Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter
February 2017
Dates for your diary:–
2nd, 8th & 21st February:– WI meeting – see below
6th February:– Stanhoe Village Screen – see below
Advance notice:–
2nd March:– WI meeting – see below
3rd March & 2nd April – Stanhoe Village Screen – see below
WI notices:–
February meetings:–
Thursday 2nd February 2:30pm:– monthly meeting in the Reading Room, Cross Lane, Stanhoe PE31 8PS, when a representative of Lynn Fire & Rescue service will talk to us about safety in the home.
Wednesday 8th February 10:00am to 3:30pm approximately – a stained glass workshop at Alby Glass, Bawdeswell. Learn a new craft and bring home a couple of ornaments. Places available at £25; advance booking vital.
Tuesday 21st February at 3:00pm – afternoon tea at Costa Coffee at the National Construction College. Advance booking advisable.
Advance notice:–
Thursday 2nd March open meeting:– the Reading Room, Cross Lane. This will be a talk on “My life as a chef” by Robert MacNaughtan, to include a demonstration. All are welcome – male or female, young or mature, for no charge. Refreshments will be provided; donations gratefully accepted.
If you would like more information on any aspect of the organisation, or our meetings (venue & times) and outings, please feel free to telephone Pamela (518033) or Valerie on (576261). We would be happy to help, and would love to meet you.
Parish Council News:–
Broadband:– Efforts continue to examine alternative sources of broadband in the event BT are further delayed. WiSpire recently conducted a preliminary survey of Stanhoe for these purposes. website:– The Council is endeavouring to assist in the maintenance of this invaluable website which is used by several parties. Well worth a look if you have a moment!
Keep in touch:– the Council would like to assist residents with respect to any issues or concerns relevant to the village. Please contact Wayne Leighton, Parish Clerk at or on 01485 518570.
Poppy Appeal 2016:–
The total collected in Stanhoe, Bircham Newton (NCC) and Fring last autumn for the Poppy Appeal was £1,020.04. May I express my thanks on behalf of the Legion and its beneficiaries for your generosity, whether in donations, time given to collecting, or both. Pamela Austin, Poppy Appeal Organiser for Sedgeford & District branch.
Carol Singing and Christmas lights:–
On a cold but beautiful starlit night just before Christmas a goodly group of carollers sang round the village. We would like to thank all those who sang so lustily, all who gave so generously and all who provided hospitality to the singers. £154.88 was raised for St Martins Housing Homeless Charity in Norwich.
The PCC would like to express its gratitude to Mr & Mrs Scales, whose beautiful Christmas lights once again brought a festive glow to Stanhoe in the weeks leading up to Christmas. They had asked that donations should be given in aid of the church and this resulted in the magnificent total of £136.15 being received.
Open meeting on Refugees:-
The CEO of the Refugee Council, Maurice Wren, who is based in London, has kindly agreed to come to King’s Lynn on Wednesday 8th March and talk to us at 7pm at the London Rd Methodist Church. The title of the talk will be ‘Refugees – What’s the Plan?’ All are welcome.
Stanhoe Village Screen:–
Our Spring season starts with:–
Mon 6th February at 7:30pm:– The Fencer (PG) (In Estonian with English subtitles) Fleeing from the Russian secret police because of his controversial past, a young Estonian fencer named Endel is forced to return to his homeland, where he begins to train a group of young children in the art of fencing. The past however catches up with him and Endel has to choose between letting his students down or putting his life in danger. The movie is partially based on the real life story of an Estonian fencer Endel Nelis (1925–1993). A well-crafted and touching tale of heroism without fanfare.
Dates For Your Diary:–
Friday 3rd March:– Sully (12A) The true story of Chesley Sullenberger, an American pilot, who became a hero after landing his plane on the Hudson river in order to save the flight’s passengers and crew. Starring Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart and Laura Linney.
Friday 7th April:– A United Kingdom (12A)
Tickets £5 on the door to include a complimentary drink. Doors open 7pm
For further information visit the website: or ring 01485 518191
Are there a couple of people who would like to join our Stanhoe quiz team? (aka the Rock Bottoms!) We go to the King’s Head, Bircham on the evening of the first Wednesday of every month and a lift is available.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to be Brain of Britain. It’s just a fun evening out. If you are interested then please ring Sandy on 518482.
And finally, some thoughts for February:–
“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” - Edith Sitwell
“The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.” - Gertrude S. Wister
“February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March.” - Dr. J. R. Stockton
Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005
Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month