Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter
July 2010
Dates for your diary:-
June 23rd
WI June Summer walk at Sedgeford – see below
July 1st
WI garden meeting at 2:30pm at the home of Yvonne Rawlins
July 21st
WI July summer walk – more details next month
Sept 7th
Lunchtime – A quiz at the Lord Nelson pub in Burnham Thorpe, proceeds to Stanhoe & Barwick WI – see below
Margaret Smith:-
As some of you may know, Margaret passed away in April and the funeral was on May 14th. Brian wishes to thank everyone who sent cards and letters of sympathy and those who managed to attend the funeral.
Our thanks:-
Our thanks go to Yvonne Rawlins for her many years spent typing the Saints’ Alive newsletter.
Stanhoe Open Day Report 2010:-
The first Stanhoe Open Day was a resounding success. More visitors than ever before enjoyed the gardens at their Spring best. The various attractions in the gardens were much appreciated and the exhibitions in the church were extremely interesting and enjoyed by all who went to see them. The raffle was a great success with more tickets sold than ever before.
The weather was perfect for the Hog Roast which was much enjoyed by well over 200 party-goers. The playing field, looking very attractive with well-mown grass, a marquee and straw bales, was an excellent venue. It was a lovely occasion with the Hunstanton Concert Band playing in the background.
The Hog Roast was delicious and the bar constantly busy. The auction proved a great attraction with Tim Bentinck, who plays David Archer in the “Archers”, an excellent auctioneer. There was even a telephone bidder for one item! The eight lots, which had been generously donated, raised £1055.
The Open Gardens raised £2290 and the evening event £1204 – making the total profit for the first ever Stanhoe Open Day £3494; a wonderful contribution to All Saints’ Church, Stanhoe.
Sincere thanks from Stanhoe PCC are due to everyone involved in the day – to the owners of the gardens and the organisers of the stalls and raffle, to the WI and Stanhoe Archive for the Church exhibitions, to the Hunstanton Concert Band and Elgoods Brewery for their support, to all the donors of the auction lots and to Tim Bentinck for his skills as an auctioneer. Finally very many thanks to the army of helpers – too many to mention but whose hard work ensured the great success of the Open Day.
Allotments in Stanhoe:-
The Parish Council has had a favourable response from the landowners of the rough ground adjacent to the village hall along Cross Lane for its use as allotments. It is still early days and full permission is still awaited, but if the Parish Council is to make further progress it requires Stanhoe residents who are interested in renting an allotment to express their interest in writing to the Parish Clerk, , at Pightle Cottage, Docking Road, Stanhoe, Norfolk, PE31 8QQ as soon as possible.
It is likely that each allotment would be approximately 125 square metres in size and its rent would be of the order of £15 per annum. The Parish Council would only be responsible for the provision of the site. It is likely that the allotment site would be managed by a committee of allotment holders themselves on land leased from the Parish Council on, say, a five yearly basis. Should the Parish Council proceed with this initiative allotment holders should appreciate that if the landowners obtain planning permission to develop this land for housing they will reserve the right to serve notice and obtain vacant possession.
If sufficient interest is shown, a meeting of interested parties would be set up to discuss the subject in more detail.
Closure of the Docking tip:-
It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that the Docking tip has had a slight reprieve and it will now not be closed until the end of August.
WI June summer walk at Sedgeford:-
All are welcome including male and female non members.
Meet at Stanhoe Reading Room at 1.30 pm on Wednesday 23rd June. Bring your car if you are willing to drive, and we will organise lifts so that we take as few cars as possible. We aim to start the walk at 2 pm. Distance: 3.5miles. Afternoon tea follows for those who wish to partake of it.
WI members note: this will form part of the triathlon! Enquiries to Pamela (518033) or Geraldine (518025)
The Lord Nelson is well known for its quizzes, and all village residents and friends, relatives, and other visitors are welcome to come along and make up a good party. The local pub customers may also join in.
A charge of just £1 per head will be made for participation, and of course food and drink are available to purchase if required. More details closer to the time.
Sing for Joy:-
Have you ever wanted to sing just for the fun of it? Are you frightened at the thought? If either answer is yes, phone Teresa on 01263 570117. A group of Stanhoe residents already goes to sing at Binham on Mondays at 7.30. Why not join us?
The Duck Inn Stanhoe:-
It looks as if the refurbished village pub will be re-opening for business in July which is good news for locals. Elgoods has applied for a new license, the terms of which are causing concern as they include provision for live and recorded music, both inside and outside the premises from 10.00 am until 02.00 am the following morning seven days a week. If this is likely to affect you, it is suggested that you write to Mr John Gilbraith, Licensing Manager, Environmental Health and Housing, Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, King’s Court, Chapel Street, King’s Lynn, PE30 1EX or E-mail by 25th June.
In order for your representation to be considered you must live in the vicinity of the premises and your objections must be based on at least one of the four licensing objectives, i.e. (a) The prevention of crime and disorder, (b) Public safety, (c) The prevention of public nuisance and (d) The protection of children from harm. Additionally, you must consider that your residence is likely to be directly affected by disorder or disturbance occurring or potentially occurring on the premises or immediately outside the premises. Time is short, but it is hoped to circulate a petition by the due date.
Apologies for this being a bit long, but some objections have already been rejected as they did not comply with the conditions mentioned above and, in case you are wondering, the parish council is not allowed to object on behalf of the village – we have already tried that route.
Register of Electors:-
A reminder that the annual canvass for the Register of Electors begins at the end of August, when a form and reply paid return envelope will be delivered to every property in West Norfolk. Completion and return of the form is both important and obligatory. A reply is still needed if the address on the form is a second home or holiday let. In the event of any queries once the form arrives, householders can telephone 01553 616773 and any of the electoral staff will be glad to help.
Looking for part time work?:-
Canvassers needed for when the new Register of Electors is prepared. The work involves the delivery of forms to all addresses within a defined area and any follow-up action that proves necessary from the end of August until late October. Canvassers are paid a set fee plus mileage. Payment is made at the end of November. If you are interested then please contact:-
Mary Colangelo
Electoral Officer
Tel: 01553 616281
And finally:-
Did you know that July starts on the same day of the week as April every year, and January in leap years?
Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005
Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month