Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

October 2020

'Hands, face, space' advice from the NHS

Stanhoe Parish Council Matters:–

  • Parish Council Meetings. In line with Government advice, and on the recommendation of the National Association of Local Councils, Parish Council meetings will, for now, continue to be held by remote means through a BT tele-conferencing facility. Should you wish to raise any issue (s) for discussion by the Council, please contact the Clerk on 07789 887380 or by 12.00pm on the day of the meeting.

  • Fly Tipping. Reports of fly tipping in and around the village have been received. Should you spot any instances of fly tipping then these should be reported using the following link:

  • Should you wish to raise any issue, please contact the Clerk on 07789 887380 or

Cycling duo:–

Is there no stopping them? Will they keep it up when life is back to normal? Will they keep it up once winter kicks in? Follow their progress in Saints Alive. 692 miles after latest effort - could be 700 plus by the time recipients of Saints Alive are reading!!


Any items of interest or suggestions to be included in next Saints Alive. Please send them to  

And finally:–

A History quiz - answers in next month’s Saints Alive:

  Question Answer
1 Which German Count invented the zeppelin?  
2 Who was the first president of the USA?  
3 Who was the second president of the United States?  
4 How many women did Henry VIII have?  
5 In which city was the Titanic built?  
6 What was the name of Napoleon’s first wife?  
7 Which city became capital of West-Germany in 1949?  
8 On which island was Napoleon born?  
9 How many children did Queen Victoria have?  
10 Which war was ended by the signing the armistice on July 27 th, 1953?  
11 When became Albania an independent country? In 1713, 1813 or 1913?  
12 Xerxes ruled a great empire around the fifth century BC. Which empire?  
13 Which French king was called the Sun King?  
14 What was in England the northern frontier of the Roman Empire?  
15 Which German war criminal was for 21 years the only inmate of the Spandau complex?  
16 Who discovered Greenland?  
17 Which Mexican rebel was shot in 1923 and died?  
18 Which building in Athens was destroyed by a Venetian cannon ball in the 17th century?  
19 What was the name of the Protestant revolution against the domination of the Pope?  
20 Who was the first king of Belgium ?  
21 What was the former name of New York?  
22 Which country was formerly called Ceylon?  
23 What was the Latin name of Paris in Roman times?  
24 Which city was the capital of Australia from 1901 to 1927?  
25 Which country sent its navy around the world to fight the Japanese in 1904?  

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month