Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

January 2014

Dates for your diary:-

2nd Jan: WI monthly meeting – see below

15th Jan: WI breakfast – see below

21st Jan: Flower Show planning meeting – see below

Stanhoe & Barwick WI News

Thursday 2nd January: monthly meeting at the Reading Room, Cross Lane at 2:30 pm.

Visitors will always receive a warm welcome!

Wednesday 15th January: breakfast at the Duck Inn. Time to be confirmed at monthly meeting.

Tuesday 21st January: flower show planning meeting, 2:00pm at Rosemary’s house.

Please bring ideas and reliable recipes!

Sheep on Church Meadow:-

After losing two sheep to nasty attacks early in the year we have had a summer free of dog trouble, so thanks to everyone who has kept their dogs under control.

I am, sadly, retiring from keeping sheep and they have now left the meadow. It has been a very happy home for them. Our thanks to everyone who, over the years, has kept an eye open for them and notified us of any trouble.

Judy Robinson

Photo Competition:-

Please follow the link below to find out more information about an exciting photography competition. It’s all web-based, but non-internet-users could always get a friend to post their entries.

Stanhoe Village Library and Coffee Morning:-

The Library and Coffee Mornings will be re-opening after Christmas on Tuesday January 7th 2014

And finally: With thanks to the Project Britain website, some –January facts’:

  • The beginning of the new year and the time to make New Year’s resolutions (editor’s note: I hope you are managing to keep yours!!)

  • January was established as the first month of the year by the Roman Calendar. It was named after the god Janus (Latin word for door). Janus has two faces which allowed him to look both backwards into the old year and forwards into the new one at the same time. He was –the spirit of the opening. ’

  • In the very earliest Roman calendars there were no months of January or February at all. The ancient Roman calendar had only ten months and the new year started on 1st March. To the Romans, ten was a very important number. Even when January (or Januarius as the Romans called it) was added,

  • The New Year continued to start in March. It remained so in England and her colonies until 200 years ago.

  • The Anglo-Saxons called the first month –Wolf monath’ because wolves came into the villages in winter in search of food.

  • It was an old Saxon belief that 2nd January was one of the unluckiest days of the whole year. Those unfortunate enough to be born on this day could expect to die an unpleasant death (editor’s note: I hope this isn’t any of you).

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month