gave the War Memorial a good clean with his power jet that took years, and a lot of moss and other detritus, off the stone. It is a remarkable symbol of the contribution made by the village of Stanhoe in both the First and Second World War campaigns. Significantly the memorial not only lists those who perished but also those who served. Relatively speaking, the numbers are not small.

  • Pond Wildlife:– We have an overabundance of wildlife in the Pond some of whom are causing inconvenience locally. While the population is nothing like that of the Bircham pond we are always looking for help and advice particularly with regard to humane population control.

  • SAM 2 Speed Sign:- Our sign continues in rude health. In November it recorded just over 14,000 vehicles coming from the Burnham Market direction at ‘Leo’ (in the middle of the village going towards Docking). The maximum speed recorded was 55 mph at 20:35 on Nov 1st, but 50% of the traffic over the month was travelling at 30 mph or less.

  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital:– The e-petition in support of the new hospital for Kings Lynn and West Norfolk closes on 7th January 2022, time permitting please sign it if you support, at ‘’ Details are also on our website

  • The Future:– There are some doubts what any new Omicron restrictions will bring in the near future but let there be no doubt that we wish all Stanhoe residents and visitors a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year in 2022.

Need a fun night out in the New Year?

Come and sing! ……. No audition.

You don’t have to read music ….. You don’t have to be a good singer.

  • Singing is a joy, good for the soul and energizing come along and shrug off the winter blues. We are a community choir and will have a welcome for all who come along.

  • Under our Music Director, Liz Dark, we will be working on a repertoire of songs ranging from stage shows, classic choral music and pop music. There will be something for everyone.

  • Where – The Christian Fellowship Hall, Downs Close, Hunstanton, PE36 5HU

  • When – Wednesdays, starting 5th January 2022

  • Time – 6:45 pm for 7:00pm – finish at 9:00 pm.

  • The first week is free so you can come along and have a go and see if it is for you!

  • Lesley Trebbick, Chairman

Mixed ability exercise class

Wednesdays 10am-10.45am (Starting Wednesday 5th January).

Stanhoe Village Hall & Reading Room, Cross Lane PE31 8PS.

Ladies & Gents Welcome £3.50 per session (payment in advance for a 6 week term).

To register your interest in attending, please email - 01485 592 362.

(Subject to COVID restrictions).

COVID booster news

Health and care staff in Norfolk and Waveney ramp up COVID-19 booster drive as all adults are now able to book their booster appointment:–

  • Health and care staff across Norfolk and Waveney are accelerating the COVID-19 booster drive with additional appointments and extended opening hours at vaccination sites as part of the national effort in response to the new Omicron variant.

  • In response to the threat of the new variant, many vaccination sites across Norfolk and Waveney are operating 12 hours a day, seven days a week, with more existing vaccination sites set to join them.

  • Thousands more local appointments have already been added to the national booking system and many more will be added over the coming days.

  • Health and social care organisations, with support from local authority and wider partners, are pulling out all the stops to offer booster vaccinations to everyone aged 18 and over by the end of this month.

  • GP teams are also freeing up capacity to support the booster programme, alongside delivering critical appointments such as cancer, urgent and emergency care. Some health and care staff will be redeployed so that they can focus on protecting local people as quickly as possible.

  • We’d urge everyone to be patient and respectful to all NHS staff while the COVID-19 vaccination programme continues at pace. Health and care staff will continue to make appropriate clinical decisions on how and when people are seen.

  • Norfolk County Council, and Norfolk Public Health are working with the CCG on a range of assets to encourage people who have still not had their first two doses to come forward. The ‘It’s not too late’ message will build on the success earlier in the year of the #ihadmine and #everyvaccinecounts campaigns.

Re-cycle your real Christmas trees:–

Monetary donations can be put in the letter box at the Hall.

Norfolk Hospice Christmas tree recycling poster

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month