Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

March 2015

Dates for your diary:-

25th February & 17th March:– WI meetings – see below

5th March:– WI open meeting – see below

9th March:– crafty get together – see below

10th & 24th March:– Brancaster Camera Club – see below

23rd March:– Stanhoe Village Screen – see below

Advance Notice:–

24th April:– Stanhoe Village Screen – see below

8th May:– Music Concert at Burnham Market – see below

1st August:– Stanhoe Flower Show – see below

WI notices:–

Wednesday 25th February at 2:15 pm – “Fair trade chocolate” afternoon tea at Wells WI hall.

Tuesday 17th March at 2:30 pm – Nelson Group meeting at Brancaster Staithe village hall. The speaker will be model maker Amanda Searles. Would members please remember to bring contributions for their ‘bring and buy’ stall to our March meeting in Stanhoe.

All our monthly meetings are open to ladies who may wish to visit, without obligation. Just come along – there’s no need to arrange it in advance. Bring a friend if you wish – and there’s no requirement to live in Stanhoe, we have members from several other villages.

If you would like more information on any aspect of the organisation, or our meetings and outings, please feel free to telephone Pamela (518033) or Geraldine (518025). We would be happy to help, and would love to meet you.

Television Reception in Stanhoe:–

Residents receiving television programmes from the Tacolneston transmitter near Norwich may be experiencing significant interference – the picture is pixellating and the sound is breaking up. This is likely to be caused by the wind farm at Jacks Lane. It is important that if you are affected you should report it to RES giving the following information: Name, Address, Contact details (e-mail address, telephone number), Description of the problem, Time and date of the problem and Transmitter to which the aerial is tuned (if known). Send the information to: Samantha Mayes, Renewable Energy Systems Ltd, Beaufort Court, Egg Farm Lane, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, WD4 8LR or by e-mail to Samantha. Mayes@res-ltd. com <mailto: Samantha. Mayes@res-ltd. com>. There is a form and further information on the Stanhoe web site.

Speed Watch:–

The speed watch team continues to operate in Stanhoe in three different locations authorised by Norfolk Constabulary. As a reminder, it was set up several years ago by the Norfolk Police to address the problems of excessive speed in the village.

It is operated by volunteers from the village after appropriate training and most villagers will have seen the teams of three in their high visibility jackets and/or the warning signs displayed when the teams are operating, both of which are police requirements.

In recent years the team has also had the use of a speed awareness monitor (SAM) which displays motorists¹ speed as they approach the monitor. SAM is deployed in the same locations as the speed watch teams, but there is no requirement for warning signs or high visibility jackets.

No action is taken when SAM indicates that a motorist is speeding. With speed watch, though, speeding drivers are logged and reported to Norfolk Constabulary, which issues warning letters to offenders; this does not result in a fine or penalty points on licence. In conjunction with speed watch, the Norfolk Safety Camera Partnership deploys an enforcement officer with more sophisticated equipment to smaller villages, including Stanhoe; his findings may result in fines and penalty points.

The speed watch statistics for the last six months of 2014 reveal that 49 motorists were reported for being above the reporting threshold and a further 33 were above the threshold for action by the enforcement officer (had he been present). Of those 49 motorists, 40 will have received letters; the remaining motorists were not included in the scheme (7) or could not be traced (1) or the vehicle was in the process of changing ownership (1).

If anyone is interested in joining the Stanhoe team please contact Terry Austin on 01485 518033; With about 70 speed watch teams operating in Norfolk it is quite likely that you will come across one or two in your travels. Stay safe.

Stanhoe Flower Show:–

Our 30th Flower Show will be held on Saturday 1st August 2015 in The Reading Room. A new schedule has been put together including a variety of new classes and several old favourites. We hope to deliver it within the village very soon. As our 30th Show we are hoping to keep up the high standard of lots of high quality entries, involving as many people as possible. Do put the date in your diary.

The Burnham Market Car Scheme:–

The quarterly draw run by The Friends of The Burnham Market Car Scheme took place recently. The prizewinners came from Burnham Market, Peterborough, and Brancaster Staithe this time.

