Stanhoe newspaper cuttings
The text below has been taken from Stanhoe Archive’s collection of newspaper cuttings. It was created automatically using optical character recognition (OCR), which sometimes works well and sometimes badly.
To see the original newspaper cuttings, click on the image number (“Stanhoe 00208”, for instance) at the top of each item.
Newspaper cuttings as as 2020-01-25
Stanhoe 00001
Swans Nest on Village Pond by Main Road
[Caption] A pair of swans nesting on the pond in the centre of Stanhoe by the side of the main Docking-Wells road.
[This photo shows the swans’ nest on the Pit with the coal yard in the background. Our notes give the date as 2 May 1959, though this is not shown on the cutting.]
Stanhoe 00003
[Caption] These children from Stanhoe were having an alfresco lunch on the green at Hunstanton yesterday before taking part in the Hunstanton and District Festival of Arts. They gave a performance of a Nativity play yesterday afternoon.
Stanhoe 00004
Making their music
[Caption] Playing their recorders at Hunstanton Festival on Friday are members of Stanhoe and Docking schools. (DC 6990).
[Caption] Two Stanhoe schoolboys, Peter Wright (left) and Glenwin Tyrrell, sing in unison at Hunstanton Festival on Friday. (DC 6993).
[This cutting is a partial duplicate of Stanhoe 00009.]
Stanhoe 00009
Win festival cup
Lynn Players won the Mudie Cup for the best performance in the drama session of Hunstanton and District Festival of Arts which ended on Saturday night.
Mr. Hubert L. Mitchell, county drama organiser, who adjudicated two plays on Friday night and a further three on Saturday, said that deciding the winning production was “one of the hardest decisions I have had to make in my career.”
Lynn Players staged the first Act of John van Druten’s comedy “Bell, Book and Candle” …
…A larger group from Stanhoe were awarded 87 and 88 marks respectively for “Cradle Song” and “Bobby Shaftoe”. …
[This cutting is a partial duplicate of Stanhoe 00004.]
Stanhoe 00010
[Caption] Two views of Stanhoe Pit, with a good many years between them. The one below seems to have been taken about 1913. The above picture, taken from almost the same position, was photographed last summer. Newcomers to the scene, in addition to the foreground vegetation, are the village sign and the war memorial, both of which can be seen, centre, on the far side of the Pond. Sorry, the Pit.
[These two photos probably accompany Stanhoe 00011 about the Pit’s change of name, in which case the more recent one probably dates to 1980.]
Stanhoe 00011
[Missing headline about the renaming of Stanhoe Pit]
While it would be untrue to suggest that older residents – past and present – of Stanhoe are up in arms, it would be accurate to say that a few of them, anyway, are a trifle annoyed.
Root cause of their complaint is that there seems to be a subtle campaign going on to change the name of Stanhoe’s most famous landmark.
First intimation of this concern came from Mr. J. Tuck, of West Cottage, Two-Furlong Hill, Wells, who lived at “Stanner” for many years. He wrote, suitably aggrieved, “I am credibly informed that Stanhoe has acquired a ‘Pond.’ ”
Mr. Tuck went on to say that. throughout his 75 years in the village, Stanhoe always had a “Pit,” which was the outstanding feature of the area.
“When proceeding to King’s Lynn one was always advised to ‘tarn left at the Pit,’ ” he wrote. “Any other request for information regarding Stanhoe was invariably based on the Pit.”
Some years ago Stanhoe Pit became quite famous locally when a bullock, never having been let loose before, went berserk, careered across fields, and finished up standing in the middle of the Pit.
What has happened now, apparently, is that there seem to be moves afoot (newcomers to the village, and bus timetables, are among the chief suspects) to slo[wly] change the name from Pit to Pond. “Perhaps we could be enlightened,” wrote a defiant Mr. Tuck.
Out of usage
For further information I made contact with Mr. Tuck’s sister-in-law, Mrs. A. E. Tuck, of Bromley [sic] Cottage, Stanhoe.
She told me that the proper name, according to old documents, was Eastmore or Eastmere, which is thought to refer to Stanhoe’s eastern boundary with North Creake. However, to generations of Stanhoe folk it has been known as The Pit.
“To some ears, perhaps, ‘pit’ is rather lowly-sounding, and it will probably go right out of future usage along with the obsolete ‘alleys,’ ‘yards,’ ‘rows’ and ‘buildings,’ all once common,” she told me.
Fifty years ago, the Pit was the scene of noisy skating parties, and practically every house in the village had a pair of skates.
A short time ago, the parish council and a band of volunteers gave the Pit/Pond a spring-clean. Last year the village won one of the Best Kept Village awards.
All of which is very nice, but it still does not explain the subtle change from the traditional Pit to the modern upstart Pond. A problem, then. And to check the matter further – by relying on the legendary accuracy of the “EDP” – I decided to look through some cuttings in our library. Only to find, alas, that for many years we have been calling it the Pond.
Quite why the “EDP” has joined the modernists at the expense of the traditionalists is not wholly clear either.
What is clear is that “Stanner Pit” will remain in the memory, whatever they put on the bus timetables.
[Our caption dates this cutting to 1980. See Stanhoe 00010 for the accompanying photos.]
Stanhoe 00012
Experts on house plants
THE Royal Horticultural Society’s prestigious Encyclopaedia of House Plants was written by Stanhoe resident, Kenneth Beckett, with his wife, Gillian, taking most of the colour photographs.
The book is probably the best-known of around 30 gardening books written by Kenneth and mostly illustrated by Gillian. A professional horticulturist, he only turned to writing in recent years. He originally worked in nurseries and botanical parks and also spent several years at the John Innes Institute helping develop blight-resistant potatoes.
They live in a cottage totally surrounded by trees and abundant wildlife.
“It’s a plantsman’s garden,” said Kenneth. “There are 2,000 species of everything from greenhouse to alpine plants.”
His criteria is that he likes, “Anything grown for beauty,” adding that he appreciates hybrids but prefers plants in their native state. Now retired, he is mainly interested in ornamental plants.
Gillian is currently reading the galley proofs of her new book, A Flora of Norfolk. Together with Alec Bull, and a team of some 30 people who spent 13 years scouring the county, she has put together what she believes is the most comprehensive book of the county’s flora ever published.
In its 300 pages are 2,500 plant entries, 1,000 maps showing the distribution of each plant and 180 colour photographs. It is a very readable book, price £38, due on sale in April. (98/12/325)
Stanhoe 00177
The picture is loaned by Mrs D. Steward, Church Farm, Stanhoe. The pupils are, left to right, J. Stringer, T. Pygail, S. Linge, L. Goss, V. Walker, R. Osborne, C. Callaby, J. Rout, D. Steward, J. Linge, D. Scott, D. Seaman, J. Ireson, M. Pygail, G. Gibson, R. Strudwick, S. Callaby, M. Hudson, E. Goss.
Thanks for the Memory
Stanhoe 00191
THE sound of a hard-swinging alto saxophone coming from a quaint old cottage in the tiny West Norfolk village of Stanhoe may seem incongruous in such a rural setting. But the cottage is the home of Jim Collins, described as “one of the greatest swinging saxophonists in Britain today,” who moved in recently from London.,
In the past four years Jim Collins has played at six parties attended by the Queen, and was one of a team that founded popular sessions at the Plough, Stockwell, where he plays every Sunday morning with his own quartet. He then switches from jazz to the sophisticated West End style for a regular Sunday night dale at Quaglino’s Restaurant.
He finds the country air – and the chickens he keeps – a refreshing change from the confined atmosphere of his musical dates.
Jim Collins leaving home at Stanhoe for another trek to London.
Stanhoe 00207
Stanhoe & Barwick W.I. has had only three presidents in its 37 years
For the past few months Stanhoe and Barwick W.I. has had no president. But with a hard-working, united committee, and the co-operation of the members the meetings have continued in a normal and happy manner.
Mrs. C. A[…], the last president, has left the district, and until the elections next month Mrs. C. W. Brown, vice-president, has acted as chairman at all meetings. Mrs. Brown told the “Lynn News and Advertiser” that although the Institute is one of ‘the oldest in West Norfolk, formed in 1919, there have been only three presidents.
She paid tribute to their founder-president. Mrs. C. D. Seymour, who held that office until the time of her death in 1950.
I Miss C. Chestney held the presidency until this year I when she relinquished her office after poor health. S’ – still shows a keen interest all Institute activities and readily gives her welcome support.
In 1955, Miss Chestney unveiled a memorial to Mrs. Seymour which now hangs in honour on a wall of the Hall. The memorial, a simple and impressive wood carving, was made by a local carpenter.
All members said how much Mrs. Seymour is missed, but their hall gives lasting: ories of ner. because – built it.’ and now. although it is on herson’s private estate, the Women’s Institute is responsible for its upkeep, and take all rents from it.
It is largely through the hall that the Institute is in such a good financial position explained Mrs. Brown, who is also treasurer
“In February we had a lot of expenses because we had to fit the hall with “exit” signs and fire extingu’ ‘ to conform with regulat she explained, “because.
-eek a cinema show is given”, - ut now the W.I. has a good balance and to keep it whist drives and sales are held.
Every year the W.I. organises a treat for the old folk in the village. They have been taken to Cromer, Sheringham and Sandringham.
At Christmas time there is a party for all the village children—a total of 90—and a Christmas tree is bought and decorated for the event.
The Institute takes an interest in children. “We like members to come and bring their babies.” said Mrs. Brown, and as it is an afternoon Institute it is common for youngsters to attend. After school, other young
Spotlight on the Women’s Institutes
mothers, and they – – – – rive in time for tea and ois-cuits.
The Institute is concerned at the lack of young members and it is hoped that in this wav they will grow up ‘Institute children”.
With only 43 members, Stanhoe has not many group activities. A drama group, which competed in Festivals -1 Hunstanton and” been disbanded, but it is hoped that it will be revived in the near future.
The members are Interest-;d in exhibition work and every summer hold their own flower show and handicrafts exhibition. They have also exhibited at the Lynn area exhibition and at Fakenham. At Lynn they have obtained some very high percentages and Mrs. G. Horn obtained a bar for her iced sponge.
Mrs. A. V. Tuck, secretary, has been a member for eight years and for nearly the whole of that time has been secretary. She also plays the piano for social activities.
She explained a point, which to outsiders is puzzling. The Institute is known as Stanhoe and Barwick, but when it was founded it was the Barwick and Stanhoe Institute.
“Warwick,” said Mrs. Tuck is a lost village. Now there are only a few cottages, a house and a farm.” She said she thought that the 19th century land enclosures accounted for the decline of the village.
Although at its foundation there were more Barwick
Stanhoe has had electricity —id a water supply for only eight years, and before that, villagers had to carry water from the one; well. The W.I. were lucky, being able to obtain its water from a nearby farm.
– – their own private supply. Mrs. R. Ayres, the – remaining founder-mem – – had this comment to make: “We used to have oil lamps. They were better than electricity we were sure of them. But we are not always sure of the ‘electric’.” Mrs. Ayres has always been faithful member. “I brought —y little girl when she was a month old,” she said. She remembered the days when the Institute met in the Reading Room, until it became so crowded that their new hall “‘as built in 1922.
She recalled, too. the W.Is wartime activities Knitting made clothes for the – and at one point evacuees lived in the hall at ‘ members looked after them. Seventyeight-year-old Mrs.
. D. Cross lias been a busy member ever since she moved to Stannoe. Mrs. Cross’s ‘ 1929. She first became… terested in W.Is through a Canadian cousin iwho visited her many years ago and told of the activities in Stony-creek. After that she sought out all the literature she could but did not have the opportunity to become an active member until she moved to Stanhoe. Mrs. Cross is interested in handicraft ana has made a beautiful carpet.
The Institute’s usual scheme of things is to have lectures and demonstrations at alternate meetings. When a “Lynn News and Advertiser’ representative called, mem bers were watching Mrs. D Durrant give a demonstration of soft toy making. That Was Mrs. Durrant’s first visit to Stanhoe. She is on the Executive Committee of -the Norfolk Federation of Women’s Institutes.
Members are particularly keen on cookery demonstrations and several said that l they put into practice wha/ they see. The results are re-
dition to Mrs. Brown, ___________ Ayres, and Mrs. Tuck, have records of long service. Mrs. r for the committee for sevei M. Goss has belonged became aad M?5, R’ S seven: Mrs. id for 30 Steward __on after the Institute’s formation.
One of the most noticeable things about the Stanhoe Institute is the close relationship between members, and the companionship and friendships they have found in each other.
Stanhoe Top lei ‘s meeting of _ Barwick W.I. left: Mrs. H. C. Wright, the only member present from Barwick. Top right: Mrs. C. W. Brown, treasurer and vice-president, who since early this year has also been acting-president. Centre (left to-right): Miss C. Chestney, president from 1950–55, Mrs. A. V. Tuck, secretary, and Mrs. R. Steward. Lower left: Founder-member Mrs. R. Ayres. Lower right: Mrs. D. Durrant who demonstrated soft-toy making, clears a point for 78-year-old Mrs. A. D. Cross, the Institute’s oldest active member.
Stanhoe 00208
FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN. – On Thursday a party of 16 schoolchildren accompanied by eight parents visited the South Bank Exhibition. The outing was organised by the headmaster. Mr. C. H. Fisher, and the cost was defrayed by a jumble
WOMEN’S INSTITUTE.—At the monthly meeting on Friday a demonstration was given by Mrs. Carter, of South Lynn, on re-covering eiderdowns. The social half-hour was arranged by the President, Miss C. Chestney, and tea was served by Mesdames R. Steward, A. Steward and C. Seaman.
SCHOOL PRIZE DAY. – The annual open and prize day on Thursday was attended by many parents. The headmaster, Mr. C.
H. Fisher, who presided, welcomed them, and said how sorry he was that he would soon be leaving the school to take up an appointment in Cornwall after four very happy years at Stanhoe. He introduced Mr. S. Eckersley, headmaster ofi Fakenham Grammar School. Mr. Eckersley stressed the need for the children to work well so that, they could be proud of their achievements and the school. Prizes were I presented to Jean Johnson. Mar-jlene Claxtoh, Diana Johnson, Jean i Fisher, Brian Ayres, Barrv Thompson, Mary Scales. John King and Ijane Tuck. A vote of thanks to Mr. Eckersley was pronosed by Mrs. A. V. Tuck. Tea and cakes were: served by the children.—The following have passed the scholars’ll’p examination and will attend Fakenham Grammar School in ’ ember: Ann Wright Jean and Barry Thompson.
Stanhoe 00209
STANHOE, cut off since Saturday morning, was relieved yesterday afternoon.
Seven snowploughs worked all day from both the Burnham Market and Docking sides of the village, trying to clear a way through hundreds of yards of road blocked solid with snow.
The village was reached first from the Docking side, and soon after the Divisional Road
Engineer, Mr. G. V. Cane, said all main roads to the village had been opened.
Ploughs battling through the drifts came across this car (below) buried in the snow by the blizzard. It was abandoned early on Saturday morning by Mr. Charles Bennion, his sister Miranda and cousin William.
They were on their way home to Bircham after party-going at Burnham Market.
The Stanhoe Postmaster, Mr. E. Barber, said yesterday the villagers had not really suffered from their week-end of isolation.
A herd of cows in the village had ensured they did not go without milk, and a local farmer used his tractor to fetch bread. The village’s two shops had been well-stocked and were more than able to cope with the extra demands on them.
The villagers of Millington and Great Massingham – one village finding itself short of bread and the other short of milk over the week-end—overcame the problem by exchanging supplies.
By last evening Mr. Cane said all class one and class two roads in the area had been cleared and few class three roads were still blocked.
Stanhoe 00214
Eastern Daily Press, Tuesday, April 27,1999
How does your county grow
It has been almost 15 years in the making, but two Norfolk botanists have completed an exhaustive study of the county’s plant life. Agricultural Editor MICHAEL POLLITT looks at the outcome of their investigation.
It has taken almost 15 years for a small army of volunteers to complete the most comprehensive survey of Norfolk’s plant heritage. This ambitious survey of the flowers, plants and mosses has been undertaken ready for the millennium by a team that covered almost every acre of the county.
The floral audit has uncovered a number of gems but also signs of loss of important species where modern farming and development have caused massive changes.
For the first time, mapping techniques were used to investigate the changes since Petch and Swann’s 1968 Flora of Norfolk. The target was to map the whole of Norfolk rather than concentrate on the most interesting botanical sites, which was the usual practice of the old-style floras.
The county was divided into 2km squares or tetrads to cover the established botanical boundaries, which spread into small areas of the adjoining counties. A total of 1441 tetrads or 2km squares were involved, split almost equally between east and west on the 100km line, which neatly bisects the county.
Gillian Beckett, who has lived in the county since 1948 and contributed to the last survey, was responsible for the western half while Alec Bull, of East Tuddenham, tackled the east of the county.
The project started in 1987 when it became apparent very significant changes to the flora had taken place in the 21 years since the previous survey. It has been a labour of love for Mrs Beckett, who lives in same village at Stanhoe as the author of the very first Flora of Norfolk.
STUDY: Gillian Beckett takes a precise look at the fruit of an elm tree near her home in Stanhoe. She examined the western half of Norfolk in minute detail.
The Rev Kirby Trimmer was curate at Stanhoe for 12 years in the 1830s and 1840s before moving to become vicar of Crostwick and later perpetual curate of St George’s Tombland. He published his flora in 1866.
This latest work, which has been completed ahead of schedule, has been privately researched, funded and published by a small team. The full colour book, which includes almost 1000 distribution maps showing the range of species, plus 177 colour photographs, has details of around 2400 plants. Almost 300 people were involved in the survey, which has taken a dozen years to complete.
The latest survey has covered almost the entire county, although one long-established family estate near Fakenham refused to allow access for the occasional visits by the botanists. Part of this estate had to be surveyed from public rights of way where it
was possible. Two other family farms in the eastern sector also denied access.
Mrs Beckett said the decline of wetland areas, coupled with demand I. for irrigation and water for thej growing population of Norfolk, has obviously had an impact on the flora. For example, the enthusiasm for draining lowland areas and canalising rivers has reduced the range ofj plant diversity.
Since 1939, large areas of agricultural land have been cultivated for arable crops and, more recently, the demand for vegetable crops from the supermarkets has resulted in significant impact on plant life and the landscape. The demand for irrigation plus the impact of myxomatosis and the virtual eradication of the huge rabbit population led
to further changes. For example, two of Breckland’s botanical specialities, the spiked speedwell and the Spanish catchfly, have suffered.
In the late 19th century, noted botanist WG Clarke found the speedwell growing in stands of more than 1000 spikes. The catchfly was so abundant as “to appear a hay crop growing to a height of nearly two feet”.
By 1994, Norfolk had a single area of heath with spiked speedwell while the catchfly was known from just three sites, down from 30 in the 1950s.
However, there were some bright spots where farmers have shown signs of responding to conservation initiatives, said Mrs Beckett. The preservation of habitat for sporting interest, especially in woods and plantations, has helped to maintain species, and the greater interest in conservation on
farms is starting to change attitudes. This survey, which sets a new benchmark for recording flora, will make it possible for the next generation to monitor progress on maintaining plant diversity.
In the introduction to the 320-page reference volume, Richard Mabey praises the study.
“Norfolk has a reputation as Britain’s premier wildlife county, an accolade it won because of its remarkable range of habitats, which range from sandy grass heaths to prehistoric limewood. It’s a county where natural and human life have been intricately entwined for millennia.”
The reference book, A Flora of Norfolk, is published on Thursday, from 2.30pm, at a launch party at Pensthorpe Waterfowl Park, near Fakenham. Copies will cost £35 – a £3 discount on the normal price.
Stanhoe 00215
Even second-homers who make up half the village want it to stay as it is
BEAUTIFUL: Stanhoe won the Norfolk Village of the Year competition for villages of fewer than 300 people.
IT may be small in size but the community of Stanhoe likes to think it has everything a village needs.
There are just 255 residents in the parish but the villagers have worked together to earn themselves the title of village of the year for the under 300 population category.
Their claims to fame include a Saints Alive community newsletter and an active social scene at the village hall which recently benefited from the installation of toilets for the disabled.
Among the many community activities taking place in Stanhoe are a summer school, youth club and the annual church concert followed by supper at the rectory.
A survey was also carried out by the village to assess the need for local housing.
Brian Smith, chairman of the parish council, said the village had also won two years ago and he felt it was because it managed to maintain a true Norfolk village atmosphere.
“We are surrounded by agricultural land and everyone talks about the pond which is full of ducks,” he said.
“There are a lot of second-homers here now, about half the village, and we have to compromise with their views and those of the original residents but the majority want to see the village stay the way it is.
“It is very picturesque and we all love it for what it is.
“Everyone talks to everyone else and you don’t stay a stranger for long here.”
Stanhoe 00216
f We are surrounded by agricultural land and everyone talks about the pond which is full of ducks
SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL: Stanhoe won the Norfolk Village of the Year competition for villages of fewer than 300 people.
Stanhoe 00217
Idyllic cottage garden is authors’ research plot
GREEN fingers changed country schoolteacher Gillian Beckett’s life.
Her interest in the way plants work grew from a course of lectures on botany which she casually joined for something to do.
Now it’s taken over her whole life.
Seven years ago Mrs Beckett (45) married horticulturist, gardening journalist and botanist Ken Beckett (52) and the couple have built their life together around an idyllic garden in Stanhoe.
The 1,700 species of flowering plants and shrubs in their three quarters of an acre are not just tended for their beauty – they are guinea pigs with petals.
For Ken and Gillian collaborate to write books about the plant world.
Seeds for unusual’ flowering plants which are probably not to be found anywhere else in Norfolk are sent to them by Botanic Gardens all over the world.
Their garden is a living, blooming testing ground, stacked with material for their books.
Their meeting was entirely appropriate.
“I met Ken when I was leading a Botanical Society of the British Isles field meeting in Yugoslavia”, said Gillian. “We were, studying Mediterranean flora”.
Gillian calls herself “almost a Stanhoe person”.
She has lived in the village almost all her life.
Her childhood home was half of Bromley Cottage, which she and Ken moved into and knocked into one four years ago. Her mother and aunt still live in part of the cottage.
And the Bromley Cottage garden, a showplace which the Becketts open to the public for charity once or tsyice a year, has been shaped into its present form only over the last four years.
“We do all our own gar-
dening”, said Ken, “and we have planted a great many shrubs – we’re trying to make it as easy to look after as possible. But there are no vegetables – there’s no room for them!”
The couple’s five-year-old son Keith fits in well with a life-style where both parents work from home and spend much of their time out in the garden.
“He’s never shown any tendency to pull up precious plants by their roots, and he’s very good about being dragged roundin-teresting gardens at weekends and on holiday”, isaid Gillian.
“I -take a lot of the photographs which illustrate our books, and he helps me sometimes – holding equipment while I work. He’ll either grow up a flower fanatic like us, or react against the whole thing and become an engineer or something!”
Ken Beckett started writing books about seven years ago, when he was commissioned by a publisher to provide the text for a photographic study of trees called The Love of Trees.
Since then he has compiled on his own an Illustrated Dictionary of Botany, written a book on Amateur Greenhouse Gar-
dening, and with Gillian has written an Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Indoor Plants and Planting Native Trees and Shrubs.
A book on evergreens, illustrated entirely by Gillian’s photographs is due to come out next spring, and the couple are just starting to write a book on hardy perennials, with two other possible ideas for books in the pipeline.
“All our books have been commissioned in advance,” said Ken. “I am technical adviser on plants and gardening to several publishers, and so far we’ve always had deadlines to meet”.
Ken has been writing for magazines for twenty years, and has worked in botanical gardens and nurseries at home and abroad. He first trained as a horticulturist with Brighton Parks Department.
Gillian, who studied geography at University and was a primary schoolteacher in Norfolk before she met Ken, came to be interested in flowers a little later in life than he did.
She too writes for magazines like Country Life and The Lady, leads Heritage Route walks along the Norfolk coast and lectures on her specialist subject – the history of landscape and plants in the landscape.
Her next series of
The authors with their output – a table-top covered with beautifully illustrated books on plants.
lectures starts in the autumn at Elmham.
“1 wouldn’t go back to teaching again” said Gillian, “I’m far too happy doing what I do at the moment.
“I’m fully occupied all the year round, but still manage to keep reasonably free of work through Keith’s school holidays.
“Even in the winter when we can’t go out in the garden so much, I’m busy collecting and packeting seeds, which I send to botanical gardens in Russia, America and even
Gillian says she is spoilt for choice in naming her favourite flower – but she does have a soft spot for snowdrops.
“People don’t realise how many varieties of snowdrop there are – we have eight different kinds in our garden here and there are many more”, she said.
“I suppose we wouldn’t really notice them if they flowered in June – but the joy of them is that they are one of the very first flowers of the late winter.”
Stanhoe 00218
:fff m:
Gillian and Ken Beckett in their idyllic garden with Bromley Cottage in the background. (UG 8643)
Stanhoe 00219
Mrs Anneke McKenzie-Wilson in the grounds of Berwick Hall – the largest garden on display during the open-day.
