Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter
July 2016
27th June:– Stanhoe Village Screen – see below
Dates for your diary:-
2016:– Parish Council meeting dates – see below
7th & 14th July:– WI meetings – see below
12th & 26th July:– Brancaster Camera Club – see below
Parish Council Meetings:– 2016
14th July 2016
8th September 2016
10th November 2016
All meetings are on Thursdays and will be held at 7:00pm in the village hall with the exception of 12th May 2016 which will be at 6:00pm to be followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7:30pm.
WI notices:–
July meetings:–
Thursday 7th July – our annual garden meeting to relax and chat at the home of Lizzie Mullin.
Thursday 14th July – visit to Mannington Hall, with afternoon tea and a guided tour of the house. Bring your husbands, friends or companions. Tour £8; tea £3. 50/£4. 50pp
Advance notice:–
Our annual cake stall at The Green will take place, as usual, at 11:00 am, on Friday 26th August. Be there to purchase WI cakes and produce at their best!
All our monthly meetings are open to ladies who may wish to visit, without obligation. Just come along – there’s no need to arrange it in advance. Bring a friend if you wish – and there’s no requirement to live in Stanhoe, we have members from several other villages.
If you would like more information on any aspect of the organisation, or our meetings (venue & times) and outings, please feel free to telephone Pamela (518033) or Geraldine (518025). We would be happy to help, and would love to meet you.
Find Out Everything About Stanhoe!
The Stanhoe Archive has recently launched its latest initiatives – “The historic Stanhoe walking trail”, and “The Stanhoe quiz trail”.
The historic trail is a circuit of the village, for two or three miles, depending on preference, and is available for anyone to purchase for £3 at The Duck Inn or village holiday sites, the management of which have kindly agreed to sell it on behalf of the Stanhoe Archive.
Following the printed narrative and maps, participants will learn many fascinating facts about the village and its buildings, from medieval times to recent years. Try it, and see things you have never seen before, or perhaps things and places you have seen, but of which you have not known the significance.
The quiz is based on a treasure hunt devised several years ago – aimed primarily but not exclusively at youngsters, it involves solving clues, again with the assistance of a map, and will lead you around the village to the answers which will be found at the end. Also available to buy at The Duck, this one costs £2.
Why not treat yourself to a walk at a time to suit yourself? If you do, the Stanhoe Archive hopes that you enjoy it, and would love to receive your comments.
Stanhoe Gardens Open Day:–
Just over two hundred people came round the gardens on the 4th June, despite a rather cloudy & cool afternoon. A total of £2,497.17 was raised in aid of All Saints’ Church. The PCC would like to thank all those who opened their gardens, all those who assisted in any way and all who supported by visiting the gardens on the day. The church is faced with work, costing up to £30, 000 this year for urgent repairs, following last year’s quinquennial report by the church architect. This excellent financial result is therefore vital in helping us to maintain our beautiful church building for the village.
Burnham Market Area Car Scheme Quarterly Draw:–
The good news is that the first prize of £75 in the June Draw came to Stanhoe to Mr Ken Beckett. The other prize winners came from Burnham Market and Wells.
It will soon be time to re-subscribe to this Draw, and next year the prize money is to be increased to £100, £75, and £50 each time. The people in charge are hoping for a generous response once again as the money given in subscriptions helps to support the costs of administering the Burnham Market Car Scheme which arranges journeys to medical appointments for anyone in the area needing transport.
Stanhoe Village Screen Reminder:–
We end our summer season with ‘Spotlight’ (15) Monday 27th June 7:30pm
Winner Oscar Best Film of 2015 and Best Original Screenplay
In 2001, The Boston Globe published a story about a local priest accused of child abuse. They then discovered many other similar stories, implicating 87 priests in the Boston area alone. This quiet, intelligent drama shows how a 4 person team put together the pieces of evidence to uncover a major scandal. This is a remarkable film, utterly engrossing from start to finish, with terrific performances from Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdams and Brian d’Arcy James.
Stanhoe Village Screen takes a break in July and August, but will be back again in September with some more great films!
Tickets cost £5 on the door to include a complimentary drink. Doors open 7:00pm.
For further information visit the website: (or ring 01485 518191)
Brancaster Camera Club:–
Tuesday 12th July:– An evening with Suffolk based Wildlife Photographer Jamie Hall. The images on his website are stunning & we are looking forward to the evening.
Tuesday 26th July:– Digital Image competition 1x’Street Life’, 2x Own choice. Judge Malcolm English.
Visitors are always welcome to our club evenings. Admission £3
Venue: Brancaster Staithe Village Hall at 7. 30 pm. For more information
contact Jim Till on 01485 210013 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725.
Our Annual Exhibition will be held on 12th, 13th & 14th August in Brancaster Staithe Village Hall from 10:00am till 4:00 pm. Free Entry.
Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005
Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month