Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

February 2019

Reminder dates in January:–

21st January: Christian Unity Service – see below

28th January: Stanhoe Village Screen – see below

29th January: Brancaster Camera Club – see below

February Dates for your diary:–

7th & 16th February: WI meetings – see below

Parish Council Matters:–

  • Looking out for Others: A note to remind residents to be aware of single and elderly villagers who may require assistance in the winter and let relevant parties know if there are any concerns for their wellbeing.

  • Village Gates: We are hoping to get new white ‘Village Gates’ at various entry speed restriction sites to Stanhoe, to encourage traffic to observe the community constraints for safety; more news to follow.

  • Fly Tipping: There have been some reports of fly tipping in the village. Residents are reminded that any waste should be disposed of in the appropriate manner.

  • Village Pond: We are exploring ways to protect and enhance the Village Pond for the future; any ideas or contributions would be most welcome.

  • New Dog Waste Bin: A new dog waste bin for installation near the Reading Room has been approved by the Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk. Once installed, the bin currently located near the children’s play area will be removed.

  • Keep in Touch: The Council would like to assist residents with respect to any issues or concerns relevant to the village. Please contact Wayne Leighton, Parish Clerk at or on 01485 518570.

Reminder: Stanhoe Methodist Church:–

We shall be holding our annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service on Monday, 21st January, at 2:00pm. It will be led by Rev. Peter Cook and our own Minister, Rev. Stephen Oliver, and will be followed by tea and cake and a time of fellowship. All are welcome.

Reminder: Stanhoe Village Screen:–

Our new season begins with:

The Children Act (12A) Drama, on Monday 28th January at 7:30pm

As her marriage to Jack flounders, eminent High Court judge Fiona Maye (Emma Thompson) has a life changing decision to make at work. Should she force a teenage boy, to have a blood transfusion that will save his life? Her unorthodox visit to his hospital bedside has a profound impact on them both.

It is a remarkable, literate, nuanced film in which Emma Thompson gives a performance that deserves a standing ovation!

Tickets £5 on the door to include a complimentary drink. Doors open 7:00pm. For further information visit the website: Stanhoe. org or ring 01485 518191

Christmas Lights in Stanhoe:–

Many thanks to all who donated to the Stanhoe Christmas lights.

This year £330 was raised for The MacMillan Centre at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kings Lynn.

Christmas Carols:–

On a very wet evening just before Christmas, a group of us sang carols round the village in aid of St. Martins Trust for the Homeless in Norwich, raising a total of £142. 93. The collection at the Bagthorpe carol service was donated to the same cause and amounted to £122.17. A cheque has been sent to the St Martins Trust for £270. The PCC would like to thank all those who braved the elements and sang so well.

Invitation to Residents:–

Thursday 7th February 2:00pm: our monthly WI meeting in The Reading Room, Cross Lane, Stanhoe PE31 8PS. Our speaker will be Hazel Gillingham, “The Quiet Suffragette: the story of Millicent Garrett Fawcett”. Visitors are always welcome.

Saturday 16th February, Brancaster Sailing Club: A lunch in celebration of our centenary, for members and their husbands.

We would like to extend thanks for supporting our centenary events to Norfolk Community Foundation and our centenary sponsors: Terry Ashwell, Chris Robson and the family of former member, Betty Brown.

For further information about our WI, please contact Valerie on 01485 576261 or Pamela on 01485 518033

Mystery key:–

A mystery key was found on 7th January in Church Lane near the church, I kicked something metallic, which turned out to be a Chubb key. Perhaps a short piece in Saints Alive might attract the attention of the owner, if it’s a resident, or a regular visitor! There is also information on the Stanhoe website.

Reminder: Brancaster Camera Club:–

Our January programme is subject to the weather, but we should meet on Tuesday 29th January, 2019 for a digital competition ‘Autumn’ plus 2 own choice.

We welcome all new members at our meetings which are held in Brancaster Staithe Village Hall at 7:30 pm. Contact Jim Till on 01485 210013 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725

And finally:–

“February is the border between winter and spring.”

Mind you, I think Spring may have arrived early going by the Snowdrops and other bulbs in the garden.

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month