Stanhoe 00220
£651 for church roof
NINE residents of Barwick and Stanhoe have found out just how valuable their gardens could be – not by selling produce but simply by opening them to the public.
Between them the nine raised £651 towards the cost of re-roofing Stanhoe Church. An estimated 400 visitors went to see gardens ranging from small but attractive flower and vegetable plots to the displays in the grounds of larger local houses and halls.
Each of those who took part also arranged a stall or games of some sort as an added attraction.
At Stanhoe Post Office, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barber ran a treasure hunt, competitions and games. At the Grange Mr. and Mrs. John Bunkall ran a grocery stall and s competitions while Dr. Gordon Bonner ran a bottle stall. At Weesden Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Eckersley organised games, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ransom, of Wayside, sold ice creams in their garden, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tuck and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beckett sold garden plants at Bromley Cottage, Dr. and Mrs. James Bamford, of the Old Norfolk Hero, sold drinks and ran a competition, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Benjamin, of Stanhoe Hall, sold teas and had a gift stall, Mr. and Mrs. Roddy Ralli, of Barwick House, had a cake stall in their garden and Mr. and Mrs. Alistair McKenzie-Wilson. of Barwick Hall, ran a produce stall.
Visitors bought tickets at 30p each (children lOp) and from the takings it appeared around 400 tickets had been bought, though the 1 combined population of the two villages is only 220.
Mrs. Anneke McKenzie-Wilson, whose husband was chairman of the organising committee, said everybody concerned was very pleased with the result. Many of the people who attended were holidaymakers from the coast who had read about the event in newspaper advertisements, or heard about it on the radio.
A similar event last year, in pouring rain, raised around £500.
As well as the people who opened their gardens, a number of other villagers were involved as helpers.
Mrs. Jean Barber, of Stanhoe Post Office, who found that even a small garden could
attract visitors.
Horticulturist Mr. Kenneth Beckett, who now devotes himself to freelance writing, in his
garden at Bromley Cottage.
Stanhoe 00221
Show matches weather
AT LAST a really beautiful day, after all that wind and rain, and one of my favourite ways of spending it – a run up to North Norfolk with four of my very good W.I. friends, Mrs. Joan Hood, Mrs. Margaret Stuart, Mrs. Margaret Browne and Mrs. Audrey Juby.
We were all going to the Fakenham area exhibition in the town’s most attractive community centre – Mrs. Hood, as county chairman, was to open it.
This is always one of the most enjoyable exhibitions in the county
— the last time I was there it was during the day.
The weather was lovely then, too, and as well as wandering round the exhibition I’d been able to shop in the friendly market and have a fond look round the town I’ve remembered with affection since I used to stay there with an aunt when I was a child.
This time we were there in the evening and we stopped on the way to have a very sociable and informal supper with Mrs. Judy Perowne in her lovely house at South Creake.
It was nice to be in the village again so soon, the countryside looked perfect in the autumn sunshine and I had very happy memories of my recent visit to the W.I. there.
I think we could have stayed gossiping all evening but soon it was time to move on, pack ourselves into the car (well, the three in the back were fairly packed
— I had a seat in the front) and find Fakenham and the exhibition.
It was noticeably autumnal when we got out into the chilly air again and the warmth of the big hall was most welcome.
Helen Castley’s W.I. Commentary
The first thing that caught my eye in a positive sunburst of entries was a colourful crochet rug from a Fakenham Evening W.I. member, then what appeared to be hundreds of prettily dressed dolls and then some charming and imaginative entries in the patchwork class – an unusual wall-hanging in blues and browns and white from Stanhoe and Barwick, a lovely diamond-patch cushion in rusty colours from Fakenham Evening W.I. and another one in subtle greens and soft coral pinks from Weils.
By now, Mrs. Ruth Perowne, chairman of the exhibition, from Great Snoringhad come to greet us and before long she was introducing Mrs. Hood and thanking everyone for her hard work, especially the exhibition secretary – “Bless you Rosie!” (Mrs. Ros Lambert). Mrs. Angela Ringer is vice-chairman and Mrs. Maggie Pike has acted as treasurer.
Mrs. Hood told us that she’d had to take round schedules for produce shows when she was five and was encouraged to enter them not long after and, when she was eleven, she had been tremendously proud to gain a 100 per cent, award in the children’s section of the big W.I. exhibition in Norwich – I should think so – and to win a special little badge.
After the official opening we were let loose again to browse over the stands.
I always find it difficult to know where to begin and I wandered from table to table positively drooling over the homemade sweets – how do they achieve such professional-looking results? – and thinking how lucky it was that they were so well sealed in cellophane, the fat fruit cakes, the
jams and lemon curds, the wines and the appetising Cornish pasties.
Some people had had problems with their shortcake recipes but two young Fakenham Evening WI members were well pleased with their marks and went happily on their way.
Others were almost standing on their heads trying to read the judges’ comments on the labels of the preservation entries – “We’ve got several silver stars.” “Mine got thrown out,” “Sloe jelly! I can never find any sloes,” and very mysteriously, “Mary’s retired? Lucky old Mary!”
Husbands were joining in, too, and I was told that one nonmember had heard such a glowing account of the exhibition on Radio Norfolk that she’d rushed in at once to see it for herself.
There were over a thousand entries from 24 institutes in the area and the results must have delighted the people who organised it.
There were many visitors on the evening we were there and everyone was impressed by the very high standards.
As well as the produce entries there were many and varied craft classes ranging from embroidery to knitting (some gloriously intricate Arran jerseys) and from tapestry work (a charming honeysuckle design cushion cover from Houghton W.I.) to toy-making, smocking (a delicious little dress from South Creake) and elegant quilting.
I was particularly attracted by a collage entry in Batik work and black thread.
Nearly every W.I. entering the show had sent a raffle prize or a donation so there were some super things to be won and there was a brisk trade in raffle tickets.
There were so many people to talk to but we at last tore ourselves away and drove home by the light of the Hunters’ Moon.
I’m already looking forward to the Fakenham area’s next exhibition – I couldn’t have enjoyed the evening more.
I’m told that there are now some tickets available for the Wreningham coach taking members on a visit to the Houses of Parliament at the end of the month. If you would like to go, please telephone county headquarters as soon as you can.
Stanhoe 00222
Show shields scoop a record
IT WAS well over a year ago that the committee, with Mrs. E. Perowne, president of Great and Little Snoring WI in the chair, first met to plan the 1981 Fakenham Area Exhibition of Handicrafts and Produce.
A great deal of hard work, both by the organisers and exhibitors went on during the year and on the evening of October 14th our county chairman, Mrs. Joan Hood, opened a splendid exhibition at the Fakenham Community Centre.
There was a crowd of members at the opening, all eager to read what the judges had to say about each exhibit and to see how many marks they had been awarded.
It was good to see so many children, just as keen to see how they had fared in their two special classes.
For me, one of the many outstanding exhibits was a batik picture of salukis (gazelle hounds) by 15-year-old Sarah Adams, who had captured the marvellous movement of these lovely lithe creatures against a fabulous sunset – she certainly deserved her gold star.
Mrs. N. Tuck a member of Fakenham Afternoon WI and Mrs. G. Beckett of Stanhoe and Barwick WI had made an excellent job of staging all the handicrafts – no easy task with so many and varied entries.
There was so much beautiful craftwork including dressed dolls, rag dolls, soft toys, exquisite embroidery and needlework, collage, patchwork, canvas work, quilting, rugmaking, smocking and of course crochet and knitting. As a spinner 1 was particularly interested in the class for anything made from handspun wool.
The produce classes, staged by members of the committee, really made my mouth water in spite of the delicious
tea we had had with Mrs. J. Peravue, president of South Creake WI.
Tables were laden with bread, cakes, biscuits and pastry, jams, jellies, marmalade, chutney and wine and the crystallised fruits and flowers and boxes of sweets made me determined to get busy and make some for Christmas.
No show would be complete without flowers and there were three classes; an arrangement in a bottle, a miniature and a ruby wedding table centrepiece, giving plenty of scope.
Mrs. R. Lambert, the hard working secretary told me that 24 WIs had entered the show” this year, producing 1119 entries between them.
Stanhoe and Barwick WI created an all time record by winning both the produce and handicraft shields for the institute gaining the most points, a great achievement.
Stanhoe 00223
Stanhoe triumphs in WI show
Mrs. Jill Scott presenting swards to Mrs. Olga Ransoms, president of Stanhoe and Barwick W.I.
STANHOE and Barwick Women’s Institute swept the board at Fakenham last Thursday at a WI area produce and handicraft show.
The institute took both major awards in the exhibition, which took place at Fakenham Community Centre, and which attracted 24 institutes from all over North Norfolk.
The awards they received were the Cawdron Shield for their achievements in the handicraft section and the Grace Aldiss Shield for their produce exhibits.
The exhibition, which packed the community centre with colourful flowers, jams, vegetables, woodwork and other crafts, was opened by j county WI chairman Mrs. Joan Hood. Former county chairman Mrs. Jill Scott presented the awards.
Houghton and Rudhams institute finished second in the produce section, and Stibbard third. In the handicraft section Fakenham Afternoon were runners-up to Stanhoe, and Hempton were third.
Stanhoe 00225
CENTRE STAGE: Film star Richard Todd – pictured second right – who was appearing on stage at the Theatre Royal in Norwich, took time out to visit Fakenham where he hoisted a flag at the garden centre of Sheringham and Overman Ltd. The centre was entitled to fly the special ensign because of its membership of the International Garden Centre Group. Visitors also had the chance to see the Royal Warrant which the firm had received from the Lord Chamberlain’s office as seedsmen to the Royal Family.
Stanhoe 00228
Big party for WI Diamond Jubilee
CUTTING the cake at Stanhoe; left to right, Mrs Tidd (secretary), Mrs Blackburn (president) and Mrs Collins (treasurer).
STANHOE and Barwick Women’s Institute members celebrated their Diamond Jubilee with a party in the Rading Room. Guests were welcomed from Bircham, Docking, Burnham Market, Wells, Sedgeford and Great Snoring WIs.
Before dinner, the president, Mrs Blackburn, introduced the county secretary, Mrs Audrey Juby,
who spoke about the first meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick WI and the various competitions that were held then, and after dinner the county chairman, Mrs Jill Scott, proposed the toast to the Institute.
There were several entrants in the competition for home-made ‘Diamond’ earrings which was judged by Mrs Scott and Mrs Juby, and won by Mrs N.
Moorhouse of Burnham with Mrs J. Rowe of Stanhoe second.
Musical entertainment with games and dancing was provided by Mr Jim Collins with his electric organ.
A most entertaining evening ended with everyone present enjoying a glass of sherry and a slice of birthday cake, which had been made by Mrs J. Rowe and iced by Mrs Blackburn.
Stanhoe 00236
—— ——-
Discussing Stanhoe old and new, from left: Gillian Beckett, Ella Seaman, Eva Black-bourn (president) and Olga Ransom (vice-president).
STANHOE Old and New was the theme of an exhibition by the village branch of the Women’s Institute on Wednesday.
The event was organised to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the WI nationally. Stanhoe secretary Mrs Gillian
Beckett explained: “We held one 25 years ago when we were 50, so we thought we’d better do it again.”
Around 120 people attended the exhibition. On display were all types of crafts, cakes and produce, and a fascinating array of
old photographs and memorabilia of the village, including a 1948 pantomime programme.
“We even had Stone Age fossils recovered in the village. We didn’t think we could get much older than that,” said Mrs Beckett.
Stanhoe 00239
It isn’t very often that a member, on being asked what the monthly speaker talked about could be given the answer, “Oh, just a load of rubbish”, but in July this was exactly the case when Steve Jenkins from the local Council spoke about recycling and its problems. It was an excellent talk and brought home the problems created by our full dustbins. The fact that every tonne of rubbish cost £13 even to bury in the ground, gave us pause for thought, but we were somewhat dismayed to learn that some recycling can cause almost as many problems as it solves. Happily we iive in one of the areas which already has a well-organised recycling centre, and many members regularly take their paper, cardboard, bottles and garden rubbish along. We hoped that this talk would encourage others to do the same. Perhaps a competition for the best village at recycling could be added to the Best Kept Village, at least it wouldn’t encourage the suburbanisation of our countryside!
Stanhoe 00298
Four-star Stanhoe
This is the best-kept village
Of under four hundred people
Where gardeners have tillage
But the church alas no steeple.
I live in this best-kept village
And boy! Do I feel good?
For the houses all have windows,
And the trees are mostly wood.
The cottages have chimneys
To let out all the smoke.
The smoke you see, through them can flee,
So’s cottage-folk don’t choke.
The pond is full of water,
So that the ducks can float,
And there’s a water bailiff
Who never goes by boat.
The game warden lives quite nearby,
Nearby in case of need.
Should oggophipps or bulliphants,
Break from the wild hogweed.
The air is fresh in Stanhoe,
Renewed by wind and breeze,
And that is why one rarely,
Sees men’s naked knees.
The people of this village,
Differ from each other,
And when you meet them walking,
you can tell one from another.
And in this best-kept village,
Of under four hundred folks
Fruits grow on the apple trees,
And acorns on the oaks.
So come and visit Stanhoe
Or even come to stay,
For this is where the penny dropped
Before it rolled away.
N. FENN, Stanhoe.
Stanhoe 00303
Pub facelift
Carol and Eddie Edwards provided a banquet fit for a king in the renovated lounge at The Crown, Stanhoe, for their loyal customers. (UC 5463).
LOYAL patrons of The Crown, Stanhoe, who have supped amidst builders’ debris for the past 12 months, had their patience rewarded with a sumptuous buffet supper last week.
The pub grub and traditional ale was a thankyou from landlord and landlady Carol and Eddie Edwards for putting up with extensive renovation work.
“When we moved into the Crown from the King William at Docking only one room was being used as a £ ar and it needed smartening up, ” said Carol.
“We have had a new damp course, knocked through a wall to open another bar, built a red brick fireplace, uncovered some wooden beams and completely redecorated.
“It now looks very nice and is a typical country pub. Our customers have been very loyal and continued to patronise the pub through thick and thin.”
The Crown certainly sounds like a gem of a place.
Stanhoe 00307
Stanhoe says take-us-as-you-find-us
Mr. E. A. Barber is presented with the Best Kept Village plaque by Lady Harrod at Stanhoe.
Even persistent drizzle from an overcast North Norfolk sky yesterday morning failed to stop Stanhoe looking its best for the presentation of its best-kept village award.
The crowd which gathered for the ceremony seemed as unaffected by the weather as the ducks on the pond at the centre of the small village, beside which the coveted sign was unveiled testifying to Stanhoe’s supremacy.
With only 200 residents, Stanhoe fitted comfortably into the category of the competition which it won – villages under 400 population – and beat Stradsett, with 60 residents, into second place.
Best-kept village joint committee chairman Mr. Harold Rose introduced Lady Harrod, vice-president of the Norfolk Society, who made the presentation.
“This competition has been very well supported over the years, and it means that we are all concerned with the Norfolk we live in,” said Mr. Rose. “That can do nothing but good for the county and the country.”
Lady Harrod, unveiling the sign which will stand beside Stanhoe village pond for a year, said: “I am very proud you have won this competition, as yours is a village 1 have always liked very much.
“I love your church, with its beautiful glass, and my family and I always stop to admire the lovely churchyard whenever we pass through the village.”
Lady Harrod added: “It’s not the quality of architecture which wins the best-kept village competition, but what you are doing for yourselves and for your descendants.”
The best-kept village plaque, donated by the “Eastern Daily Press,” was received by Mr. Ed Barber, village sub-postmaster and vice-chairman of the parish council, who commented afterwards: “This is only the third year we have entered the competition, and we are delighted to have won.
“We made no special effort as some villages do. We didn’t go round whitewashing the flints. This is the way you’ll always find us in Stanhoe, and we’re rather proud of it.”
Mr. Barber also received a voucher for two trees, donated by the Lost Nursery, East Wretham.
Stradsett parish meeting chairman Sir John Bagge took his grandson Alfred, aged just seven weeks, to receive the runner-up prize of a £10 voucher for trees donated by the Economic Forestry Group of Fordham, Cambridgeshire.
Ducks enjoying the peace of the village green at Stanhoe
Sir John said: “We are most pleased. Our village has featured several times in the best-kept churchyard competition, but this is the first time that the village as a whole has won an award.”
Mr. Barber’s 18-year-old son Neil, an apprentice mechanic at King’s Lynn, received on Stanhoe’s behalf, the second prize in the community improvement project award – £10 worth of trees donated by the Woodland Management Association, Felthorpe.
The award was made for work in replacing diseased elms around the village pond with 50 native trees, undertaken by the parish council advised by local horticulturist Mr. Ken Beckett.
Lady Harrod was thanked by the Rev. Robert Tomlinson, priest-in-charge of Stanhoe, who paid tribute to the inspiration which she had given the village. A bouquet was presented by one of the youngest residents, four-year-old Sadie Kittle.
Refreshments were served by members of Stanhoe and Barwick Women’s Institute.
Stanhoe 00310
Mr John Rowe
THE funeral took place at Stanhoe parish church, followed by cremation at Mintlyn, of Mr John Frederick Rowe, of Stanhoe, who died at Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The service was conducted by the Rev Andrew Butcher.
Mr Rowe had lived in Stanhoe from the age of four. As a young man he was a keen cricketer and footballer for local teams. He served in the Home Guard during the Second World War, and for many years was a parish councillor.
He started his own business in 1952 as a builder/wheelwright and joiner. Mr Rowe was well known and well liked by all, being a unique craftsman and local character. His death is a great loss to his family and friends, and a loss of knowledge and skills of a bygone era.
Mr Rowe leaves the widow Joyce, son Roddy and grandchildren Tom and Jessie.
Family mourners included Mrs Joyce Rowe (wife), Mr Roddy Rowe (son), Mrs Geraldine Rowe (daughter-in-law), Tom Dunbar and Jessica Rowe (grandchildren), Mrs Ionie Hodson, Mr and Mrs E. Blackburn, Mr P. Harrison and Lesley Barret, Mr R. Ford and Angela Barret.
Sympathisers included Mrs E. Mann (also rep A. and P. Mann), Noelyne Fuller (Daniel and Lauren), Mrs G. Batchelor, Mr and Mrs G. Smith (Ann and Wendy), Mr Jamie Thurston, Mr and Mrs G. Crane, Chris and Philip Deavin, Mr B. Ayres (Mrs J. Ayres), Mr and Mrs R. Steward (Mr Eric Linge, Mr Noel Linge), Mr R. Wagg (Mrs G. Wagg), Mrs Amanda Ralli, Mr J. Blyth, Mr and Mrs S. Mackinder, Mrs Hilda Mackinder, Mrs V. Shackcloth (Mr P. Burr), Mr W. Shackcloth, Mrs C. Manning, Stephen Fuller, Mr B. Pawley (Mrs Pawley), Mrs G. Hill (Mr S. Hill), Mr and Mrs T. Holmes (Mrs R. Green), Mrs Ellen Finch (family), Mr and Mrs George Russell, Mr Ray Warne (Mandy), Mr Archie Goodwin.
Mr and Mrs N. Alexander, Mr and Mrs R. Newell (V. Chamberlain), Tom and Henrietta Faire (Richard and Jane Faire), Ray Hewitt, Mr John Checketts, Mr and Mrs R. Cox (family), Mr J. Softley, Mrs P. Easter (Mrs S. Softley, Mr G. Softley), H. S. Oldfield (Mrs P. Bligh), F. Seaman, Mr N. Barber (Mrs N. Barber), C. G. Coe (G. Wright and Bircham BC), Mr and Mrs R. Hurn. Mr and Mrs D. Hurn, Mr and Mrs P. Hurn, Mr Peter and Mrs Joan Steward (family), Mr Andrew Ralli, Mr and Mrs W. Collison, Mr and Mrs E. A. Barber, Mrs G. M. Hill, Mr Ted Hall, Mr and Mrs P. Scoles, Pat Endersby (Mr and Mrs Roche), Mrs M. Ayers (Mr M. E. Ayers and family), E, 0. Seaman, George May, Mr N. Shepherd (Kathy), D. C. Pike (Doris and James Pike), F. Twell (Derrek and family), Mr Steve Ireson (Mr and Mrs E. Ireson and Bircham Post Office), Mrs S. Ireson (John and family).
Stanhoe 00312
So secret even Eddie didn t know
STANHOE paid a very special farewell last Saturday to two residents who have been at the centre of village life for more than 35 years.
Eddie and Jean Barber were given a granddaughter clock and other Igifts before enjoying a cake, spe-; cially baked for the occasion.
“It’s the first thing to take place in this village that I knew nothing about,” said Mr Barber. The evening had been organised as a Hallowe’en party and the surprise presentation was organised by social club chairman, Mr Tom Holmes, and committee member, Mrs Iris Ireson.
The Barbers, who expect to move to Lynn before Christmas, were active in village life almost from the moment they arrived in Stanhoe in March, 1964, to take over the post office stores.
Mr Barber also held the job of village postman; until recently.
“When we came, every house and cottage was occupied by a family,” said Mr Barber.
“Ninety-five per cent of the people were born in the village and everyone knew everyone else.
There were no weekenders. Now there are a considerable number of holiday homes.”
Within six months Mr Barber was a member of the parish council and has been chairman on a number of occasions.
The now-closed shop faces Stanhoe pond, which was silted up when the couple arrived, but during Mr Barber’s time on the parish council he initiated moves to have it restored.
He was chairman of the Wright’s Charity, is still on the social club and village hall committees and was the driving force behind the village jubilee celebrations in 1977. He was chairman of: the village hall committee which transformed the
I village Reading Room into a village hall.
I Mr Barber also helped to run the village’s senior youth club in the 70s with Mrs Barber helping to run the junior club. She also belonged to the Women’s Institute and was involved in the Meals on Wheels service.
Above: Tom Holmes (left) presents the clock to Eddie and Jean Barber. (99/11/09/27)
Stanhoe 00315
REMEMBER trips to Blackpool? This picture was taken about 1956, according to Mrs P. Meek, of Cotswold, Fakenham Road, Docking, who writes: “We used to organise coach loads to Blackpool for the illuminations in September and the late Reg and Dora Houchen from Dersingham were the coach proprietors.
“We used to leave Docking at 6.30am and pick up a few passengers at Flitcham and Hillington. The fare was 32s 6d return and bed breakfast and evening meal were also 32s 6d (E1.62’,2) – that included Friday evening meal; Saturday breakfast and evening meal; and Sunday breakfast. We used to go to the Tower ball-
room on the Saturday morning for a dance to Reg Dixon and to go up the tower was 2s 6d (127ip).
“A 4s 6d ticket would get us into a show at the Winter Gardens and and a dance to Billy Ternent’s orchestra at night.”
Mrs Meek adds that sadly many of those on the picture are now dead.
Stanhoe 00317
Posh pooches’ centenary
ABOVE: Schnauzer-poodle crosses Bertie and Belle look on as their owner Ken Foskett is presented with a gift by Pets Paradise owner Carole Flatt after visiting the grooming salon for the 100th time. (99/09/87/15)
BERTIE and Belle are two of the best turned out dogs in West Norfolk -and their owner Ken Foskett has got the memento to prove it.
For in the 13 years Mr Foskett, of Stanhoe, has owned the two schnauzer-poodle crossbreeds, he has taken them to be groomed at Lynn’s Pets Paradise.
And Bertie’s and Belle’s 100th visit was marked on Monday with a surprise presentation.
Mrs Carole Flatt, who owns the St James Street grooming salon, said: “Mr Foskett has owned them since they were puppies and has brought them to us every six weeks since then.
“He has never let us down on time and is a model customer, and Bertie and Belle are lovely dogs.”
She said the business decided to give Mr Foskett a card and two dog beds to celebrate the milestone to thank him for his loyalty.
Stanhoe 00321
Famous for ducks – and Hoste hero
STANHOE, with around 200 residents, may once have been called Stony Hill because of the large quantity of prehistoric flint axeheads found there.
But it was known as Stan-hoe as early as the 13th century. Lord of the Manor, Sir Hervey de Stanhoe, who died in 1297, lived there.
Today Stanhoe is well-known for its duck-filled village pond, which used to be spring-fed and called East Mere.
Barwick House was once the family home of the Hoste family. Captain Sir William Hoste benefited from the friendship of Admiral Lord Nelson. Sir William joined his flagship, Agamemnon, at the age of 12 years and eight months, and although not at Trafalgar, made his mark on history by winning the battle of Lissain 1811.
Commanding a British frigate squadron he defeated a vastly superior Franco-Venetian squadron, reviving exhausted crews with his rallying cry: “Remember Nelson”. There is a memorial to Hoste both in the village church and in St Paul’s Cathedral.
Although the school has closed there is still a store and sub-post office, parish church, Methodist chapel, Women’s Institute, pub, football club, fortnightly whist drive and a social club.
But, like most villages, it has its problems. Resident Dennis Ford, a parish and district councillor, said: “Bir-cham and Stanhoe were top of the borough council’s list to have a sewerage system.
“Anglian Water, which took over a year or so ago, has now told us we have no case for mains drainage.”
