Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

April 2012

Another bumper issue!


22nd March: 1st –Film night’ in Stanhoe Village Hall – My Week with Marilyn 7:00 for 7:30. Tickets £5 on the door

24th March: Deadline for completing the Norfolk County Council’s ‘recycling’ survey – see below

Dates for your diary

WI meetings: first Thursday of every month – see below for more details

20th April: 2nd –Film night’ in Stanhoe Village Hall – see below

17th May: Macmillan cancer charity event – see below

4th June: Diamond Jubilee Celebrations – see below

4th August: The Stanhoe Flower Show – see below

Stanhoe & Barwick WI News:-

We are always delighted to have visitors attend any of our monthly meetings. If you are interested in finding out more, please feel free to contact us, or just turn up to our next meeting, in the Reading Room, Cross Lane, Stanhoe. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month.

Meeting Schedule:

April 2012 N.B. evening meetings commence at 7:00pm

April 5th: Thursday Monthly Meeting at 7:00pm

Speaker: Anita Pye – “Simple but tasty” a cookery demonstration

Competition: A simple recipe

B&B Theme: Chocolate

April 18th: Wednesday, afternoon tea 3.00pm at the Thornham Deli

29th April: Thursday at 2:00pm, Stanhoe & Barwick Committee Meeting

Future Events for May:-

3rd May: Thursday – Monthly Meeting’ at 7:00pm –Resolutions Meeting’ at the Methodist Chapel, Stanhoe

5th May: Saturday, WI Cake stall at 3:00pm

10th May: Thursday, Stanhoe & Barwick 93rd Birthday Party

Contacts for any of the above: Geraldine (518025) or Pamela (518033)


Norfolk County Council is currently running a survey on how householders use recycling centres. To take part, please go to: or telephone 0344 800 8020.

It will take only a few minutes to complete and the deadline for taking part is 24th March 2012. Parish Clerk.

Stanhoe Village Screen: Friday 20th April: ‘MAO’S LAST DANCER’.

This is the Australian film director Bruce Beresford’s film about a brilliant Chinese dancer who defects to the USA at the height of the cold war. It is a terrific dance film with a great story. Audiences everywhere have literally cheered this fantastic film.

Tickets £5 on the door to include a complimentary drink. Doors open 7pm for 7.30 start.

For further information visit

Coming soon:‘WARHORSE’

Stanhoe Parish Council Annual Meeting:-

The Stanhoe Parish Council meeting is being held on Thursday, 26th April in the Reading Room, Cross Lane commencing at 7:30 pm.

This is your opportunity to find out more about your council, meet the councillors, hear about what we hope to be able to do for the residents of Stanhoe in the forthcoming year, and tell us what you would like us to consider and request on your behalf, in order to improve conditions and life in the village. All are welcome; wine and cheese will be provided.

Macmillan cancer charity event:-

Peter and Jane Coates are organising a Macmillan cancer charity event –A Summer Evening of Interior Design’ at Barwick House, Stanhoe on Thursday 17th May at 6:30pm, by kind permission of Mr and Mrs William Husselby. There will be presentations on the History of GP + J Baker, Little Green Paint Company, The Bradley Pole Collection.

The evening will include a reception, drinks, canapés and a raffle.

Tickets are £25 each from Mrs P Worby, White Gables, 218 Norwich Rd, Dereham, Norfolk, NR20 3AY.

Proceeds from the event go to Macmillan who have built and helped to staff the cancer unit at King’s Lynn Hospital.

Editor’s note:If you require an application form for this then either contact Peter Coates or  and I can forward you a form – N.B. I can only supply this form electronically.

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 4th June 2012

From 2:00pm in and around the Village Hall

Many activities including:-

Treasure Hunt with prizes; BBQ & other refreshments; live skiffle group; tree planting ceremony; souvenir mugs to purchase; auction; bar

Tickets cost: £5 for adults; £3 for children under 16

Please do not miss this memorable celebration & tell your friends about it!

The Annual Stanhoe Flower Show:-

The 2012 Flower Show will be held in the Reading Room on Saturday 4th August. A new schedule has been prepared and has been delivered to village homes.

This year we need as many people as possible to take part, particularly in the cookery and craft sections, to make a good show, especially as some of our keenest exhibitors are moving away from the village.

So, do give a thought to sharing your skills with the rest of us, and help make a bumper crop of entries an d a really good show.

Are you feeling isolated?:-

In the past month several people have said how isolated they feel with the lack of public transport in the village. No-one needs to be isolated. The Docking Community minibus runs to King’s Lynn on Tuesdays and Saturdays; to Fakenham on Thursdays and to Hunstanton on Wednesdays.

To book a seat ring 01553 770310 (at least 24 hours in advance) There will be a small charge for every journey, payable on the bus. All Stanhoe residents are eligible to travel on this service.

Speed Watch:-

You may have noticed that during early March the speed watch team has deployed some different equipment, known as SAM (Speed Awareness Monitor) on loan from the Norfolk County Council.

The intention is to make motorists who travel through Stanhoe aware of their speed with the objective of reducing the incidence of speeding – a major cause of complaint from residents. It has been out most days and has certainly reduced speeds when deployed, but in general over ninety per cent of motorists driving through the village were speeding until they noticed the speed read-out on the monitor. The highest speed recorded was in excess of 45 miles per hour within the 30 mph limit.

The speed watch team is anxious to recruit more volunteers; if you can spare no more that an hour per week and would like to help, please contact Terry Austin, telephone number 014845 518033.

Wine tasting event a success:-

The Stanhoe Spring Spritz Wine Tasting proved to be a highly enjoyable evening for the 25 participants plus their wine guide, Brian Sullivan.

“Heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported the event, and who helped and encouraged us. We are thrilled it was a relaxed fun evening and that the wine and the food got a splendid reception by those who came”, is the message from organisers Kate Jewell and Nic Hopkins.

As an inaugural Stanhoe Reading Room Friends’ event, it looks as though the programme is well and truly launched and with the Cinema Show coming up on 22nd March, a vibrant selection of events is now a good possibility in our village life.

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month