Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter
December 2019
Dates for your diary:–
3rd December:– Brancaster Club – see below
8th & 22nd December:– Christmas services, Methodist Church – see below
5th & 11th December:– WI meetings - see below
Advance Notice:–
9th January:– WI meeting – see below
Stanhoe Parish Council Matters:–
Village Gates:– Most sharp eyed drivers and other wanderers in recent weeks will have noticed the new ‘village gates’ that greet motorists entering the village from either Docking, Bircham or Burnham Market. They carry the speed signs and also serve to signify Stanhoe as a ‘community’ in the hope that more notice is paid to the speed limits in effect. We are not in favour of too many signs, but hope the effect will on balance be positive. The cost was partly born by a contribution from Norfolk County Council under the Parish Partnership Scheme, and a grant from our Borough Councillor’s office with technical assistance from the Highways Department of Norfolk County Council; the result being that the cost to Stanhoe was £1,182 out of £4,364 being approximately 27pct of the total.
Stanhoe experiences a vast amount of traffic for its size; something of the order of 16,000–40,000 vehicles per month drive through. Invariably one or more of these each month get recorded at over 80 mph within the 30 mph limit! Your Parish Council has spent a lot of time and effort to try to ensure public safety. We are restricted by physical and financial constraints in that various types of pavements or rights of way are impractical, unfeasible or unaffordable.
The SAM2 speed sign does appear to be having some effect in discouraging speeding, and we hope the gates will help further. This is in addition to the invaluable work carried out by the Stanhoe Speed Watch Team.
We will report again on what effect the gates may be having.
Dog Fouling:– Dog fouling on the playing field and, in particular, on the children’s play area continues to be a concern. Whilst the exercising of dogs on the playing field is currently permitted, this is on the understanding that dog owners ‘pick-up’ after their dogs. Dogs should not be allowed to wander onto the children’s play area.
Christmas Lights in Stanhoe:–
Once again Derek and Linda Scales are going to put on their wonderful display of Christmas lights around their garden and bungalow on The Green, just along from the pond.
Do go along and enjoy the spectacle, especially as this year all donations put in the cash box will be given to Tapping House Hospice where Linda has been made very comfortable in recent weeks.
This year the lights are in aid of a very special local organisation.
Christmas at Stanhoe Methodist Church:–
We warmly invite you to either or both of our Christmas Services:–
- Sunday, 8th December, at 11:00am: Christmas Carol Service, led by our Minister, Rev. Steve Oliver
- Sunday, 22nd December, at 11:00am: Morning Services with Carols, led by Elizabeth MacLeod.
Flowers For Christmas:–
Thursday 5th December:– Gary Bocking will demonstrate making festive flower arrangements on a budget. Visitors are very welcome; we ask for a donation of £3, which includes tea and biscuits. 2:00pm in the Reading Room, Cross Lane, Stanhoe PE31 8PS
Wednesday 11th December:– Christmas lunch for our WI members at The Crown, Wells-next-the-Sea.
Get ‘stuck in’ to the New Year:–
Thursday 9th January 2020:– Nicola Porter, acupuncturist. A talk on the history and benefits of this ancient treatment. Visitors are very welcome. 2:00pm in the Reading Room, Cross Lane, Stanhoe PE31 8PS.
Please note that the remaining WI meetings for 2020 will revert to the first Thursday of the month.
For Further Information About Stanhoe & Barwick WI, please contact Valerie (01485 576261)
Brancaster Camera Club:–
Our meetings take place in Brancaster Staithe Village Hall (PE31 8BY) at 7:30 pm with the doors open from 7:00pm. Visitors are always welcome. For further information please ring Jim Till on 01485 210013 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725.
Tuesday, 3rd December:– An evening with Ian Ward a local photographer.
It’s not what’s under the tree that matters,
It’s who’s gathered around it.
fill your heart with joy.
Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005
Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month