Nor will unsightly overhead wires be buried underground in the foreseeable future. “It’s like spaghetti junction in the air,” added Mr Ford.
Parish council chairman, Mr Andrew Ralli, is concerned that one road has no speed limit despite one death, one near fatality and six other accidents in two years. The road from Bircham does not qualify although houses line it. “It is a decision we’re still fighting,” he says.
Stanhoe 00323
THE Friends of All Saints’ Church is a new organisation which aims to provide a much-needed support for what is a large church for such a small village. In winter the congregation dwindles but swells dramatically on high days and holidays.
“What we want to do is enlarge the small core of people who maintain the fabric of the building and who are concerned solely with the preservation of the church, but who are not necessarily members of the congregation,” said secretary, Mrs Margaret Crane.
Churchwarden, Mrs Gill Hargreaves, said a current financial problem was raising over £30,000 to repair a leaking roof. “Our numbers are small and the church is becoming increasingly expensive.”
Helping their fund-raising efforts is an annual open garden weekend which brings in over £1,000 and a concert, as part of the Lynn Festival, which made around £2,000 this year.
The church has two beautiful stained-glass windows by the renowned Victorian glazier, Charles Earner Kempe, and another stained-glass memorial to the parents of Jane Seymour, the third wife of Henry VIII and her brother, Edward the Protector.
Just inside the door are a pair of coffin lids attributed to Sir Henry de Stanhoe and his wife, Isabel. He is thought to have started building the church in the middle to late 13th century.
Stanhoe 00325
Some of the congregation of All Saints’ Church are (back, from left): retired vicar the Rev Paul Bibby, rector the Rev Andrew Butcher, Sylvia Turner, churchwarden Gill Hargreaves and secretary of Friends of the Church Margaret Crane. In front (from left) are organist Gina Wagg, Janette Bibby and Gwen HiH. (98/12/324)
Stanhoe 00329
Popular WI branch thrives
STANHOE and Barmer Women’s Institute, formed in 1919, is one the oldest in the county and still very vibrant and active, with 21 members, some ten per cent of the village population.
Once seen as being more orientated towards the mother and housewife, it is now all about entertainment and new interests.
“We are adapting with the times,” said president, Mrs Gililan Beckett, explaining that an anonymous questionnaire showed that what members liked most was the friendship and “having a good laugh”.
It meets on the first Thursday of each month but also has other monthly activities. Members visit places of interest, go to the theatre and enjoy talks by visiting experts.
Very much an integral part of the village, its members organise the annual flower show and also try to raise money for village projects. Last year they provided the village hall with new tables.
Members of Stanhoe WI and friends enjoy a recent historical walk around nearby Wells.
Stanhoe 00331
A life with horses
DICK Seaman is just about the most familiar face in the village.
Often he can be seen either on his bicycle leading two horses to a fresh pasture or riding his current horse Misty.
He also rides to the hunt as a member of the West Norfolk Foxhounds.
Nothing unusual in that you might think -until you know that Dick has just celebrated his 82nd birthday.
He started work as a groom at the age of 16 for the then Hunt Master, Colonel Seymour. Later he became second horseman when the hounds – now at Necton – were kennelled at Weasenham.
After the Second World War rising costs caused many local farmers, including his then employer. Major Ralli, to close down their stables, and Dick became a cowman.
But he never broke his link with
horses and can now claim to have ridden to hounds for more than 65
ABOVE: At 82 Dick Seaman still enjoys his riding. He is pictured with his horse Misty. (98/12/326)
Stanhoe 00334
Stanhoe’s pig population outnumbers residents by more than 12 to one. One local farmer has 2,500 pigs.
The former Norfolk Hero pub, now a private house, was popular with airmen from Bircham Newton during the Second World War when beer was reputedly served by the bucketful. Before Nelson’s Trafalgar victory, it was called the Cock and Breeches.
The village was one of the first in Norfolk to throw open its gardens to the public in 1977. The annual event raises money for the parish church.
Stanhoe’s well-known pond is one of five in the village.
Admiral Lord Nelson’s daughter, Horatia, who married the Rev Philip Ward, lived in Stanhoe for 18 months while he was curate there in the 1820s.
Stanhoe 00336
POND LIFE: Stanhoe earned the title of best village under 300 population.
newsletter Saints Alive, which goes to every home, and the active youth The tiny village of Stanhoe scooped club and WI, which encourages first place in the population of 300 or husbands to join in. less category. The village, which is Judges were also impressed with home to just 250 people, particularly recent conservation work at the impressed judges with its village village pond.
Stanhoe 00337
Stores closes after 60 years
THEY say a change is as good as a rest but for Sarah and Page Clowser, who have just closed Roy’s Stores at Docking, that will remain to be seen.
Roy’s has been a family business for over 60 years, beginning with William Roy before his nephew Jack took over about 1949. Jack and his wife Ivy are both now in their 80s and live in Dersingham. When they retired in 1970 their daughter Sarah and her husband moved in to take over the business.
During the last 60 years, Roy’s has actually had three premises which housed everything imaginable – ranging from carpets to corsets, bedding to boiler suits, china to cheese – and footwear to food.
Several years ago one building was completely destroyed by fire and then the second building was sold, but Mr and Mrs Roy continued to stock a wider range of clothes and groceries.
At this time Sarah used to help her mother organise fashion shows, and because they only stocked exclusive high fashion clothes, Roy’s was always the place to go for that special wedding outfit or dance dress.
The grocery side continued to flourish, being popular with those requiring “something special” – exotic fruits and vegetables, fresh salmon, unusual cheeses etc.
For Mrs Mary James, who retired recently after 32 years as assistant in Roy’s, the end of an era brings special sadness. She recalls having been with Roy’s for so long, she has seen Sarah grow up and become Aunty Mary to children in the village who now have children of their own.
“We had some lovely times with the fashion shows and the carnival processions, and at sale times people used to come from miles around – great queues of them,” she said.
Sarah Clowser with Val Dye and Sue Clarke outside Roy’s.
BELOW: Poem written for the Clowsers by a customer.
Having decided to sell the business, the opportunity to run the Crown at Stanhoe came along, which Page went into, leaving Sarah at Docking to run the shop.
Now, after a whole year of waiting, Sarah wonders how she would have managed without the support of her staff – Val Dye who has been with her 13 years, Sue Clarke six years and Shirley Waters.
Marshall’s, a family from Huntingdon, have taken over the business.
Our days at Roy’s are at an end,
Our grateful thanks we now extend
To every valued client.
For fifteen years you gave support,
And of our merchandise you bought,
On you we were reliant.
So credit now, where credit’s due,
Our glasses we will raise to you
In deep appreciation;
And now, to wish you Christmas cheer
The Crown has spirits, wine and beer
And here’s an invitation;
We would be glad to serve you still,
So come to Stanhoe and we will,
With every greatest pleasure;
You will find a welcome there.
And for your comfort we will care
In every fullest measure!
Stanhoe 00339
Sportsman’s farewell
TWO dartboards dominated more than 80 floral tributes to talented sportsman Graeme Carson whose funeral was held at Stanhoe on Monday. More than 300 grieving relatives and friends crowded into the tiny village church to pay last respects to Graeme, of Grove Farm, Docking.
The popular local farmhand, who became a familiar sight driving a tractor while sporting his green bush hat, died in a tragic farm accident at the Stanhoe farm of Mr R. Ralli.
Priest-in-charge at Stanhoe, the Rev Robert Tomlinson, who baptized Graeme at Docking Church, led the-funeral
The poignant floral tribute to Graeme Carson from his parents.
service. Mrs G. M. Ford played the organ. “I feel proud to have watched him grow into a courteous, polite, young man with such a zest for life,” said Mr Tomlinson.
Graeme died instantly when a fixed block at the top of a crane – moving pig units – became detached and fell on to his back last week. He would have been 23-years-old on Sunday and was the youngest son of Mr Doug Carson and his wife Jean.
His father said: As I was driving back from Stanhoe after the accident I glanced across to the church, it was such a beautiful sight with the sun streaming across the churchyard that I felt it was there our son belonged, a warm sunny place in a village he knew and loved.”
Graeme died on St George’s Day, a date which his father explained was poignant: “It was a long-standing joke between my son and I. My wife Jean and 1 are Scots and he was born in Birmingham, so always classed himself as English.”
His sporting prowess was renowned throughout West Norfolk, and began at Docking Primary School. He became a bowler for his cricket team at the King Edward VII High School, Lynn, but later turned to football where he became an asset to Docking and Burnham Market’s Sunday side.
Darts soon became his greatest sporting love and he won mone than 50 trophies. He played against international darts st s at the British Open Championships in London with his doubles partner Keith Howard.
Among the 86 floral tributes were dartboards from his mother and father and the Docking Hare inn where Graeme played in the Massingham League Team. Team mates from Docking Football Club sent a football formed from flowers, and many other teams and clubs were represented.
Stanhoe 00341
Tragic death stuns friends
GRIEVING family and friends openly wept as they remembered popular Graeme Carson who was killed in a tragic farm accident on Tuesday, writes Carol Rogers.
Graeme, of Grove Farm, Docking, would have celebrated his 23rd birthday on Sunday in the village he had known for most of his life.
Stunned residents of the close-knit community spoke fondly of the devastating loss of a lovable character and a tremendous darts and football talent.
Graeme was killed instantly when a heavy fixed block – at the top of a crane moving pig units at a Stanhoe farm – became detached and fell on his back.
The Health and Safety Inspectorate is investigating the accident.
Graeme was a farm hand employed by Mr R. Ralli, of Stanhoe Farms Ltd but had applied for a new job at the National Institute of Agricultural Botany in Cambridge.
His grief-stricken parents Mr Doug Carson and his wife Jean warmly told how the youngest of their three children crammed his life full of sport and won more than 50 trophies.
The Hunstanton Super League darts player recently played in the British Open Darts Championships, and with doubles partner Keith Howard, finished in the last 16.
He formerly played darts and pool at his ‘local’ the King William pub and was a key member of the Massingham League team at the Hare Inn, Docking, and also played at Stanhoe Social
A keen footballer, he was a top scorer and a great contributor to Docking first team’s record of 23 unbeaten games this season. The team called off a Fermoy Charity Cup clash on Wednesday night as a mark of respect.
Mr Rod Ireson, secretary of Hunstanton Super League and Ernie Cardew, landlord of Sedgeford King William, planned to stage a major darts tournament in Graeme’s memory.
Mr Tom Skillings, of the Hare Inn, will provide a winner’s trophy.
Mr Carson said of his son: “Anyone who met him could do nothing but like him. Everyone I speak to, young and old alike, is almost in
Mrs Biddy Wells, of High Street, Docking, had known Graeme since he was a toddler. He was due to be best man to her son David at his wedding in September. “The whole village is very sad,” she said.
The funeral takes place at Stanhoe Parish Church on Monday at 2 pm.
An inquest was due to be opened at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Lynn, yesterday.
Stanhoe 00343
New pub landlord makes changes
THE new landlord of the Coach and Horses, Tilney St Lawrence, has already started making changes just days after taking charge.
Mr Eddie Edwards, who is running the pub with his wife Carol, has introduced real ale and moved opening time from 7pm to 6pm each night.
At the moment the ale is served from a barrel in a back room but within a few months Mr Edwards hopes work will be completed on altering the cellar to make it suitable for storing beer.
The outside of the pub – a landmark on the A47 – is also scheduled for a new coat of paint.
The Edwards were previously at another Elgood’s pub, the Crown, Stanhoe. Before that they ran the King William, Docking, and the Bell, Grimston.
They came to the area from Manchester 11 years ago. “We love it down here,” said Mr Edwards.
The couple have two children, Jane (16), who attends the Alderman Peel High School, Wells, and Paul (12), who has just started at Marshland High School.
Jane hopes to go to the Norfolk College of Arts and Technology, Lynn, to do a catering course and may eventually help with the pub food.
The couple took over the pub from Mr Chris Sims.
Mr Eddie Edwards puts his arm round his wife Carol and drinks to their success as the new tenants at the Coach and Horses, Tilney St Lawrence. (85/2019)
Stanhoe 00345
Stanhoe 00348
Mark Manning – Christine Shackcloth
MARRIED at All Saints’ Church, Stanhoe, were Mr Mark Manning, of 28 Beacon Hill, Downham, and Miss Christine Shackcloth, of Cross Lane, Stanhoe.
The bridegroom is the eldest son of Mr Trevor Manning and Mrs Dawn Manning (divorced), of Burnham Market, and the bride the only daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Shackcloth, of Stanhoe. The bride was attended by Jill Frost.
Best man was Mr Robert Manning.
Photographer: Mr Andrew Coe
Stanhoe 00350
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been such good, clean fun
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Norfolk worker has
mis Moore throws in the towel after 52 years at Fakenham Laundryclean.
Er A loyal Norfol
thrown in the towel – after 52 years spent in the same laundry.
Colleagues gave Dennis Moore, 66, a send-off to remember yesterday as he watched the clock and waited for his last hours at Fakenham Laundryclean to tick away.
The giant cleaning machines fell silent for a few minutes as singers and bagpipers from the Christmas show at the Thursford Collection – also owned by Laundryclean’s proprietor John Cushing – gave Dennis a musical treat. Dennis, who lives opposite the plant with his wife Nancy, first went to work for Laundryclean in 1943 at the age of 14, walking eight miles a day to work and joining a handful of workers in a small single-room operation.
Now more than 170 people work in the modern factory, cleaning countless sheets for Norfolk’s holiday trade, among other contracts.
Dennis said: “Washing is washing but it’s got far more technical – the old copper sink is gone and it’s all hi-tech machinery now.”
He has no regrets about never leaving the job, apart from two years of National Service when he served with the Army in Egypt.
“It boils down to this – I like the way the people I work for do things here, and that’s kept me going,” he said.
John Cushing said: “It’s sad to see Dennis go – he always had something nice to say. The happiness is that he’s retiring in good health and good spirits.”
Stanhoe 00352
Dry pond sends ducks quackers
Hello ducky – Annette Hodgkinson, whose cottage overlooks Stanhoe pond, has been providing water and food for the ducks ever since it dried up earlier this summer.
Picture: PETER BIRD (95/08/406)
RIGHT: Dry mud cracks up in the summer sunshine as the heatwave takes its toll on Stanhoe pond (95/08/363)
DUCKS left stranded without water when the summer heatwave dried out Stanhoe village pond have been helped out of a muddle by kind residents. Left with nowhere to bathe, the 50 ducks had a splashing good time in water-filled bath tubs and bowls left by villagers.
It was the first time in living memory the pond had completely dried up, but it is starting to fill again thanks to the recent rainfall.
Postmaster Mr Edward Barber, who has lived opposite the pond for 31 years, said: “The ducks are still hanging around the pond.
“Most of them are really domestic now and as long as they have a little water they are alright.
“It will take a lot of rain to fill it up, but there is a small pool in the middle where the ducks are now going.
“We have taken the opportunity to clear the mud out of the bottom, which we have used to build the sides up with.
“All we need now is three or four storms to fill the pond up, and some grass around the edges and it will be back to its former glory.”
Mr Barber could not remember the pond drying up completely in the past and said: “It dried up in 1976 except for a small puddle in a corner and that was when we lost all of the fish in it.”
ABOVE RIGHT: Stanhoe pond as it should be, pictured when the ducks had plenty of water to bathe in.
Stanhoe 00354
Stanhoe’s tiny chapel 100 years old
STANHOE Methodists celebrated the centenary of the building of their chapel, one of the smallest in Norfolk, at the weekend.
Members marked the occasion with a flower festival, a Saturday evening Songs of Praise service supported by the village and the Hunstanton circuit, and a Sunday centenary service taken by former minister, the Rev Albert Fairhurst.
The chapel’s foundation stone was laid by village squire, Mr H. C. Hollway Calthorp, and the centenary brought back memories for the longest serving member, Mrs Ethel Green, now in her 80s. “I remember when the chapel was lit by oil lamps and heated by a donkey stove,” she said.
She also recollected that when a rather erratic organ broke down the hymns were accompanied by a concertina or piano accordian. “There was more of a community spirit in the village in those days,” she said, pleased that although the village school, several shops and a public house had closed the chapel was still very active.
“That is why we are determined to keep it open,” said circuit minister, the Rev Ray Cummins. “Chapels and churches are the focal point of a village.” A new pathway and entrance porch have been built and the inside of the chapel refurbished.
Stanhoe Methodists celebrate the centenary of their chapel with a flower festival. Pictured, from left, are Ethel Green, Grace Powell and the Rev Ray Cummins.
Stanhoe 00355
28 TUESDAY Lynn News, 11 February, 1992
Obituary: Mr Roddy Ralli
A service of thanksgiving was held in All Saints’ Church, Stanhoe, for Mr Roddy Ralli, aged 62, who died as the result of a riding accident. The service was conducted by the Rev Neil Llewellyn. Lessons were read by Robert Barclay and the Rev Neil Llewellyn. The New English Chamber Choir was directed by Mr Charles Hattrell. Trumpeter for the service was Mr Brendan Ball; organist was Mr Simon Lawford. The church was filled, with many standing outside.
Mr Ralli had run the family estate for 25 years, and was a past chairman of the West Norfolk Hunt. Along with his private interests he took an active part in village life. He had been a parish councillor and chairman of the village hall committee. He was a member of the parochial church council, chairman of the trustees of the reading room and Bar-wick parish meeting. Mr Ralli was always actively supportive of other village organisations.
Ushers were Mr B. Ayres, Mr W. Fox, Sir Edward Greenwell, Mr David Ralli, Mr Peter Hoare and Mr Roger Lyles.
Family mourners included Mrs Amanda Ralli (widow), Mr and Mrs Andrew Ralli, Mr and Mrs R. Barclay, Mr Luke Ralli, Mr and Mrs G. Ralli, Mrs C. Anley, Miss S. Hoare (also rep Mrs R. Hoare), Mr T. Watson, Miss A. Watson, Mr and Mrs M. Peacock, Mr P. Hoare, Mr and Mrs R. Watson, Julian and Juliet Gibbs, Mr and Mrs David Ralli (Sir Godfrey and 1 -ady Ralli, Mr and Mrs Ewen Cameron, Mrs Mary Graydon-Carter, Mr Henry Edwards), Mrs W. W. Hicks-Beach, Mr W. Smith, Mrs Swetenham, Mr Mark Hicks-Beach, Brig and Mrs Stewart-Richardson, Mrs Rosa Naylor, Mr and Mrs A. Stewart-Richardson, Jane and Sarah Stewart-Richardson, Sarah Greenwell, Mrs D. Hicks-Beach.
The Queen was represented by Sir Julian Loyd and the Duke and Duchess of Kent by Mr John Major. The Lord Lieutenant, Mr Timothy Colman, was present with Lady Mary Colman (representing Mr Tom Cook, High Sheriff).
Sympathisers included Mr and Mrs B. Ayres, Mr and Mrs R. Ayres, Mr Stuart Robins (Mr R. Smith), Mr and Mrs
G. Oldfield (Stanhoe Parish Council), Mr R. C. Hunt, Mr D. Edwards, Lord and Lady Suffield, Sir James Cleminson, Mr James Shaw (Capt Simon Clarke), Mr and Mrs J. K. Taylor, Mr M. Reynolds (Hunt staff. West Norfolk Foxhounds), Mrs Michael Upton, Mrs A. Claxton (Mr P. Claxton), Mrs D. Ruddle, Tim Aldiss (Aldiss family), the Rev and Mrs T.
H. Evans, Mr and Mrs C. Hamilton-Shaw, Mr and Mrs Michael Pratt (Mr and Mrs John Pope), Mr Nicholas Pratt, Mr and Mrs P. Hinson, Mr and Mrs Henry Elwes, Dr Richard Hamond, Peter Halls (H. Banham), Charles Steward (Hunt Supporters’ Club), Miss Jane Milk, Mrs Shepherd-Cross, Christabel Dimmock, Mr and Mrs R. Foster, Simon Wood (Dalgety Seamans), Miss A. Earl (Judge and Mrs A. Head), L. A. Green (Burnham Overy Boathouse), J. Sheringham, Mr and Mrs Robert Case, Heather and Maurice 1-ester.
Mr John Harvey (Barclays Bank), Mrs John Harvey (Philip and Matthew), Mrs P. Codman, Mr S. Broke (family), Mr and Mrs M. Jones, Mr Jeremy Wilson, Toni Purcell, Angela Hooker, Duncan Symington, Mr and Mrs A. Don, Mr and Mrs Roly Beazley, Mr and Mrs P. Gow, Mrs P. Forbes, James and Victoria Keith, Mrs M. Keith, Mr and Mrs P. Beck, Robert Wilson-Stephens, Mr and Mrs J. Birk-beck, Mr and Mrs W. Bulwer-Long, Mr John Brereton (Pam Sapsed), Mr J. Fountaine (Mrs Fountaine, the Rev P. Cane), Viscountess Knollys, Mr and Mrs T. H. Scott, Mr S. Womb-well (Mrs A. Symington), Mrs C. Valentine, Mrs Nancy Weller-Pooley, P. S. Zuckerman (Lord and Lady Zucker-man), Mr Villiers, Prudence Finch (John Finch), Mr and Mrs D. Sparkes (Mr C. Sparkes), Mrs D. Samworth, Mr and Mrs C. A. Fountain, Mrs R. Coombe, Mrs C. Adam, Major and Mrs Blaxland, Peter Banson (Cowies), Mr and Mrs J. P. Labouchcre (Mr and Mrs H. D. Labouchere), Miss Dinah Labouchere (Miss S. N. Labouchere, Capt and Mrs D. H. Labouchere), R. Millington (T. Millington), R. G. Powell (BOCM Silcock), Mr W. Fox, Mr Tony Fenwick, Mr R. J. Lyles (West Norfolk Foxhounds), Mr and Mrs D. Gurney,
Combe, Mr and Mrs C. Boone (Mrs B. M. Boone), Mrs M. Vawser, Capt and Mrs Spencer-Ashworth, Mr and Mrs D. Morton, Marquess Townshend of Raynham, Mr Fryer (Cruso and Wilkin), Mr Denzil Newton (Norfolk Beagles), Lord Somerleyton, Mrs C. Musker (Mr C. Musker, Mr and Mrs Chapman), Mr and Mrs A. M. Roche (Mr and Mrs C. G. Payne), Mrs G. Powell, Mr B. Colton, Mr A. Donohoe, Mrs Guy Moreton (Dowager Lady Roberts), Mrs F. Don, Hon Miss Harbord Hamond, Mr T. Willis, Mr Derek Brown, Philippa Tomlinson, Peter Davey, Edward and Clare Pank, Mr and Mrs J. Trotter, Mrs Diana Birkbeck (Mr Joseph Feilden), Mr and Mrs Peter Holmes, Mrs James l-eigh-Wood, Mr Barry Owen, Sir Julian and Lady Paget, Major and Mrs R. Wilson, Sir Piers and Lady Bengough (Royal Hussars), Mr Henry Bellingham MP, Dr and Mrs R. J. Hargreaves, Mrs Andrew Athill (Major Athill), Mrs Ian Baillie.
Mr Paul Hart, Mr W. Makins (Mrs Makins, Pensthorpe Water Trust), Miss U. Bailey, M. W. Christopher (Mr W. Meldren), Mr Edmund Brudenell, Sir Jeremy Bagge (Lady Bagge, Lena Lady Bagge and family). Lord and Lady Fam-ham. Miss Maxwell, Mrs Barrett (Miss J. Barrett), Charles and Caroline Barrett, Mrs T. Elwes (Mr Elwes), Mr and Mrs D. Hare, Mr and Mrs Cory-Wright, Miss Gunnis, Tim and Colleen Mason, Mr and Mrs J. Brettingham-Smith, Stephen Youens, Mr F. Swetenham, John Austin, Mrs B. Carey, Mr and Mrs L. Moscrop, Mr and Mrs J. Barclay, Thomas Bar-row, Capt Harry Birkbeck, Mr and Mrs Robin Don, Mr and Mrs Hugh Scott (Mr and Mrs Paul Fox, Mr Matthew Knight), Mr and Mrs C. Oldfield, Mr P. Burr (J. Saunders Agric), Johnn Claxton, Brian Cross, Mr and Mrs Peter Mason (Mr and Mrs Jeremy Mason Fakenham Racecourse), Adam Case (Barry and Val Hawkins, Lynn Market Co), Trevor Claxton, John Rhodes, James and Lucy Barclay (Masters, Fitzwilliam Hunt), Mr L. M. Ward-Waiters, Mr T. D. Bowett (Mrs T. D. Bowett, Mrs T. S. Bowett, Mr and Mrs R. H. Pugh), Lady Joan Cator, Mr and Mrs Edward Birkbeck, Mrs Henry Howard, Mrs A. Burton, Mr and Mrs
M. E. Ayres (S. and G. Ayres), Mrs G.Beckett (Mrs A. Tuck), Mr Simon Lawford.
Mr Ball, Mrs C. Fleming (Mr C. Fleming), Mr and Mrs David Wales, Mrs P. Endersby, Mr Neil Barber (Mrs N. Barber, Stanhoe Football Club), Mr and Mrs E. Blackburn (Stanhoe and Barwick Women’s Institute), Mr and Mrs E. A. Barber (Mr and Mrs K. Foskett, Mr Michael Chenery), Mr F. Seaman (Mr T. Mendham), Mr and Mrs H. L. Benjamin, Mr and Mrs W. Shackcloth (Mrs E. Green), Mr R. Rowe (Mrs G. Rowe), Mr and Mrs J. F. Rowe, Mrs R. Rumbles (Mr and Mrs E. Ayres and Graeme), Mr and Mrs T. Ransom, Mr P. Steward (Mrs P. Steward and family), Mr and Mrs E. Hill, Mr G. Lomax (Mrs Lomax), Mrs J. Wells (Mr and Mrs R. Ireson), Mr and Mrs R. Kemp (Mr and Mrs G. Dann), Miss J. Spencer (Mrs Tiel), Sir John and Lady Wills, David Wills, Mr and Mrs K. Williamson.-Mr and Mrs P. Simpson, Lady Decies, Mrs J. Bruce (JoiBsid family, Joanna Harrison), Miss Margaret Wilson t Anglian Whippet Coursing Club), Mr and Mrs C. Carey (SAFA, Richard Wake), Mr and Mrs J. C. Wilson, Mr and Mrs H. Coghill, Mr and Mrs Key and Gillian, Mrs G. West, Mrs E. Foster, Mr P. J. Throssell, Mr and Mrs R. Cabbell-Manners (Mr and Mrs B. Cabbell-Manners), Mr and Mrs Foster, Col Hon N. Crossley, Mrs David Keith (Capt D. Keith), Mrs D. Carter, Mr R. Carter, Dr and Mrs Woodsend, Mr and Mrs N. Foster (Mr and Mrs C. Foster), Mrs C. Joice (Mrs C. Of-ford).
