Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

February 2014

Dates for your diary:-

Tues 4th Feb: Hot soup – see below

Wed 5th Feb: Stanhoe Village Screen – see below

Thurs 6th Feb: WI monthly meeting at the Reading Room, Cross Lane at 2:30pm. Make-up, but with a difference how actors are made up to look like casualties.

11th & 25th Feb: Brancaster Camera Club – see below

Tues 25th Feb: at 1:30pm – WI guided visit to the Heritage Centre of RAF Bircham Newton (on the National Construction College site), followed by tea at the Costa Coffee on the site at 3:00pm

21st Jan: Flower Show planning meeting – see below

Future dates:-

7th Mar, 4th & 28th April: Stanhoe Village Screen – see below

The Royal British Legion Appeal:-

A sincere thank you is offered to everyone who donated or collected during The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal fortnight last November: the total raised in Stanhoe was £500. 80.

The money received to date throughout my area – which stretches from Thornham along the coast to Deepdale, and inland to Sedgeford, Docking, Stanhoe, Bircham and the Creakes – has exceeded the total raised in the 2012 Appeal, and currently stands at £7, 025. 43: an increase of 7. 5% on the previous year’s total. Gift Aid from donations will additionally be credited to this total in due course.

May I take this opportunity to encourage the use of the Gift Aid declarations by anyone liable to income or capital gains tax (provided that the tax payable is more than the gift aid amount). By doing this, the Appeal benefits by an additional 23p for every £1 gift aided.

I accept that this time there was a shortage of Legion gift aid envelopes, however, many of the declarations that were submitted had to be discarded as they were not fully completed. I accept that it is time consuming, but PLEASE write (legibly) your FULL name, AND address as required on the declarations, otherwise I have no alternative but to shred them, as HMRC will not accept them, and an additional donation intended in good faith is wasted. Mrs Pamela D Austin – Honorary Poppy Appeal Organiser

Carol Singing:-

A very happy group of people went to sing carols around the village before Christmas. £100. 12 was donated and sent to St. Martin’s Trust for the homeless in Norwich. Thank you.

Christmas Food Fair:-

This was a very successful village event, raising the wonderful total of £1, 875. 00. A very big thank you to those who worked so hard, those who contributed delicious things and those who supported on the day.

Winter Lunchtime Soup:-

Tuesday 4th February 2014, from 1:–15pm until 1:45pm

Come and join us for a Hot Soup lunch and good company in the Reading Room/Village Hall

Karen, Margaret, Andy and Chris

Food Waste Bags:-

Compostable food waste bags are available for purchase from the parish clerk. Please call 01485 518409 to arrange collection. Bags will also be available each Tuesday morning at the library/coffee morning sessions in the village hall between 10:00 and 12. 00. Bags cost £1. 15 for 50

Burnham Market Car Scheme 100 Club:-

The prizewinners for the January Draw of the Burnham Market Car Scheme 100 Club came from Wells, Wighton, and Titchwell. Hopefully we shall have another prizewinner from Stanhoe soon in this popular scheme.

Tuesday Coffee Mornings:-

The regulars at the Tuesday Coffee Mornings in the Village Hall would like to thank the ladies who have run them so regularly for almost a year now. They make a very pleasant occasion for people whose paths do not often cross to have a companionable morning over a cup of coffee and a scone and jam. It is much appreciated. Thank you.

Stanhoe Village Screen:-

We have 4 great films for the winter/spring season.

Wed 5th February 7:30pm: About Time (12A) (comedy). What if every moment in life came with a second chance? A new funny film about love with a bit of time travel from Richard Curtis, writer of Love Actually, Four Weddings and Notting Hill.

Future Dates for your diary: Friday 7th March – Philomena; Friday 4th April – Gravity & Monday 28th April – Saving Mr Banks

Tickets £5 on the door to include a complimentary drink. For further information visit the website: Stanhoe. org (or ring 01485 518191)

New Year, New Resolution! The Stanhoe & Barwick WI:-

We are a small, inclusive, thriving and friendly group. We meet once each month to conduct our business, but also to listen to one of a wide range of speakers on a topic of general interest. We also have social gatherings elsewhere, mostly revolving around social chat, food and drink! We would love to see new faces at any of our meetings, with no obligation – just come along and let us introduce you to who we are and what we do, and see if you like us.

There are many misconceptions about our organisation, and we like to think that we are rather different from the average, so please come along and see (and let us know!) what you think. This year, we will have been in existence in Stanhoe for 95 consecutive years, and we hope that, along with some with more new members, we will enjoy celebrating our centenary, in 2019.

Stanhoe & Barwick Women’s Institute meets on the first Thursday of every month, mostly in the Reading Room, Cross Lane. If you wish to speak to us before attending a meeting, please phone Pamela (518033) or Geraldine (518025) – otherwise, just turn up!

Parish Council Meeting – 8th January 2014

Parish Precept ~ At the meeting this month, the council reviewed the expenditure incurred for 2013/2014 and considered the budget for 2014/2015. Expenses to date and for the rest of the year are likely to be as expected with the exception of essential repairs to the play equipment on the playing field, necessitating the replacement of the junior swing together with some other repairs at a total cost of some £1, 700. The play equipment is now about ten years old and hitherto no provision has been specifically made in the budgets for major maintenance, which is likely to be a recurring requirement in future years. This year’s repair has meant that the council has had to dip into its limited cash reserves; in order to maintain these and to ensure that funds are available for future repairs to the play equipment the council has decided to increase its precept from £5, 500 to £6, 500, the first increase for four years (when it was increased from £5, 000 to £5, 500); the increase will amount to about 70 pence per month per property (Based on Band D Council Tax), making the parish precept around £50 per annum per property.

Wind Farm Construction ~ The wind farm developer has informed the council that the road from Barwick Hall Farm to Hyde Park is likely to be closed for eighteen months from early February. The council will be asking the Highways Department to reconsider this decision, questioning the need for the closure to be in place for as long as eighteen months and at weekends.

Telephone Box opposite the Pond ~ BT will be asked to ensure that the phone is in working order, the door (which blew off years ago) is replaced and the box is given a thorough cleaning.

Thefts from Oil Tanks ~ It was reported that oil has been stolen from some properties in the village; residents are reminded to be vigilant.

Annual Parish Meeting ~ The annual parish meeting has been arranged for Thursday, 29th May 2014, to which all residents are invited. Wine and nibbles will be provided. In addition to the usual summary of council activities during the past year, there will be a talk by the Community Relations Officer from RAF Marham on military flying over and around the Stanhoe area.

Succession Planning ~ After the meeting, there was some discussion over the need for residents to offer themselves for election as parish councillors from May 2015. Most, if not all, the current councillors will be standing down at the next parish election. Villagers are welcome to all council meetings. The next meeting is on Thursday, 13th March, commencing at 7. 00 pm.

Brancaster Camera Club:-

Tuesday, 11th February – My best digital image of 2013

Tuesday, 25th February – Print Competition

These are club competitions, but we would welcome any one who is interested in joining us or seeing what we do. We meet in Brancaster Staithe Village Hall at 7. 30 pm. Entrance is £3 to include refreshments. Contact: Jim Till on 01485 201013 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month