Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

May 2012


20th April: 2nd –Film night’ in Stanhoe Village Hall – Mao’s Last Dancer – 7:00pm for 7:30pm – tickets £5

26th April: The Stanhoe Parish Council meeting – in the Reading Room, Cross Lane at 7:30 pm

Dates for your diary:-

4th June: Diamond Jubilee Celebrations – see below

4th August: The Stanhoe Flower Show

WI meetings: first Thursday of every month – see below for more details

Stanhoe & Barwick WI News

We are always delighted to have visitors attend any of our monthly meetings. If you are interested in finding out more, please feel free to contact us, or just turn up to our next meeting, in the Reading Room, Cross Lane, Stanhoe. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month.

Meeting Schedule:-

N.B. During the summer months Monthly Meetings commence in the evening at 7:00pm

April 2012

Wed 18th: Afternoon tea at 3:00pm, Thornham Deli

Thurs 26th: Stanhoe & Barwick WI Committee Meeting 2.00pm

May 2012

Thurs 3rd: Monthly Meeting at 7:00pm –Resolutions Meeting’ at the Methodist Chapel, Stanhoe

Sat 5th: WI Cake Stall @ 3.00pm. Village Green

Thurs 10th: Stanhoe & Barwick 93rd Birthday Party. Lunch at The Duck Inn

Thurs 31st: Stanhoe & Barwick Committee Meeting @ 2.00pm.

Contacts for any of the above: Geraldine (518025) or Pamela (518033)

A –not-to-be-missed’ Village event

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 4th June 2012: From 2:00pm in and around the Village Hall

Please do not miss this memorable celebration & tell your friends about it!

Many activities including:Treasure Hunt with prizes; BBQ & other refreshments; live skiffle group; tree planting ceremony; souvenir mugs to purchase; bar

Tickets cost:£5 for adults; £3 for children under 16

Flyers & Advance ticket sales will be available for the next film night on the 20th April and at the library sessions every Tuesday from 10:00am to 12:00noon, arrangements are going well especially now that we have been given the support of Norfolk County Council. Volunteers to help prior to and on the day would be appreciated.

A timely and gentle reminder for all dog owners staying or living in Stanhoe:-

Chasing sheep is a great temptation for any dog and soon the sheep should be back behind the church with their lambs, so please ensure your dogs are kept under control and not allowed to roam the village.

Thanks again to those who enjoy looking at the sheep and take the time to ring me, Judy Robinson, on 01485 518088 (where a message can be left) if you see any trouble. Let’s hope you have no need to do so this summer.

John Wright’s Awards:-

Any young person of primary school age who has lived in Stanhoe or Barwick for more than a year is eligible for an award of book tokens or a “leavers grant,” in July.

Please give names to Elspeth Adams 01485 518327 as soon as possible so that the trustees can make the awards.

Stanhoe Village Screen:Wednesday 23rd May. –THE HELP’

Based on the hit –reading group’ novel by Kathryn Stockett, this film is set in Mississippi during the 1960’s.

“Skeeter is a southern society girl who turns her friends’ lives upside down when she decides to interview and write a book about the black women who have spent their lives taking care of prominent southern families”.

A definitely –mustsee-movie and one of the best of 2011!

Tickets cost £5 on the door, to include a complimentary drink. Doors open 7:00pm for 7:30pm start.

For further information visit

Reminder:April 20th ‘MAO’S LAST DANCER’ Coming soon:–THE ARTIST’ June 22nd

The MEHM Library:-

Come and enjoy our expanding collection of books, have a chat, or browse a magazine over a cup of coffee.

Our reading Room Library continues to grow with generous donations of lovely books. As well as fiction and non-fiction, we also now have an expanding magazine and journal section. Currently the Reading Room Library is ongoing and is open each Tuesday morning from 10:00am – 12:00pm, tea, coffee and refreshments are readily available.

To enable us to continue opening on a weekly basis, volunteers would be most welcome to help with setting up and refreshments on a Tuesday morning. Please contact Pen Roche on 01485 518324 for any further details.

Burnham Market Community Car Scheme Quarterly Draw:-

The winners of the April draw made at the recent quarterly meeting came from Wells, Thornham, and Lincoln.

It was reported that the Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk have not given any grant support to the car scheme for the coming year due to cuts in their budget.

This makes the income from the “100 Club”, which helps to support the finances for providing transport for visits to hospitals and surgeries, to be even more important.

Anyone can join the “100 club”, with a chance to win quarterly cash prizes. It costs £12 a year and details can be obtained from Daphne Potter on 01485 525511.

Wind Farm Planning Enquiry:-

Readers of Saints Alive will be aware that throughout February the developers of the proposed wind farms at Jack’s Lane and Chiplow were appealing against the decision of the Borough of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk to refuse the planning applications.

The two campaigns ATAC (for Chiplow) and CAPE (for Jack’s Lane) joined forces for the appeals and jointly appointed professional advisors and expert witnesses to present their arguments. This has cost the campaigns almost £100,000, most of which has been generously provided by the residents of the villages affected by the proposed developments. The organisers are regrettably still some £15,000 short of the required total. If you have not made any contribution to this fighting fund or would like to make a further donation, please send a cheque (payable to CAPE) to Mrs ST Powell, Creake House, North Creake, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 9LG.

Grow your own food in 2012:-

If you have never grown your own fruit and vegetables before, would you like to try doing so? Or, if you do already grow some of your own food, would you welcome some support in growing more?

I am currently volunteering as a mentor on a –Master Gardener’ programme, organised by Garden Organic, funded by the Lottery and supported by Norfolk County Council. One of the main aims of the programme is to offer support to individuals and families wishing to grow fruit and vegetables, helping them to get started and seeking solutions to any problems they may have. If you would like to know more about the scheme, please ring me on 01485 570377, if possible between 8.30–10.00am or 5.00–6.00pm. Sue Crump.

Brancaster Camera Club:-

We have arranged the following evenings in May:-

Wed 2nd: Annual Print & Digital Battle against North Norfolk Photographic Society –

Tues 15th: Not to be missed! – “Two Hands On” with Daphne Harrison CPAGB APAGB and Andy Hanson ARPS MPAGB

Tues 29th: “My New Zealand Story” with Adrian Stone

Visitors are always welcome at our club evenings & we look forward to seeing you then. For further details please contact Jim Till, chairman on 01485 2100123 or Wendy Calow on 01553 674725

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month