Mr C. Joice, Miss V. Joice, Mrs S. Greenlees, Mr A. Vil-lar, Mr T. A. Ringer and family, Mr O. Brun, Valerie Lady Coke, Mr M. C. Hughes (Moulam and Horn), Mr Borritt, Mr and Mrs P. Joynson, Mr and Mrs M. Stratton (Miss Mackeson-Sandbach), Mr and Mrs D. Bunkall, Mrs W. Fox and family, Mr S. Duncan, Mrs D. Mason, Mr and Mrs J. Wales, Mr and Mrs M. Stokes, Mr and Mrs S. Hulse, Mr I.
N. Neave, Mrs Bennion, Mr D. MacCortny, Mrs M. Mac-Cortny, Miss R. McMullen, Mrs N. Barber (Mr Barber), K. W. Cross (family), Andrew Bengough, Major and Mrs William Riley, Martin Jones, Mr Philip Varvill, Luke and Penny Smith, Mr H. S. N. Simms-Adams (Mrs Simms-Adams), Alison Rowley, Katrina Allhusen, Mr and Mrs James Leigh-Wood, Paul Stockdale (Mrs Stockdale), Lady Loyd, Mrs John Sexton (Mr John Sexton), M. Carnell, Richard Riseborough (West Norfolk Lime), David and Julie Oulton, Mr M. Joynson, Mrs S. Cox, Mr P. G. dowser (Mrs S. A. Clowser).
Richard Bamford, Mrs E. Dady (St Mary’s Church, Bir-cham), Mrs U. Legrove (Docking Church Wardens and PCC), Mr and Mrs B, Seaman, Mr and Mrs G. Batchelor (Hill and Osborne), Mrs E. A. Finch (family), Mrs Linda Llewellyn, Mrs W. Wright, Mr Simon Polito, Miss Helen Cormack, Mr F. E. Beales (Mrs Beales), Mr D. L. Johnson, Mr and Mrs B. Thompson, Mr and Mrs D. Twell, Mr Ian Twell, Mrs J. Ireson (Mr J. Ireson, Mr and Mrs E. Ireson), Mr and Mrs D. Eckersley (Simon and Ann), Mr and Mrs E. D. Seaman, Mrs R. J. Lyles (Mr and Mrs Nick Pull), Mrs Newton (Rosemary Litton), Mrs Chloe Macarthy and;mond. Mi l dai Smith. Mrs
Mr C. Dunham, Mr and Mrs R. Perowne, Mrs H. Olesen, Mr N. H. Olesen, Mr B. Garrard, Mrs L. Nave, Mrs K. French (Mr and Mrs C. J. Powell, Miss J. Harrison, Mrs S. Hall), Mrs R. J. Wales, Mr and Mrs T. Crawford (Dunston Harriers), Mr and Mrs R. Crawford (D. Crawford, T. P. Finch), Mrs Smyth-Osboume, Mr C. H. Smyth-Osboume, Mr and Mrs C. Barclay, Mr E. Barclay, Mrs Piper, Lord and Lady Greanock, Mrs D. Seaman (Anthony and Pauline), Mr and Mrs C. Wells, Mr and Mrs Belton (Mrs Wentworth-Smith), Mr and Mrs D. Skinner, Mrs P. Finch, Mrs R. Buxton, Mrs K. Hervey, Mr D. Hervey (Mrs Brothwaite), Mr P. G. Claxton (Armour, Salmon UK), Mr I. Holt, Mr J. Everett, Mr and Mrs T. Holmes (Stanhoe Social Club), Mrs G. H. Bullard, Mr and Mrs H. Farr, Mr and Mrs S. Bullard, Mr and Mrs J. Bullard, Mr Herrell (Mrs Herrell), William Fox Jnr, Lady Glenconner, Lady Carey Basett, Derrick Day (Kings Bamhams Electrical), Michael Hannant (Fisher and Sons), Mrs P. W. Marsham, Mr Julian Marsham, Mr and “Sirs David Fuller (Miss N. R. Wheeler), Major and The Hon Mrs Derek Alhusen, the Rev and Mrs R. Tomlinson, Mr Charles Smith-Bingham, Mr and Mrs J. Haggas, Mrs Vaughan-Jones, Mrs Case (Mr and Mrs J. P. Case, Mr M. Case, Mrs J. Lyles), Mr H. Hill (Cambridge University Drag Hound, Mr J. Fuller), Mr and Mrs L. Coe, Miss C. Coe (Mr P. Coe), Lord and Lady Famham, Miss Pam Thomas.
Mr and Mrs Michael Bloom, Mrs Ryan, Mr N. Barber, Mr C. Barclay (Brig and Mrs P. Barclay), Mrs-V. e riailRICl-” lain, Mr R. Newell, Mr H. Colton, Mrs I. nattrell, Mr and Mrs D. Steward, Mrs S. Gwilf.MTSTo. Roche (Fiona, Sarah and Matthew), Mr and Mrs D. Gemmell, Mr and Mrs Tun Barclay, Mi T..Soamwir; Mr-M. Seaman, Mr D. Seaman, Mr and Mrs G. Hubbard, Mr and Mrs A. Howlett, Christina Sadler, J. W. Powell, Mr and Mrs A. Fenwick, Mrs John Bullard, Mr and Mrs A. Duckworth-Chad, Marigold Thompson (Simon Thompson), Mrs J. Shaw (Mr and Mrs B. Deterding), Mr and Mrs M. Linton, Miss R. Brown, Mr W. H. C. Peacock, Mr and Mrs D. G. Crown, Major and Mrs Eldred Wilson, Mrs Hugh Fraser, Mr and Mrs Robin Ellis, Philip Ellis, Miss Sarah Joice, Mr and Mrs Rex Carter, Miss Bridget Wood, Mr Richard Wace, Miss Mary John, Lady Cook, Mrs Temple-Richards, Mr John Temple, Mrs De Winton (Thomas De Winton), Mr and Mrs Andrew Cuthbert (WN branch Pony Club), Mr Roger Cork, Mr Roger Bassham (Crop Care), Mr and Mrs Nigel Steele, Mrs Alex Bartram (Cuthbert), Mr S. Kilham, Lord and Lady Romney, Mr and Mrs John Wood, Mr and Mrs Buscall (Sir Stephen and Lady Lycett-Green), Mrs Patricia Wayre Mr and Mrs Martin Freeth, Major and Mrs Nunn, Mrs Michael Buxton, Mrs Carole Wallace (Joanna and Sarah Wallace), Miss Celia Borthwick (Mr and Mrs John Ludding.on).
Mrs Clive Hardcastle, Major, and Mrs Anthony Gurney (NW Harriers), Mrs Elizaoeth Savory, Mrs Susannah Savory (1CI Seeds), Mrs Charles Holloway (Mr C. Holloway, Mr and Mrs Rawkins), Mr Michael and Lady Angela Oswald, Mr Michael Lyles, Miss Karen Dudley (Mrs Judy Dudley), Mr John Balfour, Lady Silvia Combe, Mrs R.
Stanhoe 00356
Huntsman’s hat fell off, inquest is told
THE RIDING hat worn by well-known West Norfolk huntsman Roddy Ralli fell off his head before he hit the ground and his horse rolled on top of him, an inquest heard yesterday. Witnesses told the court at Dereham how they saw his horse stumble and fall to its knees, throwing him to the road.
The accident happened while Mr Ralli (62), a farmer of Berwick House, Stanhoe, was hunting on January 8. Carol Booth, of High Street, Whissonsett, said she saw Mr Ralli fall off after he was trotting his horse off a grass verge and on to the road.
She believed the horse shied at something at some point and it seemed Mr Ralli was trying to get it off the verge, but it stumbled and fell on to its knees. “I saw the hat fall off… before he hit the ground. The horse landed sideways – top of him.”
She at another witness, Mr Nicholas ~ ter, of Herring Lane, Burnham Market, were riding side by side at a walking pace on the Dunham to Litcham road when the accident happened.
Mr Ralli overtook them at a walk and then broke into a trot.
The witnesses said there was nothing unusual about the way he was riding.
PC Martin Clarke said Mr Ralli’s hat was strapless. The road was damp because of drizzle, he said.
A post mortem report said Mr Ralli died of severe head injuries, including multiple fractures of the skull.
Coroner Mr Christopher Starling recorded a verdict of accidental death. “How much protection the hat could have given had s it remained on his head is a mat-1 ter for speculation only,” he said.
Stanhoe 00357
Church filled for thanksgiving service
A service of thanksgiving was held for for the life of Roddy Ralli in All Saints Church, Stanhoe. Mr Ralli, 62, died as result of a riding accident.
Family mourners, led by the widow Amanda Ralli, friends and villagers filled the church, with many more outside, for the service, which was conducted by the Rev Neil Llewellyn.
The lesson was read by Robert Barclay and Mr Llewellyn read from the works
of Henry Scott Holland.
The New English Chamber Choir, directed by Charles Hattrell, sang the anthems I Would Be True and God Be in My Head. Trumpeter for the service was Brendan Ball and organist was Simon Lawford.
Mr Ralli had run his family’s estate at Stanhoe for 25 years, and was a past chairman of the West Norfolk Hunt. He also
took an active role in village life
as a parish councillor and chairman of the village hall committee, as well as being involved in several other organisations.
The Queen was represented by Sir Julian Loyd, and the Duke and Duchess of Kent by John Major, from the Sandringham estate. Others present included the Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, Timothy Colman, and Lady Mary Colman, and the High Sheriff of Norfolk, Thomas Cook.
Stanhoe 00358
Charles falls from horse as pal dies
PRINCE Charles has again fallen from his horse.
The Prince of Wales, who broke his arm when he fell from a polo pony 18 months ago, was thrown from his mount as he jumped a fence with the Belvoir Hunt in Lincolnshire.
The accident, from which he escaped unhurt, happened on the same day as a close friend, wealthy landowner Roddy Ralli, 62, was killed while out hunting with the West Norfolk Foxhounds near the royal Sandringham estate.
Mr Ralli was crushed by his horse when it fell after stumbling on a verge. Charles is said to be “deeply upset”.
Stanhoe 00359
Head injuries killed rider after hat lost
Former chairman of the West Norfolk Foxhounds Roderick Ralli died after his horse stumbled and fell on him, an inquest heard yesterday.
Mr Ralli, 62, of Barwick House, Stanhoe, near Fakenham, was riding with the hunt in January when the accident happened on the Dunham-Litcham road.
A post-mortem revealed he died from head injuries.
In recording a verdict of accidental death. Dereham coroner Christopher Starling heard that Mr Ralli was wearing a hat but it did not have straps. He heard that as Mr Ralli fell, his hat came off.
Huntsman Nicholas Walter, of Burnham Market, said Mr Ralli overtook him at a brisk walk as they rode towards Litcham.
He went past riding on the verge and then back on the road, Mr Walter said.
“He broke into a trot, the horse skidded and went down on its knees. He went over its head and the horse went on top of him,” Mr Walter said, adding that Mr Ralli fell head first on to the road.
Another rider, Carol Booth, of Whissonsett, near Fakenham, said she saw Mr Ralli’s horse shy slightly and then stumble as he tried to guide it from the verge on to the road.
“The horse stumbled and as it tried to get up, Mr Ralli fell over its head,” she said. “I saw the hat fall off before he hit the ground.”
She said the horse was under control, but it might have slipped as it left the verge because its hooves were warm.
She told the inquest there were no special requirements for huntsmen to wear hats with straps. But she said riders had to wear skull hats for other horse riding activities such as racing and hunter trials.
Mr Walter said there were no distractions which could have caused the accident, but the road surface was smooth.
PC Martin Clarke, of Dereham police station, said skid marks were found on both the road and the verge. He said there was also a light drizzle which could have made the road slippery.
Mr Starling said it would never be known if the fall or the horse falling on Mr Ralli had been the main cause of death. “How much protection the hat could have given him if it had remained on his head is a matter for speculation only.”
Stanhoe 00360
Eastern Daily Press, Thursday, January 9, 1992
Ex-hunt chairman is killed
A former chairman of the West Norfolk Foxhounds, Roddy Ralli, was killed yesterday in a hunting tragedy.
The accident happened near Litcham as Mr Ralli, 62, took part in one of the hunt’s regular Wednesday meets. He died instantly.
Roger Lyles, the longest-serving master, said everybody was shocked and very upset.
“He was very well known and very well liked,” he said.
Mr Ralli, whose family has had a long association with the hunt, lived at Barwick House, Stanhoe. His sons Andrew and Luke and his widow, Amanda, a master of the hunt, had also joined yesterday’s meet.
Mrs Ralli was not present when the accident happened on the Litcham to Dunham road at lunchtime.
The hunt, which had set out from East Lexham, was abandoned immediately and the foxhounds taken home.
Mr Ralli farmed about 1200 acres at Stanhoe and was very well known for his Friesian dairy herd.
He was chairman of the Norfolk branch of the British Field Sports Society and had previously served as chairman of the hunt and a board member of Fakenham Racecourse for a number of years.
“He has been the greatest help to me as hunt chairman,” said Mr Lyles. “He loved country life. He was a great conservationist and very respected in Stanhoe village.” Mr Ralli also leaves a married daughter, Susan Barclay.
The West Norfolk Foxhounds has a membership of about 90, which rides out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays during the season.
Stanhoe 00362
Stanhoe man’s will
MR Roderick Stephen Charles Ralli, of Barwick House, Stanhoe, who died on January 8, left estate valued at £674,053 gross, £506,669 net.
Probate has been granted to his wife, Amanda J. Ralli, George A. Ralli and John G. Rhodes, of 10 Norwich Street, London EC4.
Stanhoe 00365
Brother comes back
FAMILY bonds were emotionally renewed last week when a long lost brother reappeared to meet the family he last saw an incredible 51 years ago.
He arrived on Tuesday in West Norfolk where he has five brothers and sisters, all in their 70s and 80s.
Mrs Grace Powell (71), of Meadow View, Cross Lane, Stanhoe, said the talking had not stopped since her brother, Mr John Francis, arrived. “We have a lifetime to catch up on,” she said.
the Salvation Army and social services.
Now he is spending the week visiting his family, which consists of two more sisters -Mrs Ethel Green (79), of Station Road, Stanhoe, and Mrs Ellen Col-lison (81), of The Almshouses, Gaywood Road, Lynn; and brothers, Mr Frederick Francis (77), of The Limes, Rudham Road, Syder-stone and Mr James Hammond (83), Grove-side, East Rudham.
“We all realised we were getting older and we wanted to know if John was still alive so we contacted the Salvation Army in Lynn,” said Mrs Powell. Three months later he had been tracked down.
The family lost touch with John when he joined the military police during the war.
John meets family after 51 years
Happy families – reunited after an amazing 51 years. Brothers and sisters, from left, Grace Powell (71), long lost brother John Francis (70), Ellen Coilison (81), Ethel Green (79) and Frederick Francis (77). (91/07/207) Picture: ROY WILLIAMSON
“The last time I saw him I was waving him goodbye on the Underground,” said Mrs Powell, whose family had moved from East Rudham to London when she was very young. “I never expected that would be the last time
we would see each other.”
Over the years the sisters were married and therefore changed their names, making it impossible for John to trace them.
In the meantime John was posted all over the world in his administration work for the United
Nations and returned to England in 1984.
He now has the opportunity of discovering more family he never knew existed – two nieces and three nephews. Mrs Powell hopes to meet her sister-in-law for the first time when she returns with John to his home.
Stanhoe 00367
Mr John Francis reunited with his sisters, Mrs Ethel Green, left,
Mrs Grace Powell.
Reunited after 50 years
A FAMILY has been reunited after more than 50 years – thanks to the Salvation Army.
Mrs Grace Powell, of Stanhoe, was delighted when she heard her youngest brother, Mr John Francis, whom she had not seen for 50 years, was still alive.
“It was marvellous to see him again. He was in the war and we didn’t know if he was dead or alive.”
Mr Francis was adopted when he was six months old after his mother died. The rest of the family were brought up by their father and eldest sister, Ellen Colli-son, who now lives in King’s Lynn.
The last time the family saw their brother was at Ellen’s wedding in 1940.
Mrs Powell, aged 71, said it was Ellen who contacted the Salvation Army to trace her brother.
Mr Francis, who now lives in Hastings, said when he saw the envelope from the Salvation Army he thought it was something unimportant and did not open it for a couple of days. “When I finally did the news shook me and my legs felt like jelly.
“But it’s marvellous to all meet up again,” he said.
After Ellen’s wedding John served in the war with the Military Police. Then he worked for the United Nations in administration and came back to England in 1984.
Mrs Powell said: “We wanted to contact John as we knew we were all getting a lot older.
“We have had lots of catching up to do. We’ve not stopped talking yet.”
Mr Francis aiso met his brothers Mr Fred Francis, of Syderstone and Mr Jimmy Hammond, of East Rudham, his eldest sister Mrs Ellen Collinson, aged 81, and sister Mrs Ethel Green, also of Stanhoe.
Stanhoe 00368
Grace Edna Powell
Died 12th May, 1997
Stanhoe 00370
Mrs Grace Powell
THE funeral took place at All Saints’ Church, Stanhoe, of Mrs Grace Edna Powell, aged 77, of Stanhoe, who died at Wells Cottage Hospital. The service was conducted by the Rev Paul Bibby; donations were for Redwings Horse Sanctuary and the RSPCA.
Mrs Powell was born in Norfolk but moved to London as a child, where she spent many years. Upon the death of her husband and her retirement she moved to Stanhoe, where she had lived for the past 11 years.
She took a great part in village life as a past member of the WI, Mothers’ Union and the parochial church council. She served as churchwarden for several years and was also a member of the Women’s Section, Royal British Legion, whose standard bearer escorted the cortege.
Mrs Powell leaves three sisters and one brother.
Family mourners included: Mr B. Yaxley (also rep Mrs E. Green and Mrs S. Yaxley), Mrs E and Mr R. Collison, Mr F. and Mr P. Francis, Mr and Mrs P. Neems (family), Mr and Mrs D. Lingwood, Mr and Mrs S. Lynn, Mrs P. Whapshott (Mr C. Whapshott), Mrs P. Green, Mr and Mrs K. Grim-wood.
Sympathisers included: Pauline Mann and family, Dr and Mrs Roger Hargreaves, Mrs I. Cartwright, Mr A. Simmonds, Mrs M. J. Sim-monds, Ursula Legrove, Jean Anderson, A. B. Vincent, E. Jordan, Mr and Mrs E. Blackburn, Mr R. Ayres, Mr Fred Seaman, Paul and Susan Hart (Mrs Ellen Finch), Doreen Thomas, Edna Allen, Annette Hodgkinson, Mrs John Hattrell, Jannette Bibby, Mrs J. Barber (Mr E. A. Barber), Sally Ireson, Mrs S. Ireson (John, Tony), Mrs F. Twell (Derrek, Ian and Paul), Margaret and Graham Crane (Sarah and Page Clowser), Mrs Nicky Phizacklea, Lindsey, Ann and Heidi Moscrop, Mrs A. Neave, Mrs J. Pooley, Mr and Mrs I. Ireson (Brian, Pat and family), Mrs L. Mann (Mr David Mann), Tanya Mann, Mr and Mrs R. Ireson, Mrs E. Mann, Mrs J. Lough (Lough family), Vera Gwatkin, Mr R. Newell, Mrs V. Chamberlain, Miss K. Chamberlain, Harry from Docking Community Bus, Mr E. D. Seaman.
Mr R. Hum (Mrs J. Hum), Mrs G. Batchelor, Christine Waddelow, Mrs S. Waddelow, Mrs L. Emons, Mr D. Fuller, Mr and Mrs J. Black, Mr and Mrs D. Hine and all friends on Docking Community Bus, Mr and Mrs John Rowe (Roddy, Geraldine, Tom and Jessica, Mrs Ionie Hodson), Mr and Mrs M. W. Heap, Mr and Mrs Mark Roche, Mrs Sybil Oldfield, Sheila Oldfield (Gerald, Vicky and Robert), Amanda Ralli, Michael Neal (family), Mrs Mary Horn (family), Mr and Mrs T. Ransom, Mr and Mrs T. Hill, Mr and Mrs P. Jackson, Elspeth Adams, Molly and Lucy, Mr and Mrs T. Holmes (family, Mr and Mrs C. Mitchell and Women’s Fellowship), Mr and Mrs W. Shackcloth, John and Christine Shackcloth’ Joyce Wells, Iain Wells, K. Docherty.
Syderstone Royal British Legion Women’s Section: Mrs J. L. Simmonds, Mrs R. Cable, Mrs E. Edwards, Mrs I, Cartwright, Mrs C. Howard, Mrs N. Allen, Mrs J. Anderson, standard bearer Mrs P. Watling.___________________________________
Stanhoe 00372a
WI president Mrs Eva Blackburn (91/209)
A1910 view of Stanhoe’s village pond, then commonly known as The Pit.
Quiet and village of
TRAVELLERS through Stan-hoe cannot fail to notice one of the loveliest village duckponds in West Norfolk.
But there is more to this community than a picturesque centre and much that those who merely admire in pass-
A stay of just a few hours gives an insight into why one resident at least is proud to say: “If I won the pools I would still want to live in Stanhoe.”
It has suffered like most villages some of the effects of rural decline – the village school has gone along with one of its pubs and all but one of its shops. More and more properties are being sold for conversion into holiday homes.
But Stanhoe has been luckier than many communities. It has managed to
retain its post office, has a flourishing sports and social club, and still boasts church and a tiny but thriving Metho. dist Chapel.
It is also the last bastion of a once widespread Norfolk and Suffolk tradi-’ lion – the Hospital Sunday.
Methodist Chapel stalwart Mrs Ethel Green, who has been connected with the event for 40 years, explained: “Stanhoe is the only village in the two counties which still has this day and this will be our 72nd year.” I
The day starts with a procession led by the Salvation Army Band from Fa-kenham. This is followed by a united open air service in the centre of the village and teas are then served.
Usually, about £200 is raised from i’ the sale of hymn sheets, a collection and 1 donations. This goes into an amenity fund administered by the Norfolk and
Laid-off farmhands at work clearing a heavy snowfall in the early 1940s.
Stanhoe 00372b
Suffolk Hospital Contributors’ Association which supplies medical aids and small luxuries not available under the NHS.
Another long-standing and unusual tradition in the village is Wright’s Charity. This gives Stanhoe schoolchildren a book token each year plus a small cheque on leaving school and also provides grants for older children going on to higher education or an apprenticeship..
The charity committee chairman Mr Eddie Barber, explained the origins of
the charity. “A local farmer, Mr John Wright, left a parcel of land to the school in the early 1800s stipulating that the rent should be used to give the schoolchildren of the parish of Stanhoe a penny a year if they attended every day.” he said.
Fund-raising for the village hall – in what used to be the men’s reading room – has been on-going since Silver Jubilee year when a committee was formed to organise village celebrations.
Money left Over was allocated for the upkeep of the hall and after a few years it was decided to create a sports and social club. In 1982. with the help of a West Norfolk Council grant, an extension was added which doubled the size of the hall.
Continuing fund-raising enabled the club to help the local football club clear and seed a new pitch on land donated by W. H. Knights. ofGooderstone.
Stanhoe Football Club, which has the; distinction of being almost entirely “home grown”, has since demonstrated its gratitude by climbing to the top of division three in the North West Norfolk League.
