Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter
December 2014
Dates for your diary:-
12th December:– WI Christmas Lunch – see below
13th December:– Stanhoe Christmas Food Fayre – see below
20th December:– Carol Service – see below
Advance notice:–
8th January 2015:– Parish Council Meeting – see below
8th January 2015:– WI meeting – see below
13th & 27th January:– Brancaster Camera Club:– see below
WI notices:–
Reminder:– Tuesday 25th November 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (approx) at Brancaster – a workshop to make a hanging 3-D Christmas decoration. Prior booking essential.
Friday 12th December 12:00 for 12:30 pm – Christmas lunch at The Ship, Brancaster. Prior booking essential.
Thursday 8th January 2:30 pm – our 2015 programme of monthly meetings commences with the popular speaker Mary Mackie, who on this visit will tell us about her years at Felbrigg Hall. This will give us an insight into some to the tales told in her books “Cobwebs and Cream teas” and “Dry rot and daffodils”, about working in National Trust properties, and is sure to be an entertaining afternoon!
Visitors are always welcome, without obligation, so please do feel free to join us at one of our meetings next year. For more information, contact Geraldine (518025) or Pamela (518033).
Stanhoe Christmas Food Fayre:–
This year the Christmas Food Fayre will be on Saturday 13th December from 10:00am till 1:00pm in the Reading Room. The perfect opportunity to stock up on home-made Christmas goodies, including cakes, puddings, biscuits, sweets, jams, pickles, chutneys, pot-pourri and more!
Coffee, tea and gluhwein will be served, there will also be a raffle. Entrance is free, proceeds from sales will go to All Saints Church, Stanhoe, with a percentage to the MEHM Trust (Reading Room).
All contributions gratefully received! Please call Pen Roche on 01485 518324 or Jill Hargreaves 01485 518269 if you can help.
Carol Service:–
The Stanhoe Carol Service will be held at 6:00pm on Saturday 20th December.
Community Car Scheme:–
The organisers of the Community Car Scheme thank everyone who renewed their membership of the 100’s club this autumn providing vital funds to support this venture of providing transport by volunteer drivers to surgeries, dentists, and hospital appointments when no other is available.
The winners of the October Draw came from Burnham Market, Titchwell, and North Creake.
24 hour singing challenge:–
The “WI 24 hour Singing Challenge– was successfully completed last month, with a reasonable number of witnesses attending, and to date we have raised the magnificent sum of £589, with some more still to come, in support of the Big C cancer support charity.
Our sincere thanks to everyone who sponsored us and assisted us in any way. There is still time to make a donation if you wish! Please send cheques to Mrs M Lancefield, Candlemas House, Fakenham Road, Stanhoe PE31 8PX.
Parish Council Meeting – 13th November 2014:–
Safer Norfolk Action Panel (SNAP):– Nothing of significance to Stanhoe had been reported at the November SNAP meeting in Hunstanton. Crime figures for the area as a whole were down on the same period last year. There had been some oil thefts in the Fakenham area, but these ceased after two individuals were arrested.
Planning Matters:– The application to demolish and rebuild Station Farm Cottage has been refused by the borough council.
War Memorial Maintenance:– The council decided to introduce a schedule of regular maintenance for the war memorial. It recognised the valuable voluntary contribution made on an ad hoc basis by some residents, but thought that for the future it should be placed on a more formal basis for posterity, as is maintenance of the playing field and the children’s playground.
Planting at Village Boundary Signs:– A request has been received to place some small troughs containing wild/other flowers maintained by volunteer residents next to the village boundary signs. Licences for “street furniture” have to be obtained from Norfolk County Council, but in principle councillors agreed to support this.
Highways:– The council is concerned about parking on the Docking Road close to the junction with Bircham Road which impairs visibility for drivers emerging from Bircham Road and restricts the road width before the bend towards Docking. The clerk was requested to write to the householder concerned. The missing “Give Way” sign at the junction of the Burnham Market and North Creake roads will be replaced by the county council when supplies of the sign are received.
Other matters:– The council is continuing its enquiries into the request to trim a tree adjacent to the pond which was casting an evening shadow onto one property.
It is hoped that repairs to the wooden shed in the car park adjacent to the village hall will be completed within the next few weeks.
Next Meeting:– The need for residents to offer themselves for election as parish councillors next year continues. All are welcome to the next meeting on Thursday, 8th January, commencing at 7:00 pm. Further information can be obtained from Elizabeth Thuburn, the Parish Clerk on 01485 518409 or e-mail
Brancaster Camera Club:–
We are a small, friendly club and welcome photographers of all abilities. We meet in Brancaster Staithe Village Hall on alternate Tuesdays at 7:30 pm.
Entrance is £3 to include coffee. If you would like to come along we would be pleased to see you. Contact Jim Till on 01485 210013 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725
Meetings for January are on Tuesday, 13th January: Help & DVD and Tuesday, 27th January: a Print discussion. (These may be cancelled if the weather is bad).
And finally:–
A very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year to you all.
Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005
Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month