Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter
May 2018
Stanhoe’s wine tasting event on 21st April 7:30pm
Dates for your diary:–
3rd & 16th May: WI meetings – see below
20th April: Stanhoe Village Screen – see below
Advance notices:–
7th June: WI meeting – see below
22nd June & 13th July: Stanhoe Village Screen – see below
WI notices:–
Thursday 3rd May: in the Reading Room, Cross Lane at 2:30pm: monthly meeting with Ruth Smith, on “The inconvenience of loose elastic” – make of that what you will!
Wednesday 16th May: lunch at Tham’s in West Rudham, advance booking vital.
Monday 21st May: a gentle walk at Sandringham, followed by tea in Sandringham Cafe, in support of “Women Walk the World”.
Advance Notice:–
Thursday 7th June: our monthly meeting as above – Celia Gwyn will tell us about spinning, and give a demonstration – THIS IS AN OPEN MEETING so all are welcome – female or male, young or not so young.
New and potential members are always welcome. If you wish to make a booking or just find out more, please phone either Pamela 18033 or Valerie 576261.
Stanhoe Annual Parish Meeting:–
Annual Parish Meeting: Please find attached a formal invitation to the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on 10th May 2018 at 7:00pm.
NCC Recycling Centres: Further to last month’s report, it has become clear that most DIY type rubbish is still accepted at the Docking Recycling Centre, but is subject to modest charges now; details of which are available at the site.
Great British Spring Clean Up: Stanhoe took part in the Great British Spring Clean Up on Saturday 7th April. The ‘clean up’ was successful in the amount collected; and sad in just how much was gathered. Our thanks to all those who took part to make a difference to our environment; we look forward to having even more help, and less to collect, next year!
Keep in Touch: The Council would like to assist residents with respect to any issues or concerns relevant to the village. Please contact Wayne Leighton, Parish Clerk at or on 01485 518570.
Stanhoe Open Gardens:–
Entry £5 for ALL gardens, children under 12 free.
Nine gardens will be open in Stanhoe and Barwick on Saturday 2nd June, 2:00-5:30pm, including two new ones on Station Road and Parson’s Lane. All are welcome to come and have a look around and enjoy the various stalls: tombola, cakes, plants, books, bric a brac and art.
Pen Roche’s delicious cream teas will be served as usual, but this year at Stanhoe Hall.
In recent years the Open Gardens have attracted more than 200 visitors, many of whom comment on the friendly welcome they received in Stanhoe! This is made possible by the enthusiasm of kind volunteers who offer their time on the afternoon to help out on the stalls and serve tea. The stalls rely on the kind contributions of friends and neighbours, so if you are able to offer cakes, plants, books or bric a brac we would be very grateful! Please call Felicity on 01485 518363 – we are happy to come and collect. Proceeds from the day go towards repair works to All Saints’ Church.
John Wrights Awards:–
This is the time of year when the Trustees of John Wrights Charity ask for help in collecting the names of eligible young people to allocate Awards of book tokens or Leavers Awards. Any boys or girls of Primary School age who have lived in the village for more than a year are eligible.
Please pass on any names to Elspeth Adams on 01485 518327.
Stanhoe Village Playing Field:–
Now that the grass cutting season is upon us, the MEHM Trustees would just like to say how much they appreciate the Parish Council’s cutting of the Trust’s village play ground & 4 acre playing field, now looking very neat & trim & enjoyed by many. Thank you very much Parish Council!
Stanhoe Village Screen:–
We continue our Spring Season with:
Marie Curie: The courage of knowledge (TBC) Biography/Drama/Romance, on Friday 20th April at 7:30pm. Focussing on the incredible life and exceptional achievements of Marie Curie, this is a timely reminder of a female pioneer in both science and society, who spent a lifetime breaking precedent in search of progress.
Dates for your Diary:–
Wonder: (PG) (Drama) on Friday May 18th at 7:30pm. Wonder tells the incredibly inspiring and heart-warming story of August Pullman. Born with facial differences that, up until now, have prevented him from going to mainstream school, Auggie becomes the most unlikely of heroes when he enters the local fifth grade. As his family, his new classmates, and the larger community all struggle to discover their compassion and acceptance, Auggie’s extraordinary journey will unite them all and prove that you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.
The Post: (12A) Drama/history on Friday 22nd June at 7:30pm.
Darkest Hour: (PG) Drama/history on Friday 13th July at 7:30pm.
Tickets £5 on the door to include a complimentary drink. Doors open 7:00pm. For further information visit the website: or ring 01485 518191
Brancaster Camera Club:–
We have two evenings planned for May:
Tuesday 15th May: Print Competition – Panel of three ‘Clouds, Water, Land’. Judge John Wilcox LRPS CPAGB.
Tuesday 22nd May: We welcome back Ruth Grindrod, Landscape Photographer, who has entitled her presentation ‘Space to breathe’. Ruth lives in East Anglia and her images of the region can be seen in the gallery of her site: Ruth Grindrod Photography. Her talk on the 22nd will include images of recent trips to Norway & Donegal.
For more information on the club please contact Jim till on 01485 210013 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725. New members always welcome.
Free Sailing Open Day: Push The Boat Out!-
All are welcome again as Snettisham Beach Sailing Club throws open its doors for its annual Open Day on Sunday 13th May 2018 from 1:00 pm until 6:00 pm, as part of the RYA national initiative “Push The Boat Out” to promote sailing. Everyone is welcome to come along and try sailing in – all for free!
There will be free sailing taster sessions on the sea from 4:00 pm and on the lake all afternoon.
Come and enjoy our clubhouse with food from the BBQ and drinks from the bar.
Save 10% off any R. Y. A. courses booked on the day, and 10% of club memberships purchased on the day.
There is no need to book in advance just come along on the day! Just bring footwear you don’t mind getting wet, a windproof top, a change of clothes, and a towel.
No experience is necessary and would-be sailors of all ages from 8 years upwards are welcome. Children, you must accompanied by an adult but your adult doesn’t have to go sailing. Come and chat with our members and find out how you can get into sailing.
For full details see, and have a look at the video from 2017’s Open Day.
Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005
Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month