Next, the sports and social club hopes to provide on the same area of land an adventure playground for village children.
Another attraction offered by the village which few passers-through would know about is the garden of Mr Kenneth Beckett.
A professional gardener and gardening writer, Mr Beckett, has gathered together at Bramley Cottage a “reference collection of plants”. Linking
Gardening writer Mr Kenneth Beckett. (91/210)
these together with paths, he created a garden which has been seen by several hundred visitors and featured on television’s Gardener’s World.
Stanhoe is clearly seen as something special in the eyes of long-standing residents and newcomers alike.
Mrs Joan Foskett, of Eastmere Cottage, who moved to the village four years ago. said: “We love the atmo-
sphere here. It’s so peaceful and so friendly and everyone seems to be involved and helpful.”
WI president Mrs Eva Blackburn, a resident for 64 years, regretted the incursion of new housing development and holiday homes but still said: “Stanhoe is a pretty village and basically we all get on well together. I often say that if we won the pools I would still like to live in Stanhoe.”
Stanhoe 00376
Mrs Marie Brown
MRS Marie Elizabeth Brown, of Marches Close. Stanhoe, who died on January 27 left estate valued at £ 126,207 gross. £125.422 net.
Probate has been granted to her daughter Rosemary E. Brown and Michael K. C. Morgan, solicitor, of 19 Tuesday Market Place. Lynn.
Stanhoe 00378
Pleased to be back pulling the pints is Eddy Edwards, (centre) the new landlord of Heacham’s Wheatsheaf, his daughter Jane and friend Crawford Bowers.
A LANDLORD whose love-affair with West Norfolk bars has spanned 14 years has just taken on another local pub.
Eddy Edwards has run four pubs in the area-since moving to Norfolk from Manchester in 1974.
But after a two-year break from the trade while he worked at The Crusty Loaf in Dersingham, Mr Edwards has returned to his first love – pulling the pints for his regulars at the Wheatsheaf in Heacham.
“In the two weeks we have going, we are absolutely de-been here we have made lighted and will probably several new friends,” said need to take on more staff in Mr Edwards who is helped the summer,” he added, by his daughter Jane and “But with all due respect to family friend Crawford the holidaymakers, we al-Bowers. ways try to put the locals first
as they are here for 12 mon-“The way that trade is ths a year and not just three.”
The Grimston Bell, the King William at Docking, The Crown in Stanhoe and the Coach and Horses at Til-ney St Lawrence have all been under Mr Edwards’
Stanhoe 00379
living less than 10 Reg Finch (left) and Cliff Wright.
‘Bushel’ air-group story’s happy ending
IMAGINE your surprise at being shown a newspaper feature which your wife guessed would be of interest to you – only to find yourself in one of the photographs!
. jus
happened to Reg Finch of Stanhoe the other week, when his wife, Ellen, showed him the centre spread in The Leader of 30th December, featuring the North-West Norfolk Aircrew Association, which meets at the Bushel and Strike public house at Heacham.
The photograph to the Cliff and Reg haven’t met born – after the war. bottom right of the feature now for over fifty years – Needless to say. Cliff and showed Cliff Wright at the since in fact they flew Reg are planning to meet up controls of a Hawker Hind ol together lor some 12 months very soon – they certainly 142 Squadron, which he was at the Dunde’e training camp have a-lot of mileage to catch flying in 1937 —and the man in Fifeshire. Cliff was,, the up on and to ponder sitting behind Cliff in the pilot and Reg was gunner position was no less training for air gunner, than Reg himself.
… … “After the 12 months ai
I couldn t believe it, ihe training camp, we both Reg told I he Leader. “I moved off to different phoned Cliff up on the numsquadrons and lost touch,” ber given and said to him – sajd Cliff, that chap sitting behind you
in the photograph in The Reg. who originally comes Leader – that’s me! He was from Shropshire, moved to amazed, too.” Norfolk – where Ellen was
amazing coincidence that after all this time, when the two of them could have ended up living in different corners of the world, they are less than ten miles apart.
Stanhoe 00381
Stephen Ayres – Debbie Bird Sep’CjS
Stanhoe 00383
prisoners of war, many of them Royal Norfolks, awaiting repatriation from Japan.
Waiting for the boat home
EXACTLY 40 years ago Cpl. Dick Steward got out his dress forage cap, smartened himself up as best he could and had his photograph taken with Service colleagues in a large group.
He still has the picture, albeit somewhat tattered by years and travel. It shows men looking haggard but happy in a prisoner-of-war camp on the west coast of Japan.
They were happy because the war was over, they had received parcels dropped by the Americans and they were awaiting transport home after years of imprisonment.
Mr. Steward has lived all his life at Stanhoe, where he was a farm bailiff for many years before his retirement, and he was in the ill-fated 5th Battalion of the Royal Norfolks at the
fall of Singapore. He worked for two years on the notorious railway in Siam before being transferred to a camp in Japan.
“It was said that they took the healthiest to Japan,” he said.
He worked first of all as a riveter in a shipyard at Osaka, where they would receive an additional rice ball if they completed more than a given number of rivets a day. Then he was sent to a steel works, and he was there when the atom bombs were dropped and the war ended.
Many of those in the picture were from the Royal Norfolks, and he knows that some are still living in the county. Others have died, often at an early age.
One of his PoW companions was Geoff Edrich, of the Norfolk cricketing family, who was later to captain Lancashire. He is second from the
right in the second row down.
Mr. Steward, complete with forage cap, is in the centre of the back row in front of the “crosses.”
Other names of Norfolk men he recalled from the picture include Geoffrey Hammond, of Fakenham, a Woodhouse from Burnham Market, the late Sgt. Major Spencer, Sgt. Seago from Lowestoft, George Powley from Sculthorpe, an Eggleton from Stibbard and a Halliday from Nor-
Now 68, Mr. Steward still carries marks of his years as a prisoner, but is otherwise fit and still enjoys his golf at the Hunstanton club.
One thing he cannot remember is the name of that camp in Japan from which he was released, and he wonders if any of the other survivors
Stanhoe 00396
TV man’s
pitch deal
STANHOE village football club will be the envy of many other small clubs this winter for they have acquired their own ground on which they plan to build a pavilion and changing rooms.
A acre field adjoining the village hall has been seeded and levelled and after stone-picking this summer should come into use by Christmas. The club currently play on a pitch at the Construction Industry Training Board, at Bircham.
“It would be nice to think that our own playing facilities will enhance the team’s performance”, said club chairman Mr Dennis Eckersley. Last season the Stanhoe finished 5th, in Division 3 of the North West Norfolk League.
A member of the family, Cl Knights, was at the club’s annual f sentation evening the village hall on Saturday. Mr Knights has filn some 20 Anglia Survival programr and both films and narrates the Anj Countryman series which first ca to television screens four years ago
Loudly applauded by Stan! members he presented this seasc club awards to David Ireson (play player), Terry Seaman (club play Colin Hardingham (highest scor and David Craven (chairma award).
A Charity cup presented to the c by the Ireson family, was won by home club in a knockout competiti Entry fees, a raffle and donations r;
Stanhoe 00429
MR WOMBWELL starts a new hobby with the binocuiars his friends bought on his retirement as Stanhoe’s postman. (OC 9012).
Gardens – Six gardens, in Stanhoe and Barwick were opened to the public, to raise funds for All Saints Church, Stanhoe. Each garden ran a stall and despite a very rainy day, these helped to raise the sum of £500. The gardens opened were those of Dr and Mrs Bam-ford (barbecued sausages stall), Mr and Mrs Benjamin (teas and gift stall), Mr and Mrs Bunkall (bottle stall), fr MrKpnzie foroduce
Postman gets gift from village
AFTER 36 years as Stanhoe’s postman, Mr Stanley Wombwell was presented with a retirement gift from all the villagers to whom he has delivered mail. Stanley, as he is known to everyone, was given a choice and opted for a pair of binoculars – “something I have always wanted,” he said.
Mr R. S. C. Ralli, of Stanhoe, made the presentation at the Reading Room last week. For serving the Post Office for over 35 years, he had already received a clock.
He saidr “I came to Norfolk when I was 14 for three months and I am still here.”
Familiar sight Cj
Stanhoe 00430
STANHOE’S youngest and oldest standby firemen – 14-year-old Richard Ayres and 76-year-old Stanley Ayres – demonstrate the working of stirrup pump while other members of the village’s fire service stand by their own equipment. (RC 9972).
Church bells will ring alarm
“Instead the Service men have to use old, obsolete and worn-out vehicles and equipment to the detriment of their lives and our property. Unfortunately, this is typical of the present Government’s treatment of the Armed Services.”
The village of Stanhoe has organised its own team of firefighters while the strike is on. If there is a fire, either of the two shops in
VILLAGERS at Stanhoe have got together to form a standby fire service in cases of emergency – and those to enlist include a 14-year-old schoolboy and a 76-year-old pensioner.
The service has been
formed to cope with fires until the arrival of retained firemen in Heacham eight miles away.
The alarm will be raised by the ringing of the church bells which will call out the standby fire service.
Mr Edward Barber, chairman of Stanhoe Parish Council, said it all started just over a week ago when parish councillors were discussing the cover they had during the firemen’s strike.
They asked for volunteers and 20 villagers enlisted. And more would help if there was a fire.
Their equipment includes hoses, stirrup pumps, fire extinguishers, buckets and sacks and they are hoping to have a farm spray filled with water as well.
Mr Barber said that the villagers are very enthusiastic and hope to organise themselves into a I routine when they have a fire.
In case of fire, people are being told to go to either of the two shops in the village and the shop owners will call on someone to ring the church bells. They will also immediately call the retained firemen.
“There was a suggestion that we should keep our fire service going when the firemen go back to work because there will still be a lapse of time before they i arrive. But that will have to be discussed at a later date,” said Mr Barber.
He said he felt that they will be able to cope with small fires.
the village will be told and the church bell will be rung to call out the team.
Following a meeting arranged by the parish council, it was agreed that the village should try to provide its own fire cover during the strike, although retained firemen at Heacham were working normally.
Chairman of the parish council, Mr. E. Barber, who operates one of the village’s two shops, said yesterday that about 15 people had volunteered for the team, including a doctor and a man who had trained as a firefighter.
Stanhoe residents have been told in a circular that although it was hoped the team would not be called upon, it was felt by the public meeting that some plan of campaign should be formulated.
If there is a fire and anyone wishing to help is not sure of its | location, they can contact one of the i shops to find out. Helpers are asked to bring such items as fire extinguishers, buckets, thick sacks and hoses.
The arrangement will last only as j long as the strike does.
In the wake of controversy over the pay and conditions of firefighting soldiers, Mr. Winston Churchill yesterday in the Commons asked the j Defence Minister if it were true that some soldiers working 84 hours only i earned half a fireman’s gross pay. i In a Commons written reply Mr. Fred Mulley said “The services are used to working long hours in an emergency, and a liability for duty at any time is one of their conditions of service which is taken into account in fixing their rates of pay.”
Stanhoe 00431
FIVE years of fund-raising by Stanhoe residents resulted in the opening of their new village hall extension on Wednesday week.
In opening the £11,000 extension, Mrs. Brian Bamford, who lived in the village with her late husband for 15 years, said: “This village never looks back. First we had the village sign, then the best-kept village in Norfolk and now the village hall.”
Also at the opening was the mayor Mr. Harold Goose and mayoress Mrs. Myra Greenall, of the borough of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk. Mr. Goose said the council gave a grant of £3566 towards the cost of the extension. “I am pleased we are able to help those who do so much to help them-
selves,” he said.
Mr. Mark Roche, chairman of the Stanhoe and Bar-wick Sports and Social Club committee, explained to the villagers that the hall, built in 1886, was originally a reading room |or men and became the youth club hall
in the late 1950s.
In 1977, the Queen’s Silver Jubilee year, a fund was set up to improve village amenities. The sports and social club was formed and one of their main objectives was to improve the hall, said Mr. Roche. That was when the
fund-raising started.
The extension has doubled the size of the hall, which is used by clubs three nights a week, the Women’s Institute and -for village social events. Now there are plans to raise a further £3000 for electric fan heaters, more tables and
Mrs. Brian Bamford seen with Mr. Mark Roche (right), chairman of the Stanhoe and Barwick Sports and Social Club committee, and Mr. T. Holmes, vice-chairman, outside the village hall and new extension.
chairs, improvements to the bar area and a new kitchen.
The extension was built by local builder Mr. Willy Shackloth and decorated by the villagers, said Mr. Tom Holmes, vice-chairman of the sports and social club committee.
Mr. Holmes said the money was raised through raffles, fetes, 50–50 auctions, sponsored walks and whist drives. “We just hope it carries on and serves the village,” he added.
Stanhoe 00432
First show for years
GREEN-fingered Stanhoe residents raided their gardens to put their best flowers, fruit and vegetables on display in the village hall on Thursday.
It was the first produce show to be held in the village for many years and was so successful that the organisers, the Women’s Institute, are already planning for next year.
A total of 230 entries were received in classes for fruit and vegetables, produce and flower arrangements, and children’s exhibits.
Prizes were presented by WI president Mrs Gillian Beckett. Mr Ronnie Newell won the cup for the most points in the fruit and vegetable category and Mrs Olga Ransom g t top points in the produce ai floral arrangement section. ‘ f
Prize-winner Mrs Olga Ransom (left) admires a floral arrangement with WI president and show organiser Mrs Gillian Beckett. (86/7076)
Stanhoe 00437
Eastern Daily Press, Saturday, April 17,1999
MEMORIAL B Villagers call in wildfowlers after Muscovys take over bench
6 Too messy’ ducks
Antoinette Symington loved nothing more than whiling away the hours watching the ducks on Stanhoe pond.
So when she died two years ago a bench was installed there in her memory, to allow her neighbours to sit in comfort at her favourite spot.
Now her feathered friends are being accused of messing on the tribute. And villagers have called in a wildfowling club to thin out the culprits.
People living near the little pond blame the ornamental multicoloured Muscovy ducks which have colonised the water for the problem.
Ironically, the birds were first introduced to the village by Mrs Symington.
Since then the half-tame ducks have bred. And their descendants have adopted the bench as their favourite roosting spot.
Botanist Gillian Beckett, 64, who has lived in Stanhoe for 50 years, said the ducks had taken over the bench as soon as it arrived.
“They just perch and mess on it and no one else can sit on it, ” she said.
Farmer’s wife Mrs Symington, who had lived in the village since the 1930s, was a keen artist until she passed away in her 80s, in 1997.
One of her paintings – a mural of the pond, complete with her beloved ducks – still adorns a wall of the village hall.
Villagers blame the booming duck population on tourists feeding the birds.
“There were so many free handouts for them they just came,” Mrs Beckett said.
“There wasn’t a problem until people in cars started pulling up with bags of bread, saying: ‘Aren’t they pretty’.”
Yesterday the EDP could find only one Muscovy duck by the
wildfowling people to come and take them away.”
Officials are adamant that the birds have not flown off to that great duck pond in the sky.
“They were taken away to one of the bird reserves,” Mr Cooper said.
Mrs Symington’s daughter. Anabel said: “My mother lived here most of her life and she was very fond of the village.
“When she died she left some money to the parish council. We thought of this idea of the seat just because the pond is so nice. I think she would have quite liked the ducks sitting on it – it would have appealed to her sense of humour.”
DEFIANT DUCK: A muscovy perches on Mrs
Symington’s pond-side bench at Stanhoe. Left: the bench’s inscription.
pond – perched defiantly on Antoinette Symington’s bench.
“Somebody had them removed,” one villager whispered. “By the wildfowlers.”
Parish councillor Roy Cooper
said: “When the seat was put there the Muscovy ducks got on it and made a terrible mess of it so you couldn’t sit on it. They used to roost on it.
“Someone arranged for the
Stanhoe 00438
►tanhoe Hall was bom |beautiful, aged gracefully and “has recently been uplifted to ennium majesty by skilled and
Grace and beauty to welcome MiUenmum
I Queen Anne country house of Standing architectural and r jc interest, with possible early 1 connections, and has just s to the market at a premium idee of £1.25 million.
The price may cause a few raised
yebrows – particularly among who viewed it when it was for seven years ago for considerably
S – but this property is now ii
l designed by Henry Bell, the ihitect of the Customs House and jjer notable King’s Lynn buildings. | house is sometimes associated jjhthe Walpole family although ewalpoles did not own the )e Hall Estate.
iver, in the early 1740s, Lord
gent Strutt & Parker, Norwich, it 3t Norfolk home of this.size to o the market at over £1
‘The beauty of it is that it is a ahageable size and is in first-class |ter,” he said.
’All the work has been done and tried out to an extremely high ihdard. It now offers the portunity to own a beautiful home a wonderful setting.” to buy this house with its tine, eorated panelling, elegant trance and reception rooms and ‘it bedrooms is to buy a slice of Story.
lost of the present house is aught to date to 1703 and to have
belonging to a lady-in-waiting to Queen Anne were said to have been found hidden in walls at the house,
. giving it a possible Royal
Perfectly planned at conception there has been no need to alter endlessly over the centuries, and it retains many original features such as the panelling, doors and door
Whatever its past, Stanhoe Hall has maintained its integrity as a fine period house yet equipped itself i
s$,-windows and shutters.
In the 1840s the Orangery was added to the south and the drawing room extended.
Briefly, the fully panelled, finely
I Thinking o
Stanhoe 00452
S. A. A. Juby (County Office)
lyn Suffield House All Saint’s Green.rwich. NR I 3LY
jlPAL, DENMAN COLLEGE | hear that Hilda Jones is retiring pril next year.
Oman in 1961, having served in I war. When the positions of fa w” Were amalgamaled’ she
f of planning and organising the jes and has been instrumental in I as an educational body. Also f evolved in the expansion of the
organising a collection for a ones, and on Norfolk members’ lmm“ce has decided to send a 1 or W.I. should wish to add a jSend it to this County Office by
Speaker at our County Annual
ike to know for Norma’s retire-unt in excess of £500 has been nix and a garnet pendant have salancc will be given to Mrs. ihes. 225 W.I.s and individuals nd the names have been inserted vs in February.
Teccmbcr, many members and I. House. I am sure the members uld be delighted to have heard nade about the lovely Christmas hem in every room, on Thursday, 1st January, 1981.
JNCIL REPRESENTATIVE ice that Mrs. Elizabeth Perowne, wring, Fakenham, telephone: i elected the new Consultative lorfolk, and will serve ‘ex-officio’ se. Institutes are reminded that irect link with National Fcdcra-ed at any time particularly if putting a resolution, other members who stood for Mrs. S. Amey and Mrs. B.
-y i-vi
Stanhoe & Barwick
The Stanhoe and Barwick W| meeting was arranged as a new year get-together. Members contributed in various ways, with reminiscences encouraged by the opening roll call. Summer outings were discussed and invitations to other meetings and parties were accepted. Three members judged the monthly competition for a decorated paper
Elate and from a record num-er of entries the points were awarded to Mrs G. Beckett, Mrs B. Scales and Mrs J. Rowe. Mrs L. Chilvers presented birthday posies, and the president, Mrs O. Ransom and her committee were thanked for the afternoon programme. It was announced that carol singing in the village by members had raised the sum of £57 for a supper and entertainment for OAPs of Stanhoe to take place in the spring.
J-3 i 41 STANHOE – The meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick WI was arranged as a New Year get-together. Members contributed in various ways, with reminiscences encouraged by the opening roll call for childhood’s rhyming games, which were described and recited. Three members judged the competition for a decorated paper plate and from a record entry the points were awarded to Mrs. G. Beckett. Mrs. B. Scales and Mrs. J. Rowe. Mrs. L. Chilvers presented birthday posies. It was announced that carol singing had raised £57 for a supper and entertainment for pensioners of Stanhoe in the spring.
For other countries
EVERY W.I. secretary in the county has received a special envelope in which to put this year’s “Pennies for Friendship” for A.C.W.W. – the Associated Country Women of the World – to which the W.I. is affiliated.
Some W.I.s are very generous but there are others who only give lp per member. Possibly, they think that this is all that is required and they don’t know very much about A.C.W.W. _
Last year when I was in Lesotho, tiny mountain kingdom entirely surround by the Republic of South Africa. I was very much aware of all that A.C.W.W. has done and is doing there. In fact, without this help the W.I.s in this tiny emerging Third World country would find things very much more difficult.
I recently received a copy of the Lesotho W.I. annual report from Mathabiso Musala. the national chairman and a delightful person who I was priviledged to meet. This two-tiered organisation has the same motto. “For home and country.” and their aim is to promote understanding among women of all races and classes, literate and illiterate, to help and encourage al1 women to do things for themselves to enable them to earn enough money to improve their family living and their homes in order to improve their country.
They are not to have regular monthly meetings as we do because of distance and lack of transport, but as many activities as possible are arranged to include handicraft demonstrations and courses, lectures and practical experience in nutrition and health education, horticulture and agriculture. Help is given to long-stay patients in hospital, nursery
working mothers and outlets are sought for marketing goods made by members.
Lesotho has little employment to offer because of the lack of natural resources and many Basotho men have to work in the South African mines in order to earn enough to keep their families. This creates great social problems. The W.I. has set up a fund for the education of children whose fathers die in the mines – which is not infrequent – as there is no free education in Lesotho.
The national executive committee has a great many problems to overcome; lack of meeting places, lack of communication
(few roads with little motor I transport and practically no I telephones) but the greatest problem I of all is lack of money.
Before you seal your A.C.W.W. envelope and give it to your delegate to take to the annual meeting at St. Andrew’s Hall on March I Ith do consider the problems of our fellow members throughout the world who are not so fortunate as we are. Yes. of course, we have our problems but what are they compared with those in Lesotho and many other countries in the world?
Margaret Stuart
MAYBE I am prejudice having been bom and broug up and spent most of my life this beautiful county, but believe we have the m outstanding county town in t country, truly a very fine ci – but I do wish people cot be left to find this out I themselves!
Norwich has so much to offer
I every way and is particularly w endowed with lovely old buildin;
It is nice to know that one of t: recent developments in t
Stanhoe 00709
Nice weather for skaters
Makeshift ics hockey on a frozen pond. While the thaw was setting in elsewhere the affectionatal known Stenhoe Pit was still frozen hard enough at the weekend to withstand the heavy antics of to youngsters and sqm froqi further afield who had heard of its skating attractions. – 9 $
Stanhoe 00710
Stanhoe gets its award
AN uninhibited dispiav from ihc ducks on ! Sianhoe village pond made a 1 is civ backdrop to the official goings-on as a best-kept iliage j sign was unveiled yesterday I It was good weather, too – for the ducks. J as a iarge crowd sheltered under umbrellas j to watch the unveiling and award presenta-
Stanhoe came top in the county competition for villages with a population of fewer than 400. and runner-up in the community improvement project section of the contest for planting 50 native trees to replace diseased elms behind the pond on the village green
Parish ouncil vice-chairman Mr Edward Barber was bursting with pride as he received the best kept village plaque from Lady Harrod. vice-president of the Norfolk Society. “It’s as good as winning the pools.” he said
Lady Harrod told assembled villagers and Norfolk celebrities that she had always had a soft spot for Stanhoe, and was delighted it had won the contest this year.
Mr Barber’s 18-ycar-old son Neil, who tr aslermindcd the tree-planting project, received a voucher for £10 worth of trees from Lady Harrod as Stanhoe’ runner-up
Sit John Baggc. chairman of Stradselt parish Meeting, held up his liny grandson
Alfred to receive a £10 tree voucher on behalf of Stradsett’s luturc generations for coming second in the best-kept village contest for populations of under 400,
The crowd was welcomed in the drizzle by the chairman of the competition committee. Mr Harold Rose, who told of the work behind the contest results – committee members combing every village in Norfolk for three 12-hour days, and returning for a second look on a two-day bus tour.
Sponsors for the contest – in which the only other West Norfolk winner was Bradenham, with first prize for its village green – are Norfolk County Council, the Norfolk Society, Norfolk Association ‘ Parish and Town Councils and the Women Institutes.
Rector of Sianhoe. the Rev R H Tomlinson, thanked Lady Harrod and the committee lor making Stanhoe a winner, and thanked villagers for all their hard work
But the ducks were the stars ol the das “They give everyone in the village a lot of pleasure – and they certainly pull m the visitors,” said Mr Barber. “We welcome visitors in Stanhoe, and their numbers have increased noticeably since the best kept village results were announced
Stanhoe 00719
TO MARK 50 years of saving at Stanhoe and Barwick School, a certificate was presented on Friday by Lady Strickland, chairman of Docking and District Savings Croup, to Mrs. L Chilvers. the school secretary. who has been responisble for collecting the money. Mrs Chilvers is seen with some of the 22 members 0f the National Savings Movement at the school. The newest recruit. Anne Steward (standing next to Mrs Chilvers) joined only that day In all. 29 children attend the school.
Stanhoe 00722
Thanks for the Memory
IN the wake of (‘ port of lb possible closure of Stanhoe School com ibis picture taken In 1W7 whon about fifty pupil attended, including three sets of twins.
it wa submitted by Mrs 8. George, of 22 Sandfleld Road. Downham Mark, who loft Stanho 23 years ago.
