Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter
August 2013
Dates for your diary:-
3rd August: Stanhoe Flower Show – see below
1st & 9th August – WI events – see below
6th, 9th, 10th, 11th & 20th August: Brancaster Camera Club – see below
15th August: Practical Craft Session – see below
Advance notice:-
23rd August: WI Cake Stall – see below
Stanhoe & Barwick WI News
Thurs 1st August at 7:00pm – monthly meeting – A London fashion house, in the Reading Room, Cross Lane.
Fri 9th August at 3:00pm – proposed afternoon tea – venue to be arranged. Details at our monthly meeting.
All newcomers welcome.
Fri 23rd August – the WI Cake stall at the Green will be at 3:00pm. Cakes, savouries, produce and plants will be available. Do come along!
Contact details: Geraldine 518025 or Pamela 518033
Stanhoe Flower Show:-
Do come along to see the displays of garden produce, crafts, cookery, and flower arrangements on Saturday 3rd August, between 2:00pm & 4.30pm, in The Reading Room. Entrance is only 50p per person, children free.
There will be a raffle drawn, (donations of prizes on the day would be appreciated,) and an auction of produce, after the prize giving at the end of the afternoon.
We hope for a room full of people to enjoy this very sociable event. Everyone is welcome so do come along.
Stanhoe Library and Coffee mornings:-
The Stanhoe Library/Coffee Mornings will not take place from, and including, 30th July, until reopening on 3rd September.
Practical Craft Session:-
A practical craft session is to be held in the Reading Room on Thursday 15th August at 2:00pm to make cards and gift boxes. Materials will be supplied and refreshments will be available. This is open to anyone in the village, and will be an informal session in which WI members will share their skills. A small contribution would be appreciated.
Brancaster Camera Club:-
August is a busy month for us. On Tuesday, 6th August we are having an informal club evening when a Help Panel will try & sort out any photographic problems.
On Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9th, 10th & 11th August our Annual Print Exhibition will be held in Brancaster Staithe Village Hall from 10:00am-4:00pm daily.
The exhibition is to be judged by Daphne Hanson CPAGB APAGB.
Admission is free & we hope as many people as possible will come along & see our work & meet club members.
Tuesday, 20th August sees the return of Barbie Russell EFIAP MPAGB & Russell Lindsay AFIAP MPAGB with their Creative Photographs. This is always a very popular evening! Visitors are welcome.
All our meetings are held in Brancaster Staithe Village Hall at 7:30 pm.
Contact Jim Till on 01485 210013 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725
For sale:-
A mahogany dropleaf table and four chairs. Please phone 518323 for more information.
And finally:-
Now that the warm weather is finally upon us, here’s hoping that you all have a lovely Summer.
Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005
Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month