Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

May 2014

Dates for your diary:-

28th April, 19th May & 4th July: Stanhoe village screen – see below

29th May: Annual Parish Meeting – see below

7th June: Stanhoe Open Gardens – see below

20th June: Wine Tasting Event – see below

Stanhoe & Barwick WI notices:-

Please contact Geraldine (518025) or Pamela (518033) for information and enquiries about the WI meetings.

The John Wrights Award:-

The John Wrights Awards trustees are once again seeking help in compiling the list of young people eligible for an award, in the form of book tokens.

Please give the names and ages of any young person of primary school age who has lived in the village for more than one year to Elspeth Adams on 01485 518327, so that the trustees can organise the presentation.

Stanhoe Village Screen:-

A reminder of the continuing spring season: Saving Mr. Banks (PG) Monday 28th April 7:30pm.

A fascinating and likeable drama which tells the story of how Walt Disney (played by Tom Hanks) persuaded a reluctant P. L Travers (played by Emma Thompson) to allow him to film her book about Mary Poppins. A funny, magical and moving story.

Future Dates for your diary:-

Monday 19th May: Mandela: Long walk to freedom

Friday 4th July: The Book Thief

Tickets £5 on the door to include a complimentary drink.

For further information visit the website: Stanhoe. org (or ring 01485 518191)

Annual Parish Meeting:-

A reminder that the annual parish meeting has been arranged for 7:30 pm on Thursday, 29th May 2014 in the Reading Room, Cross Lane, to which all residents are invited. Wine and nibbles will be provided. In addition to the usual summary of council activities during the past year, there will be a talk by the Community Relations Officer from RAF Marham on military flying over and around the Stanhoe area. Last year’s annual meeting was only attended by your parish councillors and the speakers – it is hoped that there will be more support this year.

Stanhoe Open Gardens Day 2014:-

When?: Saturday 7th June from 2:00pm – 5:30pm. Entry to all the gardens £5, children free.

What & where?: Nine gardens will be open again this year –

  • Barwick House. Bric-a-brac
  • Cloves Cottage.
  • The Flint House. Books
  • The Grange. Tombola
  • Longwall Barn.
  • Ivy Farm. Plants
  • Moray Cottage.
  • Stanhoe Hall. Cakes
  • The Old Rectory. Teas & Raffle

If you can help in any way or can donate any items for the stalls please contact either Pen Roche 518324 or Felicity Lyons 518363.

Do come and enjoy the gardens and bring your friends.

Wine tasting event:-

The Date: Friday 20thJune and The Time:7:00pm for 7:30 pm

The Place: Reading Room, Cross Lane Stanhoe

The Event: Not The Last Summer Wine Tasting – “Summer Fizz in Your Life!– The Value:6 wines to taste with something for every palate, and a simplebut delicious home prepared buffet

For more information or offers to help please contact Nic Hopkins/Kate Jewell 07785 387683, Lavender Cottage Cross Lane.

Brancaster Camera Club:-

Tuesday 13th May: –Would you like some help’? If you are struggling to get an image right & need help, or just want some advice please come along. (Club members are asked to bring their digital images for competition on 24th June –Natural History in its widest sense’.

Tuesday 20th May: –An evening with a photographer from RAF Marham. ’ This promises to be an excellent evening. The Photography Unit at Marham has won –Best Unit in RAF’ for its work. They will show a wide range of images from their usual work to themes set within their club unit.

We meet in Brancaster Staithe Village Hall at 7. 30 pm. Entrance is £3 to include refreshments.

Visitors are warmly welcomed. Contact Jim Till on 01485 210 013 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725

The Stanhoe Cricket Club:-

The Stanhoe Cricket Club is now in its second season. So far we have 3 fixtures including our Umbrella Oak cup match against Docking on 20th July & home & away games against Bircham.

So come & support Stanhoe, we need you!

Sunday 13th July at 1:00pm – v. Bircham at Stanhoe.

Sunday 20th July at 1:00pm – v. Docking at Stanhoe. (Umbrella Oak Cup!)

Sunday 31st August at 1:00pm – v. Bircham at Bircham.

Next practice evening – 6:30pm, Tuesday 22nd April.

If there are any cricket players out there who would like to join us – give Mark Roche a ring (01485 518324) or just come along. Beer & Crisps after cricket practice at the Reading Room.

Rural Sports development officer Alan Roberts will be coming along on April 22nd to tell us about “Village Games”.

Don’s new wicket is great & played well at our practice last Tuesday.


Parish Council Meeting – 13th March 2014:-

Safer Norfolk Area Panel (SNAP): At the council meeting this month, the chairman reported on his attendance at the bi-monthly SNAP meeting in Hunstanton earlier this month. The panel necessarily concentrates on the immediate area of Hunstanton, but its remit does extend as far as Burnham Market and Harpley and includes Stanhoe. Crime figures, including anti-social behaviour have shown an encouraging decline in the last two years.

Wind Farm Construction: The road from Barwick Hall Farm to Hyde Park will now be closed during the working week for the period of construction, but the closure will be suspended over weekends. The turbine size will be 2. 5 megawatts per turbine. Consequently the community fund has been fixed at £30, 000 per annum; this will be distributed on suitable community projects throughout the communities affected by the wind farm. RES, the wind farm developer, has announced a discount of £117 per annum for electricity supplied to users within 2. 4 km of the nearest turbine. All eligible consumers will be notified directly.

Village Playground: A new junior swing has been installed together with new seating for the toddlers’ swing and all outstanding repairs have been completed. Because of continued dangerous decay and the ongoing cost of repair, arrangements are in hand to remove the fence surrounding the toddlers’ area before Easter.

Village Emergency Plan: Work continues on the production of a village emergency plan to be used in the event of a local emergency resulting in the long term loss of utilities or the need to support the community with temporary accommodation following advice from the emergency services to evacuate properties.

Bircham Road Traffic: Highways is resisting requests to extend the 30 mph zone to the whole of Bircham Road initiated because of constantly speeding traffic as seen by the speed watch teams and three accidents at the pond junction in the last few months. The only alternative seems to be to move the 40 mph electronic sign from Church Farm to the 30 mph zone, but the parish council has been asked for a contribution towards the cost of about £2, 000, which is prohibitive. The discussion continues.

Planning Matters: It has been noted that solar panels have been installed in a field, directly visible from the Docking Road on the edge of the village towards Docking. Following a complaint from the parish council, this is being investigated by the Borough Planning Department.

Telephone Kiosk: The telephone in the box by the pond is now working, the box has been cleaned and BT has replaced the door that was damaged by gales some years ago.

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month