“Th village was active then, having a football team, cricket and bowls teems,’’ she writes. ‘We could always raise a concert for special occasion end weekly wbiat drives were held. I enjoy reading che poems of N Fenn end wonder if he remembers the writer of the encfoeed poem, who I believe to b Mr Mayhew. Of course, we then b d (wr osn Rector and an active Sunday School.”
The poem is as follow -
At Bircham last week after two hours of tussle During which both teams used every smew and muscle.
The match anded one all, so on next Saturday.
The teams meet again, the match to re-play We hope that this time Stanhoe will win But to do this they’ll all have to get stuck right in And keep their hands down – our goalie is hot But even he can’t sava every kick from the spot.
But lose, win or draw there’ll be no disgrace,
So come eiong next Saturday, same time and same piece.
Stanhoe 00828
from fh pariahionara of Btanho ar praaantad fo ha retiring Rav Roba
Tomlinaon and Ma wifa Joan by Mr Rodarick Ralli 1 5 8041)., -
Priest retires
after 40 years
Stanhoe 00833
STAN HOE – Mr. Thomas William! Curson died at 88. He was a sidesman at the parish church for many years and a member of the Docking Good Friends’ Club. In 1972 when the whole of the East Anglian old folk’s clubs were invited to Sandringham Park he was introduced to the Queen Mother He Jed in the first world war and was lly wounded. He remained lame for rest of his life.
.MR. AND MRS. T. W. CURSON (seated). of Burnham Road. Stanhoe, who celebrated their golden wedding on Wednesday
Stanhoe 00836
Stanhoe 00840
Tragic tomb comes to yard tidy-up
Mr Maurice Newell beside the grave of his great-uncle in Stanhoe churchyard. (86/9249).
THE tomb of a’tragic young Stanhoe woman who helped to shape local history a century ago has come to light again.
Mary Esther Hollway caught a chill following the birth of her first child, a son called Henry, and never recovered. She died in 1856 aged 23.
Until recently her marble tomb in the village churchyard, with the sad figure of a weeping lady lying across the top, was almost hidden from view by ivy and brambles.
Now it’s back on show again – thanks to a team of Adult Community Programme Workers who have been busy clearing all the overgrown graves.
Mary Esther was the only child of John and Mary Call-hrop, of Stanhoe Hall, and married her cousin. James Hollway, who lived at The Grajige there.
Her parents survived into their 80s and arc buried in the family vault beside their daughter.
Henry, who took the name of Calthrop-Hollway-Calthrop. inherited the Stanhoe Hall estate. In 1886
light in
he and his wife, Wilhelmina, presented the people of the village with a reading room, built in memory of his dead mother.
The room was intended as a meeting place for local men. The reading of books and newspapers was perfectly acceptable – but drinking, gambling and playing cards were strictly forbidden.
Henry Culthrop-Hollway-Calthrop probably wouldn’t have approved ol the room – now the village hall – as it is a hundred years on, complete with its own bar.
The “tomb of the weeping lady”, as it’s known locally, isn’t the only grave to come to light since the arrivui of the community programme team.
Supervisor Mr Maurice Newell, who was born at Stanhoe. found the headstone of his great uncle’s final resting place under a blackberry bush. Henry Newell died in 1944, three years after his wife.
Stanhoe 00842
The tomb of the weepjng lady and the three workers who have helped to bring it to light again. They are, from left, leading hand Al Scorgie, Barry Whittaker and Maurice Newell. (86/9248).
Stanhoe 00876
the middle; his Duke’s Head Inn is the last building but one on the right
2.—DETAIL OF THE DUKE’S HEAD INN. The brickwork was rendered with stucco in the 19th century
Charles Turner’s own house was the one already mentioned as formerly standing on the west side of the Tuesday Market Place at Lynn. From the existing drawing of the main elevation it appears to have been of brick with stone dressings, the centre of the front, under a segmental pediment, having a slight projection. This projection is almost an invariable formula with Bell, though the pediment is sometimes omitted and there is a wide variation in the arrangement of the windows. Here the pattern is the unusual one of five, four, five: the Duke’s Head has three, three, three: Clifton House, had the design been completed, would have had four, three, four, and the Peacock Inn, Northampton, possibly by Bell but now demolished, had two, one, two.
The Charles Turner house is of particular interest because the design would have served equally well for a country house standing in isolation. Although superficially it appears typical of the late-17th-century type, a closer study reveals some unusual
HENRY BELL’S position in King’sLynn at the end of the 17th century was unusual: not only was he recognised as an accomplished architect but he had business interests in the town, was an aider-man and was twice mayor. He was therefore in a position of familiarity, and probably in many cases of friendship, with his local patrons.
Sir John Turner, who represented Lynn in Parliament for many years, commissioned the Customs House and the Duke’s Head Inn. Charles Turner, Sir John’s younger brother and uncle of Sir Charles Turner of Warham, was mayor in 1707, when the decision was taken to build a new market cross to Bell’s design, and he contributed JjlOO towards the cost. His name also appears, together with Henry Bell’s, as a member of a committee formed to consider the rebuilding of North Runcton church, a project for which Bell almost certainly supplied the drawings.
Stanhoe 00877
4.—COTTESBROOKE HALL, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. “Itis in many ways typical of Bell’s style
features. The omission of a basement gives to the facade a rather long, low appearance and this is, if anything, accentuated by the first-floor windows being somewhat taller than those below. As if to counter this effect, the four chimneystacks were carried high above the level of the roof to produce a strong vertical emphasis and, apparently for the same reason, the area of brickwork between the windows was made unusually narrow. Had the normal practice been followed of making a central doorway correspond with a central window on the first floor, there would have been no space for the flanking pilasters of the door. The problem was solved by giving the front an even number of windows and making the door and its architrave correspond to the width of two windows, an expedient already noticed at Kimbolton. More predictable is the use of a broken pediment and cartouche above the entrance.
In 1699 Thomas Archdale, Member of Parliament for High Wycombe 1698–99, married Jane, daughter of Charles Turner, and the same year his father-in-law settled on him the Stanhoe property in north-west Norfolk. At the time of his marriage, or very shortly afterwards, Thomas Archdale must have decided to make his home in Norfolk, for in 1700 he sold his Buckinghamshire estate and acquired further Norfolk property at Thorn-ham. No building accounts have been found for Stanhoe Hall (Fig. 3), but a deed in the possession of the present owner shows that an agreement was made in 1703 between Thomas Archdale and Stephen Kemp of Stanhoe, mason. The nature and details of the agreement are not specified, but the date fits in well with the style of the house; and in considering a possible architect, the close association between the Turner family and Henry Bell at once suggests an answer. Nor is it possible to point to any detail of the building which is inconsistent with his style; it follows, in a more orthodox way, the late-17th-century lines of Charles Turner’s own house.
The design exhibits a fine sense of scale; and, with a minimum of ornament, deep red brick, Portland stone and painted wood for the bold cornice are used with brilliant effect. The south front is the most important and follows Bell’s usual arrangement of giving the centre a slight projection, producing a window pattern of two, three, two. The entrance doorway has a broken pediment and although no cartouche remains, traces of an iron support
suggest that one originally existed; its disappearance is the more regrettable since the arms displayed might have confirmed that the building did not pre-date Thomas Archdale’s ownership. The north front repeats the south in a simpler form; the coigns are omitted, the window pattern is changed to three, one, three and the central doorway has a triangular pediment.
Compared with these two very satisfactory elevations, the west front is disappointing. It was altered in the 19th century, by the addition of a bay window at the west end of the drawing-room and a further door and window with stone architraves following exactly the earlier pattern. Before these alterations the front was, as far as can be judged, completely blank and, owing to the omission of the coigns on the north angle, not even symmetrical. Can it be that Bell,
so largely occupied with town houses, came to think of the side elevations of his buildings as of little importance? It is possible; but a more likely reason is the internal arrangement of the house, which follows the double-pile plan. A corridor runs east and west through the centre of both floors but, in this case, not quite on the true axis. Internally this produces no problems, and the result is admirable both as regards convenience and symmetry; externally, the difficulty of giving the west front a satisfactory elevation is almost insurmountable.
Inside the house there is no carved woodwork or decorative plasterwork—but much solid and extremely competent joinery, all the principal rooms having pine wainscoting with bolection mouldings. Occupying the south-west corner, and rising to the first floor only, is the main staircase. It is of oak with twisted balusters, a cluster of four forming the newels; a similar detail is found at Clifton House; Lynn. Such fireplaces as remain unaltered have simple bolection-moulded surrounds, and in the smaller rooms corner fireplaces are often used.
Cottesbrooke Hall, Northamptonshire (Fig. 4), is another house for which Bell may have supplied the drawings. It was fully described in Country Life articles of 1936 and 1955, and it is not proposed therefore to go over the same ground again except insofar as it tends to prove or disprove his authorship.
As Gordon Nares observed, the fact that brick was used for the building points to someone other than a local man as the architect. Bell, although not of local origin, must, by the end of the 17th century, have gained a considerable reputation for himself in the county by his work at Northampton, and Cottesbrooke is in many ways typical of his style. We see again the combination of stone and fine-cjuality brickwork; the south front divided mto bays by the pilasters but the centre bay further emphasised by a slight
5.—THE SESSIONS HOUSE, NORTHAMPTON. The treatment of pilasters and entablature is almost identical with the east side of the courtyard at Kimbolton Castle
Stanhoe 00888
Eastern Daily Press, Thursday, January 9, 1992
Ex-hunt chairman is killed
A former chairman of the West Norfolk Foxhounds, Roddy Ralli, was killed yesterday in a hunting tragedy.
The accident happened near Litcham as Mr Ralli, 62, took part in one of the hunt’s regular Wednesday meets. He died instantly.
Roger Lyles, the longest-serving master, said everybody was shocked and very upset.
“He was very well known and very well liked,” he said.
Mr Ralli, whose family has had a long association with the hunt, lived at Bar-
wick House, Stanhoe. His sons Andrew and Luke and his widow, Amanda, a master of the hunt, had also joined yesterday’s meet.
Mrs Ralli was not present when the accident happened on the Litcham to Dunham road at lunchtime.
The hunt, which had set out from East Lexham, was abandoned immediately and the foxhounds taken home.
Mr Ralli farmed about 1200 acres at Stanhoe and was very well known for his Friesian dairy herd.
He was chairman of the Norfolk branch
of the British Field Sports Society and had previously served as chairman of the hunt and a board member of Fakenham Racecourse for a number of years.
“He has been the greatest help to me as hunt chairman,” said Mr Lyles. “He loved country life. He was a great conservationist and very respected in Stanhoe village.” Mr Ralli also leaves a married daughter, Susan Barclay.
The West Norfolk Foxhounds has a membership of about 90, which rides out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays during the season.
Stanhoe 01010
Stanhoe Hall, Shop and Cottages Up for Auction Next Week
Ups and downs are the order of today in the North-West Norfolk village of Stanhoe. Up is the main road for a couple of miles or so. Down go the pipes for the Docking Rural District Council’s water mains,
a prompt fruition of an ambitious scheme.
Up are going the poles of the electricity undertaking. Down are coming many of the oil lamps which have lighted hall and cottage, church and chapel for long decades.
For these ups and downs, Stanhoe s 400 residents are for the most part grateful. But they are apprehensive, too. The exquisite Hall, built
by Sir Robert Walpole, about 1726-Burnham Market-Docking road – is up for sale at Lynn on Tuesday next week. With it, about half the village, nearly all the main street, a shop, a holding and 23 cottages are up for auction. The sale, which for the most part is under a will over 80 years old, affects nearly all the parish not sold in 1932.
The sale of their houses is troubling most of the people little. What is causing them anxiety is what manner of person will buy the Hall. The former occupier, Mr. H. C. Hollway-Calthrop, former bursar of Eton, who died recently, was Squire of Stanhoe. When he came, squires were the accepted order of things. If he became squire by right, decades before his death, with a reputation for generous deeds and just acts, he became squire by general acclamation.
Tributes to the “Old Squire”
“The Old Squire/’ a villager who was closely associated with him for over 20 years told a reporter. “ made himself poor for the sake of those he lived amoqg. He let cottages arid gardens at Is. 3d. a week, paid the rates, did the repairs, and refused to ask for
-a Georgian gem which graces, the
same sale seven cottages on the Green made £200 and one of the two public houses, the Crown, £675.
Tumbledown by Name
One of the village’s three shops, that occupied by Mr. W. G. Roy, is up for sale. So is Tumbledown—scarcely a name to delight the heart of an auctioneer charged with its sale. Bqt Tumbledown by name it is and always has been. According to Mrs. Reed, of Cross Lane, who served the Old Squire for over 20 years, its premises and seven acres bear no resemblance to its name “Anyway, I should like to have it,” she exclaimed.
It is one of the best holdings in the parish.”
Among those interested in the outcome of the sale is the Rector (the Rev. E. H. Pillifant). The Old Squire, who laid the foundation stone of the village Methodist Church, always sent his contribution towards the church’s upkeep when he could not attend the service. And the maintenance of the church, with its half score memorials to the Hoste family. Us windows to the Seymours TthrcTuding nine heraldic devices dating from 1360 to 1861 and
Stanhoe Hall seen from the Docking-Burnham Market road.
; more. When he knew things were; difficult for the tenants, he allowed them to live on rent free, and it is no i secret he did so despite the fact that he frequently found it difficult himself to keep things going.”
Mr. Robert Ayres, who is 82 and was tenant of the Old Squire for 40 years, exclaimed “We shall miss him. I would like to buy the old cottage myself, but I shouldn’t want a block of three anyway, and that is the case with rnost of the tenants,” he added, referring to the fact that the cottages are being sold in threes and fives.
Nearby, Mr. Tom Curson, veteran of the 1914–18 war, was working in his tiny bootshoo surrounded by footwear and lasts. The shop, with the adjoining post, office, village store and house, was sold for £260 in 1932. At the
formerly in Norris Castle, Isle of Wight), and its memorials to the Everardsand others, is a big drain on a small parish.
The income was worth more when the Rev.. Augustus Noel, a former rector, went to Switzerland. His death there in 1888 is commemorated by a stained glass window in Stanhoe Cnurch which says: “ It pleased God to call (him) suddenly from the top of the mountain called Frohnalp…
Each car which drives up to the Hall—and they are many—is carefully scanned, and in shop and “local,” rumour circulates about the identity of the latest possible buyer. Those who have inspected the Hall include the Queen and Princess Margaret and members of the Royal household. Sandringham only 11 miles away.
Stanhoe 01011
t. 1841), LYNN NEWS (Est. 1860). Etc.
MAY 10, 1949. Postage l|d. Price 3d.
LARGE SELECTION from wliich to choose the point to suit your hand..
. “ r’m‘ i, i
Typewi St. James
’Phone 2361
Mansion and village to be sold
understood peo-buy cakes light meat pies, it or wrong? i: For
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H. Hughes i Restaurant w the “Lynn of meat pies ffham Rural scheme, has wo previous
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WellsCole, the
e cannot go into again. Mr. iticising Mr. Iding a letter to fe is quite right nt vc cannot go ion of meat pies over again. STAKE’
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7 ase members
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ereis just a political bias is scheme was Lord Wool ton one of those s of t£e pres-(Laughter), reston said he r one moment wish the vilhe bake, and realised the.go, through er the vote
passed on to s without any n.
A SMALL mansion—the home of the squire—and about half the village of Stanhoe will be offered for sale at the “Globe” hotel, Lynn, this (Tuesday) afternoon.
Stanhoe Hall (inset left) with its four reception-rooms and ten bedrooms and standing in 58 acres, a small holding, and 23 cottages and a shop come under the hammer.
THE MANSION was the home of Mr. H. C. Holl-day-Calthrop, former Bursar of E£on who died last year. He was also the squire and owner of the property.
The-estate is to be sold in nine lots. The mansion and its land comprise lot 1, the smallholding lot 2, a cottage and the shop lot 3, and the remaining cottages in threes and fives the remaining lots.
There is considerable speculation in Stanhoe as to who will be the future squire of the village through ownership of the Hall. Villagers, whose houses are for sale, are also concerned. Some hope to buy their homes; others wonder who will be their next landlord.
On view in the KLng-st.. -Showroom.
A BRICKLAYER’S labourer, Leonard Daw, Kelso House, Heacham, cited the B B.C.’s “Transatlantic Quiz” programme in support of his argument that trespassing was not an offence when he appeared at Hunstanton magistrates’ court yesterday (Monday). He pleaded not guilty to trespassing on the railway
line at Heacham.
Walter Grummett, Station-road, Snettisham, on duty at Heacham signal box, said he sawa man walking along the line.
P.c. Bangay said Daw made a statement admitting he had cut across the line on his way home, but Daw said in court, “I wish to refute that statement.”
He said he was very distressed when he made it and did not appreciate what he was saying.
Daw submitted—“On my
A “BOMBARDMENT letters about acceptance of a bulk tender for meat for school canteens was mentioned at Norfolk Education Committee’s meeting in Norwich on Saturday.
Sir Edward Preston, who raised the matter, said he understood that some of the
slight knowledge of law”-
. x-—f
Tom Sadler is one of the outstanding amateur actors of Lynn. It takes a lot io put him out of his easy stride on the stage, hut at St. James’ Hospital while playing in “ The Distant Drum,,y even his confidence was shaken.
The reason was that, after smelling something burning somewhere on the stage, he tried to trace tH& cause and carry on his part as though nothing was happening.
He discovered one of the draw curtains – resting against a footlight on the’ improvised stage—singeing, and, pulling it clear, carried on after missing just one line.
Stanhoe 01012
in a Grade I listed country house
Exploring a home of character
Few Grade I listed houses in Norfolk can truly be said to be “family” homes. The Queen may “live” at Sandringham for part of the year and Lord Coke lives in part of Holkham Hall, but neither is fully occupied by a family throughout the year.
Stanhoe Hall, five miles inland from Brancaster, is different. The Queen Anne property has been owned by only four families since it was built in 1703 for Charles Turner, who presented it to his daughter, Jane, on her marriage to Thomas Archdale.
The architect is thought to have been Henry Bell, who also designed the Customs House at King’s Lynn. It follows the late 17th century lines of Charles Turner’s own house, which formerly stood on the west side of Lynn Tuesday Market Place.
Stanhoe Hall is also associated with the Walpole family. Charles Turner’s nephew was married to the sister of Sir Robert Walpole, the first
Prime Minister, who built Houghton Hall.
Maria Rishton, the step-sister of Fanny Burney, the “darling” of Dr Johnson and a prolific letter writer and author, lived there at one time. Her literary ability is supposed to have influenced Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”.
Fanny wrote to her step-sister about well-known people of the day, including royalty. Mrs Rishton collected the letters and hid them in a box.
In a letter to Fanny, she wrote: “My workman are now employed in turning an arched vault where IT is to be deposited in an iron chest to preserve it from the ravages of time…”.
It is reputed that the box and contents are still concealed somewhere in the cellar.
Stanhoe is very much a “lived-in” house, unlike many stately homes where everything has a picture-book feel. Most of the floors, doors, windows and shutters are original,
Stanhoe Hall… its high ceilings and classical proportions epitomise the golden age of English architecture.
and the high ceilings and classical proportions epitomise the golden age of English architecture.
The magnificent entrance hall doubles as a reception room and has original stone-flagged floor. Doors, windows, shutters and panelled walls – many of them original – tire in remarkably good order.
From here, a door leads into a morning room and then into the Orangery, now the dining room.
The attractive drawing room
features windows on two sides, facing the garden and beyond, the sea. Across the hall is the library.
The small kitchen would benefit from some updating. Between the butler’s pantry and the kitchen are stairs leading to the cellar.
An oak staircase with three
! twisted balusters to the tread leads to the first floor and a total of seven bedrooms and three bathrooms. Further stairs lead to the top floor, currently used as a separate flat.
The hall overlooks gardens and parkland of about 20 acres, including a rhododendron planted on the advice of Queen Alexandra, wife of Edward VII.
Nigel Steele, of estate agents Strutt & Parker, who are seeking offers in excess of £650,000, said: “This is the finest small country house to come on to the market in Norfolk for several years. Manageable Grade I Queen Anne houses are very rare in Norfolk.”
Stanhoe 01013
Five minutes after the start of the bidding, Stanhoe Hall was sold by ‘ auction at the Globe Hotel, King’s
Lynn’, yesterday for £4500. The purchaser was a Wisbech farmer and fruit
grower, Mr. H. E. Sanderson, of Primrose Farm, South Brink. He also purchased, for £800, a smallholding in Stanhoe of nearly eight acres, which formed part of the sale
The village store and cottage was bought by the present tenant, Mr. W. G. Roy, for £350. He has kept the store lor 25 years. Thirteen cottages in the village were sold to Mr. Matthew Tuck, sub-postmaster at Stanhoe, for £375. Nine other cottages fetched £390 and were purchased by Mr. W. G. Oldfield, a gamekeeper, of Kougham Road, Great Massingham, whose son, Mr. C. Oldfield, lives in one of them.
Crowded Sale-Room
The oyster bar lounge of the hotel,
in which the sale took place, was j crowded, but it was obvious from the, bidding that most of the people had
come out of interest. They included, a number of Stanhoe villagers. The i sale, by direction of the trustees of the ! will of the late Mr. John Calthrop, was: conducted by Mr. G. E. Dewing, of the
Wells firm of auctioneers of Messrs.
Andrews & Dewing.
; Using a green pencil in place of the ‘ traditional auctioneering hammer. Mr.
; Dewing suggested £5000 should be “ a ’ low enough figure to start off with.” “ We are out to sell absolutely,” he told his audience. There was no acceptance of Mr. Dewing’s figure, so he asked for a bid and was offered i £3000. The bidding rose steadily in £100’s till it reached _ £40OO and
- strrpp’rd.—Why “Have you stopped so; suddenly? ” Mr. Dewing asked the: bidders. He said it was an “ appalling
figure,” but after a short consultation with Mr. H. Michelmore. of Messrs., Michelmore’s, Exeter, the vendor’s I solicitors, confirmed that the sale of the
hall was to go through.
L The bidding was hesitantly taken up
again, this time in £50’s, and finally, i in a hushed silence, Stanhoe Hall was r “knocked down” to Mr Sanderson L with a sharp rap of Mr. Dewing’s green
pencil on the blue cloth covering the
trestled table.
“Knock-Out Price”
Next came the smallholding, bidding; for which started at £500 and ended i at £800. The village store and cottage; began at £250 and ending the bidding: in favour of Mr. Roy at £350. Mr.
Dewing described it as a “knock-out, price.” The cottages were sold in four
groups of three and two of five. Bidding was slow at first, and to get it started Mr. Dewing tempted prospec-: tive bidders with a reminder that the. particular group of cottages he was
- offering was situated near the village inn. This brought an offer of £50 for
. the three cottages, which was increased to a final figure of £150. The next group of three was sold for £140, and the following two groups for £100 each group. The two lots of five made £140 and’ £135.
Mr. Sanderson told reporters after the sale that he had bought the hall to live in. Askffd if he was going to retire, he replied that he intended “taking it easy.” He added that the hall would need a lot of money spent bn it.
Mr. K. F. M. Bush acted in’ Lynn for the vendor’s, solicitors. —
Stanhoe 01060
Not so lovely for ducks!
Residents of Stanhoe have taken to ice skating like the ducks on their village pond normally take to water.
When the freeze-up came, rarely-used skates were dusted off and villagers took full advantage of the opportunity to practise some simple figures like spins and turns – and landing less than gracefully!
A captive audience of well over a hundred ducks watched from the b’am k, obviously wondering where all the water – apart from one small hole kept open by thoughtful locals had gone.
Terms – Access
It must be -
Stanhoe 01068
;4, w
V C.
Hospital Sunday at Stanhoe
The thirty-third Hospital Sunday and united service was held at Staphoe on Sunday under the auspices of Barwick and Stanhoe Group of the Norfolk Hospitals Contributors’ Association.
A procession which formed near the war memorial was headed by Fakenham Salvation Army Band, and a ser-vice was conducted by Mr. F. Curry. Docking, in a meadow lent by Major S. Ralli.
Speakers were a minister from the Baptist Church, Fakenham, who deputised for SqdnLdr. Wright, who was called to duty, Mr. A. Hooks. Dersingham Methodists and MrJ. Bussey, Norwich financial secretary.
At a service in the evening at the Methodist church the speaker was Mr, A. Hooks.
Mr. P. Bloy, the group secretary, has made arrangements for Hospital Sunday for many years.
Collections for the day realised £9.
Stanhoe 01113
MR. R. but,..
The funeral took: place at All Saints’, Stanhoe, on Monday, of Mr. Robert Steward, who died after a long illness. He was 66 and had lived in the village all his married life. Mr. Steward was a keen follower of cricket and football and a member of the British Legion.
The Rector of Stanhoe (Rev. E. H. Pillifant) officiated at the service and Mr. R. Chilvers (son-in-law) was at the organ.
