Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

November 2024

Parish Council meeting:–

You will be aware of the increased traffic through the village earlier in October which was the combined result of the road closure on Fakenham Road near the recycling centre and the ongoing maize harvest around the Docking area. Unfortunately neither the Highways Department or Future Biogas Ltd had seen fit to consult the Parish Council in advance, resulting in the problems that ensued.

The following update has now been received from Future Biogas:

“We are fully aware of the inconvenience that the maize harvest may sometimes cause, and we always want to do everything within our power to mitigate any inconvenience.”

“Please remember that we run an ID system for each driver and the ID number is located on the rear of the trailer and consists of two letters and two numbers. In the unlikely event of an issue please contact the company via the number below (07392 873814) with the ID number.”

“They are heading towards the end of the harvest and have two to three days left in the Docking area which will hopefully be completed within the next two weeks, weather permitting.”

Apart from the concerns of the maize harvest coinciding with the road closure and the general increase in the volumes of traffic, there were issues concerning inappropriate use of Church Lane and Cross Lane as short cuts by large vehicles including buses. We will be taking up these issues with the Highways Department to ensure that problems of this nature do not occur in the future.

Please do report any concerns to the Parish Clerk at .

Stanhoe and Barwick WI news:–

  • Thursday 7th November:– The Work of Wells Community Supermarket, providing access to healthy, low-cost food.
  • Thursday 5th December:– Gary Bocking, demonstrating Christmas floral decorations. Sorry, this is for members only, but why not consider joining?

Time:– 2:00pm.

Venue:– Stanhoe Reading Room, Cross Lane PE31 8PS.

Visitors £5, to include refreshments.

Please contact Valerie (01485 576261) for further details.

MEHM Trust Stanhoe Village Hall & Playing Field:–





Cash or Card --- £2 p/person towards the upkeep of the Village Hall


Please make sure that your donations are suitable to be given to the charity and that everything goes, in bags, into the bin and is not left beside it.

Tapping House now have a Charity Shop in Burnham Market where larger, non clothing items can be taken and I’m sure gratefully received.

Thank you.

New Stanhoe football team – watch this space......

If you used to be in the team and would be willing to share your knowledge and experience, not for coaching, just regarding the pitch and how it was used previously, please do get in touch.

More information to follow.....

Coriander & Lime Curry Night


Don’t forget to book........see full information

Stanhoe Village Screen…

…are pleased to announce our second film for this Autumn season:–

  • VINDICATION SWIM (PG) (BIOGRAPHY/DRAMA) on Monday 11th November at 7:30pm.

The inspirational story of Mercedes Gleitze, the first British woman to swim the English Channel, and her battle against both the cold waters of the Channel and the oppressive society of 1920s England. When a rival claims to have performed the same feat and is shown to be lying, Mercedes’s own achievement is called into question, forcing her into a repeat performance, the “vindication swim” of the title. Vindication Swim is a triumph of storytelling, craftsmanship, and emotion. It’s a film that not only entertains but also inspires.

Watch the trailer at

NOTE:– We are not showing a film in December but will be back in January with some great new films.

VENUE:– Stanhoe Reading Room and Village Hall, Cross Lane, PE31 8P

Tickets:– £5 (CASH ONLY) on the door to include a complimentary drink. Doors open 7pm

For further information visit the website: (or ring 01485 518191)

Concert to support RBL in Thornham

Thornham church is hosting a concert by Hunstanton Concert Band on Saturday 9th November starting at 6:30pm.

Entrance is free but a retiring collection will be held for the RBL and Thornham church.

There will be a mixture of music with some hymns and well known songs appropriate for Remembrance time.

Saints Alive editor , 7 Station Road, tel 517 005

Copy deadline for the printed issue of Saints Alive
is the 15th of the previous month