Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

February 2012


I would like to apologise to the person who put an article for Saints Alive through my door shortly before Christmas. This was too late for the January issue and unfortunately has been mislaid between then and now. Please could you re-send this item so that it can be included in a later edition of Saints Alive.

Dates for your diary:-

Wl meetings: first Thursday of every month + see below for extra activities

14th February: Revised date – Reading Room Library opening – see below

10th March: Wine tasting in the Reading Rooms – see below

WI news and activities:-

Why not try something new in 2012? We are always happy to welcome visitors at our monthly meetings, to see what we do there, and what else we do! Even if you have never tried the WI, come along, without obligation – there will be someone there to welcome you and make you feel at home, and you won’t be pushed into joining. Aim to arrive at about 2:15 pm, at the Reading Room (village hall), Cross Lane: we finish by 5:00 pm and the afternoon includes refreshments.

Meeting Schedule:-

2nd February 2012:- Thursday Monthly Meeting @ 2.30pm
Speaker: Cameron Reid Osteopath. –Taking care of your back’
Competition:- Make a get well card
B&B Theme:- Bangles and Beads

7th February 2012:- Tuesday – instead of our monthly afternoon tea, a “builder’s breakfast–! 10 am at The King’s Head, Bircham

Contact numbers for any information: Geraldine (secretary) 518025 or Pamela (president) 518033

Jubilee Celebrations Children of Stanhoe:-

As part of the above celebrations, the organising of which is in progress, it has been agreed to give all children up to the age of 16, on 4th June 2012, a free Jubilee Mug. To qualify you must also be resident in Stanhoe. So please don’t miss this opportunity.

To qualify you should inform John Seedhouse in writing no later than 29th February 2012. You need to write, stating your name, age and address. The Mugs will be distributed on our Celebration Day on 4th June 2012. Because Mugs have to be ordered well in advance, children who have not let John know will not be eligible, so come on do it now!

Wine tasting in the Reading Rooms:-

A proposed wine tasting evening is being planned for the 10th March in the Village Hall. It is proposed that this will be a –guided tasting’ event of about 7 wines (15 minutes per wine) Food will also be served with the wine – more information to follow nearer the date.

MEHM Library:-

The opening date for the Library is now 14th February, a week later than previously planned.

Please come and support us – books to suit all tastes: novels, gardening, cooking, hobbies, travel and children’s books. Coffee and biscuits will be available.

Bookcases/shelves are still needed as we have more books than can be displayed – any offered will be gratefully received (MEHM can collect). Any volunteers to help occasionally with the library will be most welcome. Please contact Pen Roche on 01485 518324.

Brancaster Camera Club:-

Tuesday 7th February

‘Cuba’ – Dr. Kevin Elsby ARPS
This promises to be a most interesting evening & visitors are very welcome. Entrance £3

Tuesday 21st February

Club Evening
Digital Competition

Our meetings are held in Brancaster Staithe Village Hall at 7:30 pm. If you are interested in joining our club or simply wish to come along and see what we do please contact Jim Till, Chairman, on 01485 210013

And finally:-

– February was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15th (full moon) in the old lunar Roman calendar

– January and February were the last two months to be added to the Roman calendar, since the Romans originally considered winter a monthless period

– Historical names for February include the Old English terms Solmonath meaning –mud month’ and Kale-monath, named for cabbage

– My thanks, as usual, to the Wikipedia website for supplying the monthly interesting facts

Don’t forget St Valentine’s Day on the 14th!

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month