The mourners were: The widow: Mrs. R. Chilvers (daughter), Mr. and Mrs. A. Steward, Mr. and Mr. V. W. Steward, Mr. and Mrs. S. Steward, Mr. and Mrs. D. Steward (sons and daughters-in-law), Peter and Irvine Steward (grandsons), Mrs. H. Parnell, Mrs. F. Daniels, Mrs. J. Sims and Miss G. Steward (sisters), Mr. H. Steward and Mr. and Mrs. R. Salmon (brothers and sister-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. S. Steward (nephew and niece), Mrs. E. Steward, Mr. Walter Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ayres (brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law). Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson (nephew and niece), Mrs. Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Drew, Mr. E. Sandell.
Stanhoe 01114
Mrs. H. Wright Was Stanhoe postwoman 42 years
The death of Mrs. Helena Wright, aged 76, occurred at Lynn General Hospital after a short illness. Mrs. Wright had been postwoman at’ Stanhoe for 42 years. During that time there had been five sub-postmasters and one sub-postmistress.
Mrs. Wright was always punctual for her duties and no matter what the weather was always cheerful. She will be missed by the Stanhoe people as she was always kind and helpful.
The funeral took place at All Saint’s Church, Stanhoe. The service was conducted by the Rector, the Rev. E. H. Pillifant. Mr. R. Chilvers was organist. The Rev. O. J. Rooke. of Docking, was also present.
Mourners were Mrs. D. A. Muchamore, Mr. and Mrs. Rainbow. Mr. G. Skerry, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. A. Wilkinson, Mr. J. Bigmore, Mr. Smith and Mr. W. Spinks.
Others at church were Mr. C. G. Williams (Head Postmaster, Lynn), Mr. V. H. Goreham (Assistant Head Postmaster. Lynn), M r. Leeder (Sub – postmaster. Stanhoe), Mrs. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Symington, Mrs. Pillifant. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor (Wisbech). Mrs. M. E. Ayres, Mrs. W. Linge (Snettisham), Mr. T. Ourson, Mr. Leveridge, Mrs. H. Newell, Mr. S. Wombrell, Mrs. Scales, Mrs. A. Ayres. Miss B. Ayres, Miss Winter. Mrs. H Wright. Mrs. S. Trundle. Mrs. F. TrundK Mrs. D. Seaman. Mr. W. Ayres, Mrs. C. Seaman and Miss Chestney
Stanhoe 01132
MR M. GWiLT and Miss S. Steward, members of two long-established Stanhoe families, who were married at Stanhoe parish church. (Picture: West Norfolk Photographies, Hunstanton).
Stanhoe 01167
THE QUEEN Mother is seen chatting with one of the many people she spoke to when visiting a tea party and fete organised by Lynn and Freebridge Old People’s Welfare Association at Sandringham on Saturday. On the right in the foreground is association chairman Mrs Nadai Lumb (LC5247).
Stanhoe 01168
A memorable day for area’s old folk
A ROYAL “walkabout” by the Queen Mother made Saturday a memorable day for hundreds of old folk who attended a tea party and garden fete at Sandringham.
She tpade a 40 minute people including military He told her that he moved meet-the-lpeople tour of the medallist, Mr Tom Curson, of to the Fairstead after retiring event organised by the Lynn Stanhoe. Mr Curson (84) said as an underground railway and Freebridge Old People’s she was pleased to see him guard in London.
Welfare Association. and asked him where he came The Queen Mother told
Wearing a lime green dress, from. Mrs Lumb that she was
she arrived at the fete by car An dj age pensioner from delighted to attend the event
and was loudly cheered by Syderstone, Mrs Emily and it was a marvellous the large crowd waiting to Christer, shook (lands with gathering”, greet her. the Queen Mothir. “It was She also spoke to Mrs Edith
After being welcomed by wonderful,” she said, “It cerTipple, chairman of Norfolk Mrs Nadai Lumb, association tainly made my day.” Old People’s Welfare
chairman, the Queen Mother Mr George Newlan, of 63 Association and chairman of
was completely surrounded Westmark, Fairstead Estate, the county social services through the visit by people Lynn, was sifting in,a wheel committee, trying to see her. chair when she stopped toe The Queen Mother told her
She spoke to hundreds of speak to him. Aland Lynn Deputy Mayor. Mr
Fred Juniper, that she loved her visits to Sandringham. “It
Stanhoe 01174
Thanks for the Memory
IN the wake of reports of the possible closure of Stanhoe School conies this picture taken in 1947 when about fifty pupils attended, including three sets of twins.
It was submitted by Mrs B. George, of 22Sandfield Road, Downham Market, who left Stanhoe 23 years ago.
“The village was active then, having a football team, cricket and bowls teams,” she writes. “We could always raise a concert for special occasions and weekly whist drives were held. I enjoy reading the poems of N. Fenn and wonder if he remembers the writer of the enclosed poem, who I believe to be Mr Mayhew. Of course, we then had our own Rector and an active Sunday School.”
The poem is as follows:
At Bircham last week after two hours of tussle During which both teams used every sinew and muscle, The match ended one all, so on next Saturday,
The teams meet again, the match to re-play.
We hope that this time Stanhoe will win But to do this they’ll all have to get stuck right in And keep their hands down – our goalie is hot But even he can’t save every kick from the spot.
But lose, win or draw there’ll be no disgrace,
So come along next Saturday, same time and same place.
Stanhoe 01311
Mrs E. Blackburn, vice president of Stanhoe and Barwick W1 was in the chair for a meeting and welcomed Mrs Eve from Docking who gave a report of the Royal Albert Hall meeting.
Garden invitations were accepted and an open air stall on The Green was organised with help from many willing members, for funds for Park House, Sandringham.
Speaker was Mr Jeff Trim-ingham of Snettisham who demonstrated the art of engraving on wood, which was much admired. Mrs Ransom thanked him.
After tea served by Mrs Rowe and Mrs Holmes, a social half hour was arranged by Mrs Tuck in the shape of a musical quiz which was won by Mrs Ransom.
Mr Trimingham judged the competition for a pot of nasturtiums grown from three seeds and distributed to members especially for this purpose. Mrs J. Rowe was the winner, Mrs Ransom and Mrs Chilvers second and third.
Stanhoe 01312
Stanhoe and
, A
Mr Brian Sage of Wells gave a talk to Stanhoe and Barwick WI with illustrated 5 ‘des on Hawaii and its Wildlife.
The monthly competition lor an Easter card was won by Mrs O. Ransom, and Mrs Blackburn.
Mrs Ransom ran a bring-and-buy stall and Mrs Scales won Mrs Seaman’s raffle.
STANHOE – At Stanhoe and Barwick Institute Mrs. E. Blackburn welcomed Mr. Brian Sage, of Wells,whose subject, illustrated with slides, was “Hawaii and its wildlife.” Mrs. G. Beckett thanked him. The competition for an Easter card was won by: t Mrs. O.j Ransom, 2 Mrs. Blackburn.’ Mrs. Ransom ran a bring-and-buv stall.
Stanhoe 01313
STANHOE – The speaker at the Stanhoe and Barwick meeting was Police Sergeant Brown, a security officer from King’s Lynn, who gave advice, illustrated with films, on how to protect the homes from burglars. Mrs. Blackburn, who presided, said a record £93 was collected by a’small number of WI members and friends who sang carols in the village. The money will cover the cost of a treat for Stanhoe Over-70s. The president received her award Ifor the highest total of points kin competitions. Mrs. Tuck was appointed delegate to the county meeting in Norwich. Ivirs. Brown judged the competition for peppermint creams and awarded the points lo Mrs. Oldfield, Mrs. Blackburn and Mrs. Ransom.
Stanhoe 01314
Union – A ceremony, which was both happy and I sad took place on the lawn of The Chantry, when Stanhoe and Barwick Mothers’ Union said goodbye to their enrolling member Mrs Joan Tomlinson who has decided to retire when her husband, the Rev R. H. Tomlinson resigns his post of Rector of Stanhoe. Mrs M. E. Brown, secretary and treasurer, for many years presented Mrs Tomlinson with a gift token. Members exchanged memories of early meetings of the branch. Then tea, with strawberries supplied by Mrs Brown and cream by Mrs Tomlinson was served by Mrs Seaman and Mrs Gibson. It was hoped the branch will continue for a few more years in the houses of various members.
Band – The Fakenham Salvation Army Band led the procession from the village hall to the village green for the 66th hospital Sunday service at Stanhoe. The service was conducted by the Rev R. H. Tomlinson and the speakers were Mr Harry Wyett (Methodist), Mr Brian Lewis (Salvation Army) and Mr Burrows of the hospitals’ association. Mr Burrows presented MrTomlingon, who is retiring shortly, with a book in appreciation of his help during the years. This year £68 was raised for the hospitals’ association.
For hospitals – Fakenham Salvation Army Band led the procession from the village hall to the village green for the 66th annual1 hospital Sunday service. The ser-j vice was conducted by the Rev. R. H. Tomlinson and the speakers were Mr. Harry Wyatt (Metho-dist), Mr. Brian Lewis (Salvation Army) and Mr. Burrows for the Hospital Association. Mr. Burrows presented Mr. Tomlinson, who is retiring shortly, with a book in appreciation of his help. This year £68 was raised for the Hospital Association.
Farewell -— Stanhoe and Barwick Mothers’ Union met on the lawn of The Chantry when s said goodbye to their
enrolling member Mrs. Joan Tomlinson who retires when her hus-band, the Rev. R. H. Tomlinson, resigns his post of Rector of Stan-hoe. Mrs. M. E. Brown, secretary and treasurer for many years, presented Mrs. Jomlinson with a gift token. Tea, with strawberries supplied by Mrs. Brown and cream by Mrs. Tomlinson, was served by Mrs. Seaman and Mrs. Gibson. It was hoped the branch would continue to meet in the homes of members.
Stanhoe 01315
ing of Stanhoe and Barwick members was welcomed by president Mrs. Eva Blackburn, and a clear and amusing report was given of the Albert Hall meeting by Mrs. Eagle, of Docking. It was agreed on a proposal from Mrs. G. Beckett that future meetings start at 2 o’clock instead of 2.30. A team of members are to plant groups of periwinkle by the side of Stanhoe pond. The speaker was Mrs. Agar, of Wisbech, whose subject, the history of the music hall, gave much pleasure. It ended with com| munity singing of old-time songs and choruses. She was j thanked by Mr! A. E. Tuck.
I The monthly competition, aj music hall bill, was won by I Mrs. I. Tidd, Mrs. Z. Collins | O. Ransom.
Stanhoe 01316
Stanhoe and
At the annual meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick WI the secretary, Mrs f. Tidd, read her annual report iyad the treasurer, Mrs ’ Z. Collins,, a clear account of the institute finances’:
Mrs B. Holmes described a Nelson Group meeting held at Burnham Market and Mrs O. Ransom that of the Smithdon Group which she had attended at Birchard.
Mrs G. Beckett agreed to serve -on next year’s committee and was later elected a vice-president.
Speaker was Mrs J. Grounds who demonstrated the art of glass engraving.
The monthly competition was for the best decorated paper cup and this was won by Mrs Collins. Mrs Blackburn and MrsTidd.
A bring and buy stall run by Mrs Beckett brought in just over £3 for funds, n
Stanhoe 01318
STANHOE – At the first meeting after the summer break members enjoyed Mrs. Wain-Heapy’s cookery demonstration. this, as had been requested, was based on fish dishesand the variety was inviting. She was thanked by Mrs. S. Oldfield. Winners o the monthly competition, three open sandwiches, were Mrs. O. Ransom, Mrs. J. Rowe and
Mrs. L. Chilvers. It was announced that £51 was raised by the recent stall on The Green. Members agreed that the cost of a new kitchen cupboard, to store the W1 equipment in the village hall should be paid from Institute funds. President Mrs. E. Blackburn presided.
Stanhoe 01319
tanhoe and
At a meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick WI Mrs E. Blackburn said £41 was raised by a jumble sale for the Over 70s Entertainment Fund. Mrs S. Oldfield described an evening outing to the Terrington African Violet Nurseries.
The speaker was Mrs Rickett of Bawdeswell, her subject Smocks and their History was illustrated by slides.
A raffle run by Mrs Oldfield and a bring-and-buy-stall by Mrs T. Cole raised more than £5 for institute funds.
A competition for a hedgerow arrangement judged by the speaker who awarded the points to Mrs Z. Collins, Mrs Oldfield and Mrs Blackburn.
STANHOE – The July meeting of Sian hoe. and Barwick was chaired by Mrs. E. Blackburn, who told members that £41 was the jumble sale for the over-70s entertainment fund. Mrs. S. Oldfield described an outing to the Terrington African violet nurseries. Mrs. Rickett, from Bawdcswell. spoke on “Smocks and their history,” illustrated by slides. A bring-and-buy stall raised more than £5 for funds, v competition for a “hedgerow rrangement” was judged by he speaker, who awarded the oints to Mrs. Z. Collins, Mrs. ldfield and Mrs. Blackburn.
Stanhoe 01320
Stanhoe &
At a meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick W Mrs O. Ransom, president welcomed members and several guests.
The speaker was Mr Skinner of Thetford, representative of Eden Vale Dairies. He gave a talk of his firm’s products of yoghurt and cheeses and donated all samples to WI funds.
Birthday posies were presented by Mrs E. Blackburn, and Mrs B. Scales ran a bring-and-buy stall.
The monthly competition was for cheese straws and was judged by Mr Skinner. The winner was ‘Mrs Z. Collins, with Mrs O. Ransom second and Mg E. Seaman and MrsJ. Rowao joint third.
£4,,.o £ ‘
Stanhoe 01321
STANHOE. – The Stanhoe and Barwick Institute held a meeting in the garden of Bromley Cottage by invitation of Mrs. A. Tuck and Mrs. G. Beckett. The president, Mrs. O. Ransom, thanked Mrs. Tuck and Mrs. Beckett for the completed churchyard recording, which members were able to study. Mrs. Langley, from Docking Institute, described her day at the Albert Hall conference. Mr. Ken Beckett judged the competition for thej best pot plant and chose entries from Mrs. E. Seaman, Mrs. L.j Chilvers and Mrs. O. Ransom. Mrs. Chilvers ran a bring-and-buy stall..5…. -7.-a
Stanhoe 01322
Stanhoe &
A meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick WI was held in the garden of Bromley Cottage by invitation of Mrs A. Tuck and Mrs G. Beckett.
Mrs E. Blackburn read the minutes and Mrs O. Ransom, president, thanked Mrs Tuck and Mrs Beckett for the completed churchyard recording.
Mrs S. Oldfield described a meeting at Burnham Market and Mrs Blackburn followed suit to watch a cookery demonstration at Heacham by invitation of the Milk Marketing Board.
Mrs Langley of Docking Institute described her day at the Albert Hall.
Mr Ken Beckett judged the monthly competition for the best pot plant and praised all entries, especially Mrs E. Seaman, Mrs L. Chilvers and Mrs O. Ransom for their entries.
Mrs Chilvers ran a bring-and-buy stall and Mrs Collins a raffle which was won by Mrs Paterson.
The meeting ended with a puzzle garden game.
Stanhoe 01323
STANHOE. – Mrs. O. Ransom presided at the Stanhoe j and Barwick meeting. Mrs. G. j Beckett’s illustrated talk was about garden plants. Mrs. Steward ran a bring-and-buy stall and Mrs. Beckett presented birthday posies. Mrs. M. E. Brown awarded points to Mrs. Beckett, Mrs. S. Oldfield and Mrs. Ransom for their arrangements of snowdrops, aaawsi— —
Stanhoe 01324
STANHOE – Mrs. C. K. Softley, of Hunstanton, demonstrated making sweets to Stanhoe and Barwick members, f’t Her work was sampled afterwards.
Mrs. Softley was thanked by Mrs. j L. Chilvers. Monthly competition joints went to Mrs. O. Ransom, Mrs. E. Blackburn and Mrs. S. Oldfield. Mrs. J. Rowe presented birthday posies.
Stanhoe 01325
Stanhoe &
The president, Mrs O. Ransom, opened Stanhoe and Barwick WI meeting and welcomed a visitor. A message of good wishes was sent to the secretary, Mrs I. Tidd. who was ill.
speaker was Mrs G. e:tt, jvho gave,an ated talk about j
Tea was served by Mrs j Chilvers and Mrs Seaman. Mrs Steward ran a bring-and-buy stall. Mrs Beckett presented birthday posies.
Mrs M. E. Brown judged I the monthly competition for | an arrangement of 1 snowdrops, awarding the | points to Mrs Beckett, Mrs E S. Oldfield and Mrs Ransom, jg
ia.11w and their spec
Stanhoe 01326
Stanhoe &
,„7 e Stanhoe and Barwick WI meeting was arranged as a new year get-together. Members contributed in various ways, with reminiscences encouraged by the opening roll call. Summer outings were discussed and invitations to other meetings and parties were ‘t,coePt’r Three members judged the monthly competition for a decorated paper plate and from a record number of entries the points were awarded to Mrs G. Beckett: rs BScales and Mrs J.’ Rowe. Mrs L. Chilvers pre-sented birthday posies, and the president, Mrs O. Hansom and her committee were thanked for the afternoon programme. It was announced that carol singing m the village by members had raised the sum of £57 for r ant entertainment
for OAPs of Stanhoe to take place in the spring.
13: I ‘ S1 STANHOE – The meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick WI was arranged as a New Year get-together. Members contributed in various ways, with reminiscences encouraged by the opening roll call for childhood’s rhyming games, which were described and recited. Three members judged the competition for a decorated paper plate and from a record entry the points were awarded to Mrs. G. Beckett, Mrs. B. Scales and Mrs. J. Rowe. Mrs. L. Chilvers presented birthday posies. It was announced that carol singing had raised £57 for a supper and entertainment for pensioners of Stanhoe in the spring.
Stanhoe 01327
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STANHOE. – At the annual meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick institute. Mrs. Olga Ransom was reelected president. Mrs. Ivy Tidd recalled the year’s activities and Mrs. Zoe Collins (treasurer), presented the accounts, which were satisfactory. The president thanked everyone for their support. Members voted against changing from afternoon to evening meetings. Mrs. A. Tuck described her visit to the Nelson Group meeting. Mrs. Blakeston, of Snettisham, told members of her life in Germany as a schoolteacher’s wife in the years following the second world war, and she was thanked by Mrs. B. Holmes. Mrs. M. E. Brown was in charge of the
Stanhoe 01328
Merrymakers’ shows
Sculthorpe Merrymakers’ concert party have begun their 11th season of entertaining, giving shows around the
villages mainly for senior citizens. The only cost to the audiences is for transport and any profit is given to charity. The picture shows the mem-
bers at Fakenham Methodist Hall where the Fakenham Good Companions were entertained after their annual dinner.
Stanhoe and Barwick e/O
The president, Mrs O, Ransom, opened the meeting of Stanhow and Barwick WI with a roll call ‘what sets my teeth on edge’. The replies included ‘female crooners’.
Details of the 1981 programme were given and then arrangements were made for members to sing carols around the village on two nights before Christmas to raise money for the annual pensioners’ dinner and entertainment to be held in the spring.
Mrs G. Beckett received an award for gaining the highest number of points in the monthly competitiuon.
Speaker was Mrs Bridges of Dersingham wte gave a demonstration qfChristmas decorations. She Was thanked by Mrs M. i. Brov
Tea’’iMrftr”etTby Mrs R.r StewJp.f K.Tsd Up J. Rowe and thfeT monthly competi-L
STANHOE. – The president, Mrs. O. Ransom welcomed Stanhoe and Barwick.members to the meeting.. Carol singing was planned to’ raise money for the pensioners’; dinner and Spring
‘ entertainment. Mrs. G. Beckett , 5 received an award for the highest | points tally in monthly j competitions. The speaker, Mrs.
’’Bridges, gave a Christmas decorations demonstration. She was thanked by Mrs. M. E. Brown. The Christmas cracker competition was won by Mrs. E. Blackburn, Mrs. O. Ransom and Mrs. J. Rowe. Mrs. L. Chilvers ran a bring-and-buv stall.
tion. for a Chris’,mas crackerg wa’ y Mrs El
B1..kbu’.:,.are O. Ransonj and Mrs J. ‘-’owe.
Mrs L. CS’lvers ran a bring and buy stall.
Stanhoe 01330
– Mrs. Kirkham, i from Norwich, showed a selection a of crochet and crochet hooks, ancient and modern, to the Stanhoe ‘t and Barwick meeting. She was thanked by Mrs. G. Beckett.
Mrs Blackburn, vice president of Stanhoe and Barwick W1 welcomed the ►speaker Mrs Kirkham from Norwich who brought a small ► exhibition of crochet, ancient and modern, and a collector’s group of crochet ‘ hooks from the earliest times the craft was practiced. Mrs j Kirkham showed how to make a start with the first, basic stitches.
Mrs G. Beckett, earlier listed the handicraft items on the schedule for the Fakenham exhibition to be held in the autumn of next year for which Stanhoe currently holds the shield.
Mrs Z. Collins described a visit by a group of members to Marks & Spencer’s store in Lynn.
Transport arrangements were made to attend the Nelson Group meeting at Gt Snoring, and Mrs Paterson was in charge of the bring-and-buy stall.
Mrs Cole ran a raffle, and in a short social half hour amusement was caused by, counting items carried by members in their handbags.
Stanhoe 01346
STAN HOE. – Stanhoe and Barwick members were welcomed by Mrs. O. Ransom after the summer recess. Standing in at short notice for the planned speaker, Mrs. Gillian Beckett, a member, gave a lecture on the I history of the Fens, illustrated; with colour slides. A WI plaque; was chosen to be placed in the ‘ front of the beech tree planted on the south side of the village pond last year, and Mr. and Mrs. C.’ Oldfield were thanked for providing these items. Mrs. M. E.
Rrrmm nr A Mrs HirlfiplH TOPPlttPrl
Stanhoe 01347
stanhoe and Barwick.
At a meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick WI Mrs E. Blackburn said £41 was raised by a jumble sale for the Over 70s Entertainment Fund. Mrs S. Oldfield described an evening outing to the Terrington African Violet Nurseries.
The speaker was Mrs Rickett of Bawdeswell, her subject Smocks and their History was illustrated by slides.
A raffle run by Mrs Oldfield and a bring-and-buy-stall by Mrs T. Cole raised more than £5 for institute funds.
A competition for a hedgerow arrangement judged by the speaker who awarded the points to Mrs Z. Collins, Mrs Oldfield and Mrs Blackburn.
STANHOE – The July meeting of Slanhoc, and Bar-wick was chaired by Mrs. E. Blackburn, who told members that £41 was raised by the jumble sale for the ovcr-70s entertainment fund. Mrs. S. Oldfield described an outing to the Terrington African violet nurseries. Mrs. Rickett. from Bawdeswell. spoke on “Smocks and their history,” illustrated by slides. A bring-and-buy stall raised more than £5 for funds, v competition for a “hedgerow rrangement” was judged by he speaker, who awarded the oints to Mrs. Z. Collins, Mrs. ldfield and Mrs. Blackburn.
Stanhoe 01351
Mrs. E. Blackburn welcomed | members and friends from Docking, | Burnham, Wells and Snoring to a party in the W.I. Hall. Mrs. A. Symington, speaking about her visit ! to Russia and-showed pictures of iJ Moscow and Leningrad. She said she i was made welcome and looked forward I to going there again. Mrs. G. Beckett j arranged a guessing game with; coloured slides of the seasons and Norfolk scenes, which was won by ‘ Mrs. Ransom and Mrs. Rowe. The j monthly competition, for a hat i representing a song title, was won by | Mrs. Ransom, Mrs. Chilvers and: Mrs. Blackburn. A brace of j pheasants each was won by a guest from Burnham and Mrs. ‘Z. Collins. Mrs. A. Tuck presented birthday 1 flowers. A buffet supper was supplied by the committee..M 11
Stanhoe and Barwick
Mrs E. Blackburn welcomed members and friends from Docking. Burnham, Wells and Snoring to Stanhoe party.
Mrs A. Symington, speaking about her visit to Russia, showed pictures she had taken of scenes in Moscow and Leningrad. She said she was made welcome and looked forward to going there again.
Mrs G. Beckett arranged a guessing game with coloured slides of the seasons and Norfolk scenes, won by Mrs Ransom and Mrs Rowe.
The monthly competition for a hat representing a song title was won by Mrs Ransom, Mrs Chilvers and Mrs Blackburn.
Another competition with a brace of pheasants as the prize was won by a guest from Burnham and Mrs Z. Collins.
Mrs A. Tuck presented birthday flowers. A buffet supper was supplied by committee and hot mince pies and sherry ended the evening.
Stanhoe 01352
Members of Stanhoe and Barwick Women’s Institute! met in the WI Hall. Mrs E.j Blackburn the president, introduced the speaker, Mr! Paul Banham the Warden of Wells Field Centre. His I talk, accompanied by colour j slides was about the wild j life on the shores of the North Norfolk coast from | Cromer to Hunstanton. j
The monthly competition for an article made with shells and judged by Mr I Banham was won by Mrs O. j Ransom, Mrs R. Steward I and Mrs J. Rowe.
