Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

October 2011

Dates for your diary:-

8th October: Table Top & Car Boot Sale – see below

23rd October: Stanhoe Archive presentation – see below

26th October: The Queen’s Jubilee meeting – see below

Various dates: Parish Council Meetings – see below

WI news:-

We are always delighted to have visitors attend any of our monthly meetings and if you are interested in finding out more about what we do – which is not “jam & Jerusalem–(!) – please, feel free to contact us or just turn up to our next meeting in the Reading Room, Stanhoe (the first Thursday of the month)


Saturday 8th October 2011:-.00am – 2.00pm. Table Top/Car Boot Sale – on Stanhoe Sports field. ï¿¡5.00 a table or car boot. Village hall – teas. Some tables available inside the Reading Room. A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the Leeway Trust – more details below

Monday 10th October 2011:-.30pm Nelson Group Meeting, Stanhoe. We are hosting in the village hall.

Monday 17th October 2011:-12.00pm for 12.30pm; Autumn Lunch at the Unique Cafe, Castle Rising. Cost ï¿¡7.25. Names and menu confirmed at monthly meeting. Transport to be arranged.

Wednesday 19th October 2011: 2.00pm Craft Meeting – Village hall

Meeting schedule:-

October 6th – 2.30 pm: Women’s Work at Witton in WW1 (open meeting)

November 3rd – 2.30 pm: AGM Name That Tune

Advance notice:

Tour of Shoe factory, Norwich: 29November 1pm

Christmas market: Dragon Hall, Norwich, 3December. Details of transport to be given at meeting

Afternoon Tea at The Hoste: Burnham Market. 24th November 2.00pm

Christmas Lunch at The Duck, Stanhoe: 14th December 2011

Local Charity Fundraising:

The charity we are supporting this year is THE LEEWAY TRUST– a local domestic abuse charity. As we have not arranged a specific event for charitable fundraising this year we will be collecting throughout the year. There will be a donation box at all meetings/events where you can make contributions as appropriate.

Contacts for any of the above: Geraldine (518025) or Pamela (518033)

Typing error:-

Apologies for mis-typing Yvonne’s phone number last month. If you would like to attend the Friends of MEHM trust’s evening –get together’ on September 24th at 6pm for information, drinks and nibbles then please can you let Yvonne know so that she has an idea of numbers?

Contact details for Yvonne Rawlins are 01485 518148

Table Top & Car Boot Sale:-

The WI is organising this event in the Reading Room and on the playing field on Saturday 8th October between 11am and 2pm. The charge for a table or a car will be ï¿¡5, buyers enter free of charge, and refreshments will be available. If you haven’t enough to sell to fill a table top, why not get together with a friend? Book tables/cars in advance with a cheque payable to Stanhoe & Barwick WI, to C. Drysdale, Barnside, Grange Farm, Station Road, Stanhoe PE31 8QN. Proceeds to be shared equally between the WI and the Leeway Trust.

Stanhoe Archive Presentation:-

Another presentation on the history of part of Stanhoe, this time the area from the Cross to the Hall including All Saints and the school, to be given by Gillian Beckett, and supported as usual with “sound and images”. This will be in the Reading Room on Sunday 23rdOctober, at 2.30 pm.

Entrance ï¿¡2 to include refreshments.

2012 – The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee:-

An open meeting will be held in the Reading Room at 7pm on Wednesday 26thOctober to discuss a village event to mark the Jubilee. The Women’s Institute, the Parochial Church Council, and the MEHM Trust are all keen to help to form a village wide working party to organise an event, and we hope that as many representatives of these and other organisations as possible, along with anyone who is not affiliated to them, will come along to the meeting so that we can start to make arrangements and to form a working group.

Parish Council Meetings:-

Meetings of the Parish Council are scheduled on the following dates. All meetings are on Thursdaysand will be held in the village hall, commencing at 7.00pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Meeting dates:-

  • 10th November 2011
  • 12th January 2012
  • 8th March 2012
  • 10th May 2012
  • 12th July 201
  • 13th September 2012
  • 8th November 2012

Proposed Wind Turbines at Jack’s Lane Barwick:-

The organizers of the campaign against the proposed wind turbines at Barwick would like to inform residents that the planning application has produced many significant objections for a variety of reasons, including both environmental and technical. The application was recently refused unanimously by the Development Committee of the Borough Council. (for more information visit:

The developer has decided to appeal and a Public Inquiry will probably take place in early 2012. Further comments will be permitted until the 28th October 2011. Comments for the Inquiry should be submitted to Paul Bennett, Planning Inspector, Kite Wing, Temple Quay House The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN, quoting Ref. APPN 2635A/11/2158966?NWF. Further details are available from Reg Thompson 01485, 578508.

And finally just a couple of ‘October’ facts:-

– In common years January starts on the same day of the week as October, but no other month starts on the same day of the week as October in leap years. October ends on the same day of the week as February every year and January in common years only. In leap years, October starts on the same day as August of the previous year

– The month October has become famous as “Red October”, due to the Russian October revolution of 1917, although in the modern Gregorian calendar, the revolution started in November!!!

– October’s birthstone is the opal. It is said that the opal will crack if it is worn by someone who was not born in October and its birth flower is the calendula

My thanks, as always, to the Wikipedia website for supplying the monthly interesting facts.

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month