Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

October 2016

Dates for your diary:–

2016:– Parish Council meeting dates – see below

6th, 19th & 24th October:– WI meetings – see below

8th & 15th October:– Flu Clinics – see below

22nd October:– Charity Wine Tasting (booking by 7th October) – see below

14th October:– Stanhoe Village Screen – see below

11th & 25th October:– Brancaster Camera Club – see below

Advance notice:–

7th November:– Stanhoe Village Screen – see below

Parish Council Meetings:– 10th November 2016

All meetings are on Thursdays and will be held at 7:00pm in the village hall.

WI notices:–

September meetings:–

Thursday 6th October – monthly meeting, 2:30 pm in the Reading Room – Pat Knights “An afternoon with Joyce Grenfell”, postponed from September.

Wednesday 19th October – our autumn lunch at The Railway Inn, Docking. Advance booking required.

Monday 24th October – autumn gardening masterclass at Fakenham Garden Centre. Advance booking required.

Members – please continue to think about your Smarties and fundraise for NARS!!

All our monthly meetings are open to ladies who may wish to visit, without obligation. Just come along – there’s no need to arrange it in advance. Bring a friend if you wish – and there’s no requirement to live in Stanhoe, we have members from several other villages.

If you would like more information on any aspect of the organisation, or our meetings (venue & times) and outings, please feel free to telephone Pamela (518033) or Valerie on (576261). We would be happy to help, and would love to meet you.

The Burnhams Surgery – Flu Vaccination Clinics:–

This year’s Flu Vaccination Clinics will be held on Saturday 8th and 15th October 2016 between the hours of 9:00 am and 12:00 noon.

The Clinics are open to all Registered patients over 65 years of age or patients who have the following:–

Diabetes, Heart disease, Lung disease, Liver and/or Kidney disease, Pregnant or a Registered Carer, Lower Immune system due to disease or treatment, Neurological disease such as Parkinson’s or Motor Neurone Disease. No appointments are necessary to attend the Flu Clinics.

Charity Wine Tasting:–

Don’t forget to book your tickets at the charity wine tasting on October 22nd, in the Stanhoe Reading Rooms and Village Hall. All the profits will go towards the refurbishment project.

To book your ticket, contact Nic Hopkins or Kate Jewell,, 0778 538 7683.

Full information about the event is on the village website, and it is on the calendar.

Stanhoe Village Screen:–

The 33 (12A) (Real life drama) Friday 14th October 7:30pm:– Based on the book ‘Deep Down Dark’, by Hector Tobar, this film follows the 69 day operation, watched by over a billion people, to rescue the 33 Chilean miners trapped in a collapsed mine in 2010. The lives of the miners below ground and of their loved ones above are described in a very compelling narrative. Directed with great pace, this feel good film is absorbing and moving.

Dates for your Diary:–

Monday 7th November 7:30pm. Florence Foster Jenkins (PG) (Comedy/light drama)

Tickets £5 on the door to include a complimentary drink. Doors open 7:00pm.

For further information visit the website: (or ring 01485 518191)

Brancaster Camera Club:–

We have two club evenings in October:–

Tuesday 11th October:– Discovering Adobe Lightroom with Ann Miles FRPS. MPAGB. EFIAB. FBPE

This is a rare opportunity to have guidance in Lightroom from an expert photographer.

Tuesday 25th October:– An evening with Noel Robinson ARPS CPAGB. Noel is one of our club members who will show how his work has evolved over the years, leading to his qualifications in photography

Visitors are welcome to both of these events.

For more details ring Jim Till on 01485 210013 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725.

And finally:–

With thanks to

I can smell
Autumn dancing
In the breeze,
The sweet chill of
And crisp
Sun burnt leaves.

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month