Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

November 2011

Dates for your diary:-

October 26th: Jubilee discussion meeting, 7pm in the Reading Room

January 28th: Hello Dolly – see below

Various dates: Parish Council Meetings – see below

WI news:-

We are always delighted to have visitors attend any of our monthly meetings and if you are interested in finding out more about what we do – which is not “jam & Jerusalem–(!) – please, feel free to contact us or just turn up to our next meeting in the Reading Room, Stanhoe (the first Thursday of the month)

Meeting schedule:-

November 3rd – 2.30 pm: AGM Name That Tune

Advance notice of Activities and Outings:-

Afternoon Tea at The Hoste: Burnham Market. 24th November 3.00pm

Tour of the Van Dal Shoe factory, Norwich: 29th November 1pm

A handbell concert by the Windmill Ringers: December 1st at 2.30pm

Christmas market: Dragon Hall, Norwich, 3rd December. Details of transport to be given at meeting

Christmas Lunch at The Duck, Stanhoe: 14th December 2011

Local Charity Fundraising:

The charity we are supporting this year is THE LEEWAY TRUST– a local domestic abuse charity. As we have not arranged a specific event for charitable fundraising this year we will be collecting throughout the year. There will be a donation box at all meetings/events where you can make contributions as appropriate.

Contacts for any of the above: Geraldine (518025) or Pamela (518033)

Parish Council Meetings:-

Meetings of the Parish Council are scheduled on the following dates. All meetings are on Thursdays and will be held in the village hall, commencing at 7.00pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Meeting dates:-

  • 10th November 2011
  • 12th January 2012
  • 8th March 2012
  • 10th May 2012
  • 12th July 2012
  • 13th September 2012
  • 8th November 2012

Burnham Market Car Scheme 100’s club:-

In the October Draw the first prize of £75 came to Stanhoe to Mrs Valerie Shackcloth.

The second and third prizes went to Titchwell and Burnham Market.

The organisers thank everyone who renewed their membership in support of this worthwhile cause.

Support required for lady with dementia:-

If you could manage 2 mornings per week to help then a lady with dementia requires some support. You must be fit, fun, flexible and unflappable and will need your own transport.

If you could help then please

“Hello Dolly” at the Theatre Royal on 28th January 2012:-

As usual a theatre trip is to be arranged by Stanhoe & Barwick WI for all village residents and friends. If a sufficient number of people are interested, we will book a coach as in previous years. In order that we know how many seats to book, and the viability of arranging a coach, please let us know if you would like to come. The number interested is required, WITH PAYMENT (cheques payable to Stanhoe & Barwick WI), by 12th NOVEMBER, please. Please phone 518033 or 518025 in the first instance.

Independent Custody Visiting Scheme in Norfolk:-

Norfolk Police Authority is responsible for the recruitment, selection and management of a group of volunteers who attend unannounced and in pairs at the various police custody suites throughout the County to ensure that detainees have had their basic rights upheld, are being treated properly and fairly and that the conditions within which they are held are satisfactory. This in turn is designed to secure a greater public understanding and confidence in the system.

Please see the village notice boards for a volunteer’s account of a visit to a police custody suite.

Consumer Champions Needed:-

Norfolk County Council’s Trading Standards Service is looking for volunteer Consumer Champions to help people in communities get information they need about their consumer rights.

Consumer Champions will be able to direct people to the right organisation where they can get help when they need it. They will also be able to pass on information or news about scams or rogue traders and alert Trading Standards to problems in the area as soon as they occur.

If you are interested in becoming a Consumer Champion, please or Tel: 01485 518409.

Winter Meal Deal:-

For those who are not aware of this; the Duck Inn is currently offering a “winter meal deal” of a main course including a glass of wine or pint of beer for £9.99. This offer applies from Mondays to Thursdays inclusive from the beginning of this month until Easter 2012.

And finally:-

Just a few ‘November’ facts (you may remember some of these from last year!!):-

  • November is one of four months with the length of 30 days
  • November retained its name (from the Latin novem meaning “nine”) when January and February were added to the Roman calendar
  • November starts ends on the same day of the week as August every year
  • November’s birthstones are the topaz (particularly, yellow) and the citrine
  • Its birth flower is the chrysanthemum

My thanks, as always, to the Wikipedia website for supplying the monthly interesting facts.

Don’t forget keep safe on November 5th.

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month