Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter
September 2008
Dates for your diary or calendar
Thursday September 4th – W.I. in the village hall 7pm. Jonathon Revett – Woodland Fungi.
New members always welcome.
Saturday September 6th – Village quiz. Further information below.
Thursday September 11th Parish Council Meeting in village hall 7pm.
All villagers welcome to attend.
2008 Flower Show
Our 23rd flower show once more made a really good afternoon out for villagers and visitors alike. 22 ladies and 10 men entered exhibits to make a colourful display of high quality items. The judges were very complimentary and provided very useful comments for everyone to read and consider.
The outright winner of the Mens Cup was Bill Punter with a very wonderful array of fruit, vegetables and flowers. The Fruit & Vegetable Cup evoked close competition and was won by Don Bridge. The cut flowers and pot plants was won by Olga Ransom. The Ladies Rose Bowl, in a close competition, was won by Frances Ulyatt. The Cookery (Produce) Cup was won by Carol Mountney, (having entered 11 of the cookery classes. The Craft Cup, in close competition, was won by Nadine Casey. The Flower Arranging Cup was won by Joan Foskett.
Congratulations go to everyone who entered and made a really good show, and to all the helpers who made it happen. Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets, (who gave the many raffle prizes), and who so generously supported the auction at the end of the day. All this enabled us to cover our costs for the event.
Paul Bibby’s 50th Anniversary
Paul and Janette would like to thank everyone who joined them to celebrate Paul’s 50 years in the ministry. It was a joyful and memorable occasion, helped enormously by the contributions of food, some very gutsy singing, and your generous support and friendship. Thank you.
Women’s Institute
Proposed cycling group – would all those interested please note that the two rides in September will take place on 3rd and 17th due to a diary conflict. This will leave a week clear between the second cycle ride and the start of crafts afternoons, unless of course we decide to cycle again. If cycling is successful and continues during the autumn we will have to choose another afternoon, and suggestions would be welcome.
Stanhoe Archive
Internet users may like to have a look at our embryonic website, which can be found at Email users may like to know that you can purchase a “” email address for only £5 donation to the Stanhoe Archive. Let’s get Stanhoe seen! Please apply to Charles Butcher on 518025 or
The Big Tidy Up
The Parish Council was considering arranging another litter pick in the autumn, to tidy the village verges after the vegetation dies back. However, the Women’s Institute has come to the rescue! There is a national initiative in conjunction with Keep Britain Tidy, and Stanhoe & Barwick WI has agreed to participate by conducting a village litter pick on Saturday 18th October – but you don’t have to belong to the WI to join in! Bags, luminous waistcoats etc have been provided, so as usual, please support this and assemble at the pond at 10am on the day. The more volunteers, the less there is to do: it only takes a couple of hours at the most.
The children’s play area
You may have noticed that the fence has been broken and several pieces are missing. The work to repair it will be carried out shortly, but meanwhile please take extra care if your children are going in to use the play equipment.
The playing field
Some ideas have been suggested for additional recreational uses to which the playing field might be put. These include –pitch & putt’, and an area for the French version of bowls, ‘petanque’. A jogging track has previously been suggested; a counter proposal is for a –power-walking group’ to be formed. If you have any comments on these, or other ideas, please inform Pamela Austin on 518033.
Adult Education
Free classes “Art for beginners” will commence in the village hall on Tuesday evening, 16th September, and will run for four free sessions. Thereafter, assuming that participants wish to continue, the course will continue on a fee paying basis, and this will be discussed as we go along. Please remember that these classes are available to EVERYONE in Stanhoe, and we don’t get much for nothing from the County Council, please do come along! It would be helpful to know in advance who is interested and if we find that everyone who registers interest is beyond beginner status, the tutor can doubtless be persuaded to adjust the syllabus accordingly.
Vehicle speeds through Stanhoe
This has been under discussion for some time now. You may have noticed that a vehicle activated flashing speed limit sign has now been installed adjacent to Church Farm, provided free of charge by Norfolk County Council. It is hoped that this will help to ‘educate’ motorists driving through the village, for the safety of us all.
Community Speedwatch
Coincidentally, volunteers for the Speedwatch scheme received their training from the police the day before the flashing sign was installed. Five sites around the village have been identified from which they will operate, and initially this is planned to take place for 2 hours each week. Again, the idea is to educate drivers, and motivate them to think about their speed and the safety of residents whilst driving through the village.
Village Quiz
The annual quiz will take place in the village hall on Saturday 6th September at 8pm. We hope that everyone will come along and join in the fun. The cost is £3 per table. PUT THIS DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR!
The Norfolk Churches Trust Annual Sponsored Cycle Ride
Saturday 13th September 9–5pm
This annual event is here again. 2008 is the 25th anniversary year for the cycle ride.
Norfolk Churches Trust was founded in 1976 and makes grants to historic churches and chapels of all denominations towards repair and restoration costs. Stanhoe Church has benifitted in the past. Why not enjoy cycling around to visit local churches and generate useful funds at the same time. Last year Stanhoe raised a total of £500. If you do not wish to cycle will you please sponsor a cyclist? Full information and sponsor forms available from Nigel Wickens T.N.01485 518655. Do please support us. Thank you.
John Wrights Charity
The Trustees made the 2008 awards of book tokens to primary school age pupils at the recent Award Ceremony. They would like to remind young people moving on to higher education that small grants are available to help with the purchase of books and equipment. Please contact the Chairman, Mrs Valerie Shackcloth with details, and receipts, if you would find a small grant useful.
Burnham Market Car Scheme 100 Club
The last draw of the year was made by one of the medical secretaries. The winners come from Titchwell, North Creake and Holme. The organisers thank everyone who subscribed this year, and hope you will all renew your subscriptions in the coming weeks to enable the Community Car Scheme to continue to function.
Mobile Police Station
Will be on The Green, Burnham Market Wed 3rd September 10–12pm.