Stanhoe Village Screen:–

Monday 23rd March:– 7:30pm. We continue our spring season with My Old Lady (12A) (Comedy Drama)

Kevin Kline, Kristin Scott Thomas and Maggie Smith star in this story of a middle aged American who inherits a flat in Paris only to find it occupied by an uncooperative 90 year old woman, and that he also has to pay her a fee while she lives in his flat! Excellent performances from the stars!

DATE for your diary:– April 24th (Friday) ‘Imitation Game’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch

REMINDER:– Pride (15) (Comedy Drama) Thursday 26th February 7:30pm Tickets £5 on the door to include a complimentary drink. For further information visit the website: Stanhoe. org or ring 01485 518191

Amendment letter to last month’s Saints Alive:–

“I refer to the February Saints Alive Newsletter and the planning matters item a), which I have to say is not right. The extension to which you refer does comply with the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order. The Environmental and Planning reference number is 14/00034/PD. There is a requirement that the work shall be completed on or before 30th May 2016. The matter was complicated because I also applied for an (optional) Lawful Development Certificate. Currently this cannot be issued until the work is finished within the timescale above.”

Music concert:–

A concert in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and The Yorke Trust will be held on Friday 8th May 2015 at 7pm in the Sussex Barn, Burnham Market. A virtuoso string trio will play music by Beethoven, Mozart and Dohnányi. Tickets for the event cost £25 per person. Bookings can be made via the website: http://www. yorketrust. org/box-office/boxoffice. html or by telephone on 01328 823502.

Puppet making:–

When the WI had Kate Jewell talking to us about the Norwich puppet theatre, she said that donations of items for puppet making workshops are always welcome, and in particular mentioned egg boxes, cardboard tubes from kitchen rolls (but NOT from toilet rolls, please!), fabric pieces and buttons. The WI has accordingly placed a receptacle in the Room, which will be there at least until early March, in which any donations of these items may be left, and which will be passed on to the puppet theatre.

Crafty get together:–

On 9th February, 15 ladies gathered in the Reading Room – most had never been here before, and not all the participants were known to each other. All but three work at the National Construction College, and the idea was to come and bring craft items to work on while chatting, getting to know each other, and drinking tea! From the buzz in the room within five minutes, you’d have thought them all lifelong friends; many different crafts were being worked, some visitors had several on the go, and a few of us were just spectators; a few impromptu demonstrations and tutorials took place between people sitting together, and it was a very enjoyable occasion. We all voted to make it a regular monthly event, although appreciating that inevitably not everyone will be able to come every time. So if you have some knitting or embroidery – or anything at all – on the go, come along, bring £2 to cover costs, bring a friend if you wish, and enjoy good company and conversation! It is planned to hold these sessions on the second Monday of each month, so the next one will be on 9th March, from 7:00 until 9:00 pm.

WI open meeting:–

It is the first open meeting of the year for Stanhoe & Barwick WI, to which any lady is welcome to come – we shall also invite members of WIs in the surrounding villages. It will be on Thursday 5th March at 2:30 pm in the Reading Room and our speaker will be Yvonne, from “Flowers by Yvonne” of Dersingham, who will give a flower arranging demonstration. We do not make a charge for visitors, but would appreciate the sale of a raffle ticket or two, with a chance to win one of Yvonne’s arrangements!

Art classes in Stanhoe:–

The two hour classes run by Judith Key from Syderstone have proved popular again, and having had a break since last December, we are looking to recommence after Easter, if there is sufficient interest. Wednesday mornings from 10:00 until 12:00 in the Reading Room, working outside if weather permits but in the hall if not, we enjoy individual attention and guidance from a very experienced tutor. You will need to provide your own materials, but for beginners, just basic paper and pencil will suffice to start with. Most of us attempt watercolour; any medium except oil paints would be suitable. For more information or to make arrangements to join, please phone Pamela on 518033.

Brancaster Camera Club:–

Events for March are:–

10th March, 2015 Presentation by Di Burns FRPS.AV AFIAP & Mike Burns ARPS ‘Long Distance Local Walks’ – High quality images

24th March Digital Image Competition Subject ‘Open’ Judge R. Makemson. Please join us in Brancaster Staithe Village Hall on the nights mentioned. We start at 7:30 pm. Admission is £3 to include coffee, etc., although your first visit is free. For more information contact Jim Till on 01485 210013 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725. We’d be pleased to see you.

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month