Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter
March 2017
Dates for your diary:
2nd, 9th & 20th March: WI meetings – see below
3rd March & 7th April – Stanhoe Village Screen – see below
Advance notice:–
29th April: Celebration party & bonfire – see below
11th May: Parish Council Annual Meeting – see below
WI notices: March meetings:–
Thursday 2nd March at 2:30pm in the Reading Room, Cross Lane – Robert McNaughtan on “My life as a chef”, with demonstration. Open meeting – free entry and refreshments to any ladies; donations appreciated, but just come and meet us!
Thursday 9th March at 1:00pm – spring lunch at The Lifeboat, Thornham – advance booking necessary
Monday 20th March at 2:30pm – afternoon tea at Unique cafe, Castle Rising – advance booking preferred
For any enquiries, please contact Valerie (01485 576261) or Pamela (01485 518033)
Parish Council News:–
Broadband – Efforts continue (still) to examine alternative sources of broadband for Stanhoe. This includes the possibility of accessing the internet through a local wireless service. Anyone interested in being kept in touch directly should advise the Clerk at With sufficient numbers, this may prove a cost effective solution.
Annual Meeting – 11th May 2017 – Please put a note in your diaries. The Council invite you for drinks and canapes following the AGM. We would welcome your attendance – amongst other things we will be discussing are various traffic/speed control measures, Broadband and next year’s World War 1 centennial. All are welcome.
Go to Town Bus Service – The Go to Town bus service (part of West Norfolk’s Community Transport) was introduced on 11th July 2016 to link Docking, Bircham and Flitcham with Kings Lynn. The service operates from Monday to Saturday, but at present Stanhoe is not included in the route. The Parish Council have made representation with West Norfolk Community Transport in an effort to have Stanhoe included in a revised route which is expected to be introduced in early summer. Please keep a look out in Saints Alive and on the Stanhoe. org website for updates.
Keep in Touch – The Council would like to assist residents with respect to any issues or concerns relevant to the village. Please contact Wayne Leighton, Parish Clerk at or on 01485 518570.
The Reading Room:–
The MEHM Trust has just begun work on the refurbishment & redecoration of the Reading Room.
The Trustees would like to invite the village to a celebratory party & bonfire on the playing field at 6:30pm on Saturday 29th of April next.
Invitations will be circulated shortly. All Stanhoe residents are very welcome.
For instructions for contributions to the bonfire contact Roddy Rowe on 01485 518298.
Burnham Market Car Scheme:–
The prize winners of the Friends of the Burnham Market Car Scheme Quarterly Draw came from Wells, Burnham Overy Staithe and Holme this time. Maybe Stanhoe will have another winner soon.
Stanhoe Village Screen:–
Our Spring season continues with:
Friday 3rd March: Sully (12A) The true story of Chesley Sullenberger, an American pilot, who became a hero after landing his plane on the Hudson river in order to save the flight’s passengers and crew.
The film stars Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart and Laura Linney.
Date for Your Diary:–
Friday 7th April: A United Kingdom (12A)
Tickets cost £5 on the door, to include a complimentary drink. Doors open 7:00pm.
For further information visit the website: or ring 01485 518191.
Brancaster Camera Club:–
Monday 13th March: Print Discussion with King’s Lynn CC away.
Tuesday 14th March: Digital Compeittion 1 x ‘At rest’, 2 x own choice. Judge Rex Makemson
Tuesday 28th March: An evening with Ruth Grindrod, Award Winning landscape photographer. Ruth was a runner up in the Scottish Nature Photography Awards & Commended in Landscape Photographer of the Year. This should be a very good evening. Admission is £5 to include refreshments.
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings. Contact Jim Till on 01485210013 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725.
Open meeting on Refugees: -
The CEO of the Refugee Council, Maurice Wren, who is based in London, has kindly agreed to come to King’s Lynn on Wednesday 8th March and talk to us at 7pm at the London Rd Methodist Church. The title of the talk will be ‘Refugees – What’s the Plan?’ All are welcome.
Are there a couple of people who would like to join our Stanhoe quiz team? (aka the Rock Bottoms!) We go to the King’s Head, Bircham on the evening of the first Wednesday of every month and a lift is available.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to be Brain of Britain. It’s just a fun evening out. If you are interested then please ring Sandy on 518482
Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005
Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month