Mrs Rowe ran a suc-J cessful bring-and-buy stall | and also presented birthday! posies. Tea was served by Mrs Ransom, Mrs Chilvers | and Mrs E. Lomax Mrs E. j Seaman distributed magaj zines and Mrs Steard won the raffle.
— Mr. Paul Banham, the warden of Wells Field Centre, gave a talk, accompanied by colour slides, about the wildlife on the shores of North Norfolk. The competition for an article made with shells and judged -J by Mr. Banham was won by Mrs. O. Ransom, Mrs. R. Steward and Mrs.
J. Rowe. Mrs. J. Rowe ran a bring-and-buy stall.
Stanhoe 01359
is O S f v.
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STAN HOE. – The institute gave a supper, followed by entertainment by the Sculthorpe Merrymakers Concert Party to the over 60s of the village.
Stanhoe 01360
— Mrs. E. Blackburn presided at the first evening meeting of the year. Mrs.
I. Tidd read a report of the county annual meeting and Mrs. O. Ransom gave an amusing account of the spring group meeting at Great Snoring. Mrs. Waddington, of Stoke Ferry, showed a collection of dolls and soft toys she had made and judged the monthly competition for a soft toy, awarding the points to Mrs. Blackburn and Mrs. G. Beckett. Mrs.
J. Rowe ran a successful bring-and-buy stall. Birthday posies were presented by Mrs. R. Steward. A 1 group of members enjoyed a session ‘ at the newly-presented dart board.
Stanhoe 01361
, k-1 Stanhoe
Mrs E. Blackburn asked for a roll call at Stanhoe and Barwick WI meeting, each member responding with an amusing or odd event that happened to her in Lynn.
Mrs E. Seaman presented birthday posies. ,
A letter from Mrs S. Bloy was read thanking members for flowers received by her in hospital, „ and the president said flowers were also being sent to Miss M. Spinks in hospital.
A collection of small antiques was assembled by several members.
The speaker was Miss D. Bullock, who called her talk, accompanied by coloured slides, A Walk Around King’s Lynn. Being a Founder Member of Lynn Preservation Trust, She knew exactly where to go to see the maximum points of interest.
Mrs Finney of Docking.gave a report of the London national federation meeting. Mrs J. Rowe was in harge of a bring-and-buy stall.
It was announced that the vening stall on the Green aised £25.
Docking WI were the inners in a friendly Darts ‘atch, and a return match ad been arranged.
Stanhoe 01362
STANHOE. – At Stanhoe and Barwick meeting, Mrs. E. Blackburn, presiding, asked for a roll-call when each member responded with an amusing or odd event that had happened to her at King’s Lynn. Arrangements for two outings were made and Mrs. E. Seaman presented birthday posies. A letter from Mrs. S. Bloy was read, thanking members for flowers received by her in hospital and the president said that flowers were being sent to Miss M. Spinks, also in hospital. A collection of small antiques was assembled by several members. Miss D. Bullock presented an illustrated description of “A walk around King’s Lynn” and was thanked by Mrs. G. Beckett. Mrs. Finney, of Docking, gave a report of the national annual meeting. Mrs. J. Rowe was in charge of a bring-and-buy stall. It was announced that the evening stall held on The Green raised £25. Docking W.I. won a friendly darts match and a return match has been arranged.
Stanhoe 01363
Stanhoe and Barwick branch celebrated the 58th anniversary of the Institute’s foundation by inviting friends from six neighbouring branches to a golden evening party in their hall. Guests were from Burnham Market, Bircham, Docking, Sedgeford, The Snorings and Wells and the evening was extremely elegant in contrast to last year’s tramp night. Welcomed by the president, Mrs. E. Blackburn, to a buffet supper, the rest of the evening was spent singing and dancing to the music of Mr. Jim Collins, of Stanhoe. The competition for a golden shoulder spray was divided into two parts and Mrs. Blackburn was first with the artificial sort and a guest from Sedgeford with real flowers. Other competitions and games winners were Mrs. Barber, of Sedgeford, Mrs. Moorhouse, of Burnham Market, and Miss M. Spinks, of Stanhoe.
Stanhoe 01364
Stanhoe and Barwick W.I. celebrated its diamond jubilee with a party in the reading room and guests were welcomed from Bircham, Docking, Burnham Market, Wells, Sedgeford and Great Snoring.
Before dinner, the president, Mrs. Blackburn, introduced the County secretary, Mrs, Audrey Juby, who spoke about the first’, meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick branch and the various competitions held then. After, dinner the County chairman, Mrs. Jill Scott, proposed the toast to the i institute.
There were several entrants in the competition for home made “diamond” earrings which was judged by Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Juby and won by Mrs. N. i Moorhouse, of Burnham Market, with Mrs. J. Rowe, of Stanhoe,1 second.
Musical entertainment with games and dancing was provided by Mr. Jim Collins and his electric organ.
An entertaining evening with guests and members efijdPKgl a glass of sherry and a slice of, birthday cake, which had been made by Mrs. J. Rowe and iced by Mrs. Blackburn.
Stanhoe 01365
Big party for WI
. a,UTILNG,he cke Stanhoe; left to right, Mrs Tidd (secretary), I Blackburn (president) and Mrs Collins (treasurer).
LSTANHOE and Barwick ‘Women’s Institute members.celebrated their Diamond Jubilee with a party in the Room. Guests were
r Rading
welcomed from Bircham, srDocking, Burnham Market, Wells, Sedgeford and Great Snoring WIs.
( Before dinner, the president, Mrs Blackburn, introduced the county secretary, Mrs Audrey Juby,
who spoke about the first meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick WI and the various competitions that were held then, and after dinner the county chairman, Mrs Jill Scott, proposed the toast to’ the Institute.
There were several entrants in the competition for home-made ‘Diamond’ earrings which was judged by Mrs Scott and Mrs Juby, and won by Mrs N.
Moorhouse of Burnham with Mrs J, Rowe of Stanhoe second.
Musical entertainment with games and dancing was provided by Mr Jim Collins with his electric organ.
A most entertaining evening ended with everyone present enjoying a glass of sherry and a slice of birthday cake, which had been made by Mrs J. Rowe and iced by Mrs Blackburn.
Diamond Jubilee
Stanhoe 01366
Managing Director of Wedgwood Glass, Mr. Alan Lodey (right), shows King’s Lynn Town Mayor, Mrs. Joan Panks (third left) and members of the Charter Trustees party one of the stages in the. glassmaking process during their visit to the factory yesterday.
Stanhoe 01367
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MRS. Sheila Wyer, who retired this week from Fakenham Junior School, shows some of the children the painting she received.
FOR the second time in a teaching career, spanning 34 ears, Mrs. Shelia Wyer has etired.
At Fakenham Junior School on ! Tuesday, parents, staff, managers, I former pupils and friends attended a party to mark her retirement after almost 19 years at the Queen’s | Road School
Mrs. Wyer, a Northumbrian, has lived in Norfolk since 1947, and considers herself “Norfolk by
adoption.” Her first “retirement’
1 was in 1949 when, on her marriage, – her job as head of the
, she left
village school at Hindringham, where she still lives.
She said she returned to the profession as a supply teacher and was then “winkled back” to fulltime teaching. Her mother and grandparents were teachers too.
Mrs. Wyer was head of the infants’ section at the school and then became the school’s second mistress. Much of her time has been spent helping children with problems. This, she said, had been the most rewarding part of her career.
At the party she was given an oil painting of a Norfolk country
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Stanhoe 01369
STANHOE. – At the Stanhoe and Barwick annual meeting, Mrs.
Eva Blackburn resigned after three ) years as president and Mrs. Olga.Ransom was elected to replace her. fMrs. I. Tidd, the secretary, spoke of,a drop in numbers. Mrs. Z. Collins, treasurer, said the accounts had ieen boosted by the sale of the effects from the old hall.
ransferring to the restored Reading Room had been an advantage, even though it was regretted at first. Mrs. T. Cole spoke about Kenya. Mrs. A. Tuck thanked her. The competition for three pieces of gingerbread was won by 1 Mrs. Ransom, 2 Mrs. Chilvers, 3 Mrs. Rowe and Mrs. R. Steward. . xi- 7
Stanhoe 01370
STAN HOE – At Stanhoe and Barwick WI meeting, Mrs. O. Ransom, the new president, welcomed members and presented a gift to Mrs. Blackburn the retiring president. Carol singing round the village was arranged to raise money to pay for a supper and evening 1 entertainment for all Stanhoe -pensioners. Mrs. Elliott ofi “Thornham demonstrated
I Christmas decorations and wa ‘thanked by Mrs. Holmes. Thai competition was judged by Mrs Elliott who awarded the points to Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. Ransom and. Mrs. Chilvers. Mrs. Chilvers ran a bring-and-buy stall. A Christmas quiz was won by Mrs. G. Beckett.
Stanhoe 01371
STANHOE – A small afternoon party for the Stanhoe and Barwick group took place at the Reading Room with Mrs. O. Ransom presiding. There were games and quizzes and Mrs. G. Beckett read her mother’s account of a WI outing of 30 years ago when she directed a small group of members around the West End of London, ending with a visit to the Victoria Palace to see the Crazy Gang. The monthly competition for a snowman was won by Mrs. J. Rowe, Mt-u MrTL -Drawn and Mrs. I. Tiddt – fYv.-v’ i„
Stanhoe 01372
ri’ ‘
Meal – Stanhoe and Bar-wick Women’s Institute arranged a sit-down meal for the over-60s of the village, paid for by carol singing in December. About 50 people were present. After the meal, entertainment was given by the Merrymakers. of Sculthorpe.
Stanhoe 01373
Members of Stanhoe amd Warwick WI held an informal afternoon party to celebrate the new year. Greetings and good wishes were sent to Mrs Ralli, recovering from an accident.
A new member, Mrs Cole of Little Barwick was welcomed. Mrs A. Tuck presented birthday posies and ran a competition which raised £1.70 for the funds.
It was reported the carol singers raised the record sum of £43 towards the cost of a supper and entertainment to be held in the spring for the senior citizens of Stanhoe and Barwick.
The monthly competition for a table centre decoration, which was judged by Mrs Cole, was won by Mrs J. Rowe, Mrs M. E. Brown and Mrs E. Blackburn.
Coloured slides of places, times and flowers were shown and used as quizzes. Guessing games with a beetle drive were played, followed by tea, when a special new year cake, made and iced by Mrs J. Rowe, was distributed.
Stanhoe 01374
) Mrs O. Ransom presided at the meeting of Stanhoe a n d Barwick WI and welcomed members and Mr £ R. Reynolds of Langham, the. speaker on Bygones.
P Mr Reynolds had brought, with him a collection of items r mainly concerning the home
vand beloning to the last two centuries and earlier,
describing them and their ( fuses.
Mr Reynolds identified and commented on a number of small antiques and family treasurers brought by the members, and he then judged the monthly competition for an-old brooch awarding the points to Mrs G. Beckett, Mrs Patterson and Mrs M. E. Brown.
Resolutions were discussed for the county annual meeting in Norwich and Mrs I. Tidd appointed delegate. Several members offered their cars for transport to the group meeting at Burnham Market.
A reminder of the evening supper and entertainment for all Stanhoe pensioners was given and the raffle which had raised most of the money for this, was drawn.
There was a well stocked bring-and-buy stall run by Mrs B. Holmes, and Mrs J. Rowe presented birthday posies. 9C
Stanhoe 01375
A special renovation task
granite into small pieces with the roller”.
In 1930 he started his own haulage contracting business. He later launched out into the laundry business and, today, he claims that his dry cleaning shop in.Fakenham is one of the most modern in the country.
It is run by two of George’s sons, Tom and John. He has another son, George who is a farmer, and three grandchildren.
George lives with his wife,
Minnie, at Laurel Farm, the house in which he was born in 1906. At that time his father was employedas a farm labourer there. Shortly after the Second World War, George himself bought the house. -
Once the restoration work on the steamroller is completed, George, you would imagine, wil then take a well earned rest.
Not a bit of it – there are another 20 steamrollers waiting to be renovated!
A labour of love for 77-year-old George Cushing as he restores the first engine he used nearly sixty years ago. The chimney has been Temporarily removed during work on the smoke box. (PIC UC 7635).
Eleven members of l Stanhoe and Barwich WI en-jpjoyed a visit to Fakenham Laundry.
They were shown the smany processes of dry cleansing and pressing clothing, as well as the washing and pressing of household linen in
some very expensive and intricate pieces of machinery
by Mr Cushing, who provid-. ed a tea of home-made ‘ cakes.
IT certainly promises to be an even busier summer than usual for 77ryear-old George Cushing.
For in addition to running his famous steam engine and organ museum at Thursford, George is renovating a very special steam roller – special because it is the first engine he bought half a century ago.
“I have renovated many engines in the past, but this one has special memories for me.
“I began driving it in 1923 when I worked for Wals-ingham District Council.”
George believes it will take several months before the 67-year-old Aveling and Porter convertible roller is fully restored to its original colour and condition.
But George’s dream is that by next spring the steamroller on which he began his life’s work will be taking pride of place along with over 40 others he has collected and restored.
Although it is in working order, it has not been used or 10 years. The multipurpose traction engine was ast used for chip roiling with ’ tar machine. It weighs eight.ons with its roller and six ons as a tractor.
~ George began working for the council in 1919 when he was 15 years old. He well remembers the days when Norfolk roads were more or less cart-tracks in constant need of resurfacing.
“I used to take out the steamroller and haul granite and gravel from the stone pits. I would break the
Stanhoe 01376
Stanhoe – The garden of Bromley Cottage, the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Beckett and Mrs. A. V. Tuck was opened and with the sale of plants and proceeds of a raffle raised £180.10 for the Burnham Market Surgery Equipment Fund.
Stanhoe 01377
At the meeting of Stanhoe and Barwick WI Mrs J. Elliott from Brancaster was the speaker with a demons-tration of the Victorian art of macrame.
M/s E. Blackburn described a visit to Seaman’s Dairies at Heacham.
Mrs I. Tidd the secretary received a birthday posy when it was revealed she was the oldest member of the institute. She also won the raffle.
A bring and buy stall was run by Mrs A. Tuck which made just over £2 for funds. A stall on the Green for funds was announced for August, also an invitation to the president’s garden.
I After tea members walked to the village pond to inspect 3 the beech tree which was planted in the spring by the president on behalf of the members. It was pronounced to be budding.
Stanhoe 01378
Gillian and Ken Beckett in their idyllic garden with Bromley Cottage in the background. (UC 8643)
Stanhoe 01379
Idyllic cottage is authors’ research plot
GREEN fingers changed country school-teacher Gillian Beckett’s life.
Her interest in the way plants work grew from a course of lectures on botany which she casually joined for something to do.
Now it’s taken over her. whole life.
Seven years ago Mrs Beckett (45) married horticulturist, gardening journalist and botanist Ken Beckett (52) and the couple have built their life together around an idyllic garden in Stanhoe.
The 1,700 species of flowering plants and shrubs in their three quarters of an acre are not just tended for their beauty – they are guinea pigs with petals.
For Ken and Gillian collaborate to write books about the plant world. Seeds for unusual’ (Towering plants which are probably not to be found anywhere else in Norfolk are sent to them by Botanic Gardens all over the world.
Their garden is a living, blooming testing ground, stacked with material for their books.
Their meeting was entirely appropriate.
“I met Ken when 1 was leading a Botanical Society of the British Isles field meeting in Yugoslavia”, said Gillian. “We werei studying Mediterranean flora”.
Gillian calls herself “almost a Stanhoe person”. She has lived in the village almost all her life.
Her childhood home was half of Bromley Cottage, which she and Ken moved into and knocked into one four years ago. Her mother and aunt still live in part of the cottage.
And the Bromley Cottage garden, a showplace which the Becketts open to the public for charity once or twice a year, has been shaped into its present form only over the last four years.
“We do all our own gar-
dening”, said Ken, “antfwe have planted a great many shrubs – we’re trying to make it as easy to look after as possible. But there are no vegetables – there’s no room for them!”
The couple’s five-year-old son Keith fits in well with a life-style where both parents work from home and spend much of their time out in the garden.
“He’s never shown any tendency to pull up precious plants by their roots, and he’s very good about being dragged roundin-teresting gardens at weekends and on holiday”, isaid Gillian.
“I take a lot of the photographs which illustrate our books, and he helps me sometimes – holding equipment while I work. He’ll either grow up a flower fanatic like us, or react against the whble thing and become an engineer or something!”
Ken Beckett started writing books about seven years ago, when he was commissioned by a publisher to provide the text for a photographic study of trees called The Love of Trees.
Since then he has compiled on his own an Illustrated Dictionary of Botany, written a book on Amateur Greenhouse Gar-
dening, and with Gillian has written an Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Indoor Plants and Planting Native Trees and Shrubs.
A book on evergreens, illustrated entirely by Gillian’s photographs is due to come out next spring, and the couple are just starting to write a book on hardy perennials, with two other possible ideas for books in the pipeline.
“All pur books have been commissioned in advance,” said Ken. “1 am technical adviser on plants and gardening to several publishers, and so far we’ve always had deadlines to meet”.
Ken has been writing for magazines for twenty years, and has worked in botanical gardens and nurseries at home and abroad. He first trained as a horticulturist with Brighton Parks Department.
Gillian, who studied geography at University and was a primary schoolteacher in Norfolk before she met Ken, came to be interested in flowers a little later in life than he did.
She too writes for magazines like Country Life and The Lady, leads Heritage Route walks along the Norfolk coast and lectures on her specialist subject – the history of landscape and plants in the landscape.
Her next series of
The authors with their output – a table-top covered with beautifully illustrated books on plants.
lectures starts in the autumn at Elmham.
“1 wouldn’t go back to teaching again” said Gillian, “I’m far too happy doing what I do at the moment.
“I’m fully occupied all the year round, but still manage to keep reasonably free of work through Keith’s school holidays.
“Even in the winter when we can’t go out in the garden so much, I’m busy collecting and packeting seeds, which I send to botanical gardens in Russia,. America and even
Gillian says she is spoilt for choice in naming her favourite flower – but she does have a soft spot for § snowdrops.
“People don’t realise how many varieties of snowdrop there are – we. have eight different kinds in our garden here and; there are many more”, she said.
“I suppose we wouldn’t really notice them if they flowered in June – but the joy of them is that they are one of the very first flowers of the late winter.”
Stanhoe 01380
Stanhoe says
Even persistent drizzle from an overcast North Norfolk sky yesterday morning failed to stop Stanhoe looking its best for the presentation of its best-kept village award.
The crowd which gathered for the ceremony seemed as unaffected by the weather as the ducks on the pond at the centre of the small tillage, beside which the coveted s|gn was unveiled testifying to S’tanhoe’s supremacy.
With only 200 residents, Stanhoe fitted comfortably into the category of the competition which it won – villages under 400 population – and beat Stradsett, with 60 residents, into second place.
Best-kept village joint committee chairman Mr. Harold Rose introduced Lady Harrod, vice-president of the Norfolk Society, who made the presentation.
“This competition has been very well supported over the years, and it means that we are all concerned with the Norfolk we live in,” said Mr. Rose. “That can do nothing but good for the county and the country.”
Lady Harrod, unveiling the sign which will stand beside Stanhoe village pond for a year, said: “I am very proud you have won this competition, as yours is a village I have always liked very much.
Ducks enjoying the peace of the village green at Stanhoe.
“I love your church, with its beautiful glass, and my family and I always stop to admire the lovely churchyard whenever we pass through the village.”
Lady Harrod added: “It’s not the quality of architecture which wins the best-kept village competition, but what you are doing for yourselves and for your descendants.”
The best-kept village plaque, donated by the “Eastern Daily Press,” was received by Mr. Ed Barber, village sub-postmaster and vice-chairman of the parish council, who commented afterwards: “This is only the third year we have entered the competition, and we are delighted to have won.
“We made no special effort as some villages do. We didn’t go round whitewashing the flints. This is the way you’ll always find us in Stanhoe, and we’re rather proud of it.”
Mr. Barber also received a voucher for two trees, donated by the Lost Nursery, East Wretham.
Stradsett parish meeting chairman Sir John Bagge took his grandson Alfred, aged just seven weeks, to receive the runner-up prize of a £10 voucher for trees donated by the Economic Forestry Group of Fordham, Cambridgeshire.
Sir John said: “We are most pleased. Our village has featured several times in the best-kept churchyard competition, but this is the first time that the village as a whole has won an award.”
Mr. Barber’s 18-year-old son Neil, an apprentice mechanic at King’s Lynn, received on Stanhoe’s’ behalf, the second prize in the, community improvement project award – £10 worth of trees/ donated by the Woodland” Management Association,1 Felthorpe.
The award was made for work in replacing diseased elms arbund the village pond with 50 native trees, undertaken by the parish council advised by local horticulturist Mr. Ken Beckett.
Lady Harrod was thanked by the Rev. Robert Tomlinson, priest-incharge of Stanhoe, who paid tribute to the inspiration which she had given the village. A bouquet was presented by one of the youngest residents, four-year-old Sadie Kittle.
Refreshments were served by members of Stanhoe and Barwick Women’s Institute.
Stanhoe 01381
[Caption] Smiles in the rain from (left to right) Lady Harrod, Mr Harold Rose and Mr Edward Barber as Stanhoe’s best-kept village sign is unveiled on the village green. (WC 392)
Stanhoe gets its award
AN uninhibited display from the ducks on Stanhoe village pond made a lively backdrop to the official goings-on as a best-kept village sign was unveiled yesterday.
It was good weather, too – for the ducks, as a large crowd sheltered under umbrellas to watch the unveiling and award presentation.
Stanhoe came top in the county competition for villages with a population of fewer than 400, and was runner-up in the community improvement project section of the contest for planting 50 native trees to replace diseased elms behind the pond on the village green.
Parish council vice-chairman Mr Edward Barber was bursting with pride as he received the best kept village plaque from Lady Harrod, vice-president of the Norfolk Society. “It’s as good as winning the pools,” he said.
Lady Harrod told assembled villagers and Norfolk celebrities that she had always had a soft spot for Stanhoe, and was delighted it had won the contest this year.
Mr Barber’s 18-year-old son Neil, who masterminded the tree-planting project, received a voucher for £10 worth of trees from Lady Harrod as Stanhoe’s runner-up prize.
Sir John Bagge, chairman of Stradsett Parish Meeting, held up his tiny grandson
Alfred to receive a £10 tree voucher on behalf of Stradsett’s future generations for coming second in the best-kept village contest for populations of under 400.
The crowd was welcomed in the drizzle by the chairman of the competition committee, Mr Harold Rose, who told of the work behind the contest results – committee members combing every village in Norfolk for three 12-hour days, and returning for a second look on a two-day bus tour.
Sponsors for the contest – in which the only other West Norfolk winner was Bradenham, with first prize for its village green – are Norfolk County Council, the Norfolk Society, Norfolk Association of Parish and Town Councils and the Women’s Institutes.
Rector of Stanhoe, the Rev R. H. Tomlinson, thanked Lady Harrod and the committee for making Stanhoe a winner, and thanked villagers for all their hard work.
But the ducks were the stars of the day. “They give everyone in the village a lot of pleasure – and they certainty puff in the visitors,” said Mr Barber. “We welcome visitors in Stanhoe, and their numbers have increased noticeably since the best-kept village results were announced.”
Stanhoe 01382
EVEN persistent drizzle yesterday morning failed to stop Stanhoe looking its best for the presentation of its best-kept
village award.
The crowd which gathered for the ceremony seemed as unaffected by the weather as the ducks on the pond at the centre of the small village, beside which the coveted sign was unveiled testifying to Stanhoe’s supremacy.
With only 200 residents, Stanhoe fitted comfortably into the category of the competition which it won – for villages under 400 population – and beat Stradsett, with 60 residents, into second place.
Addressing his opening remarks to “Ladies, gentlemen, ducks, geese, and the odd mallard if there’s one about,” best kept village joint committee chairman Mr. Harold Rose introduced Lady Harrod, vice-president of the Norfolk Society, who made the presentations.
Lady Harrod, unveiling the sign which will stand beside Stanhoe village pond for a year, said: “I am very glad you have won this competition, as yours is a village I have always liked very much.
“I love your church, with its beautiful glass, and my family and I always stop to admire the lovely churchyard whenever we pass through the village.
The best-kept village plaque, donated by the “Eastern Daily Press,” was received by Mr. Ed Barber, village sub-postmaster and
vice-chairman of the parish council, who commented afterwards: “This is only the third year we have entered the competition, and we are delighted to have won.
“We made no special effort as some villages do. We didn’t go round whitewashing the flints. This is the way you’ll always find us in Stanhoe, and we’re rather proud of it.”
Mr. Barber also received a voucher for two trees, donated by the Lost Nursery, East Wretham.
Mr. Barber’s 18-year-old son Neil received, on Stanhoe’s behalf, the second prize in the community improvement project award, £10 worth of trees donated by the Woodland Management Association, Felthorpe.
The award was made for work in replacing diseased elms around the village pond with 50 native trees, undertaken by the parish council advised by local horticulturalist Mr. Ken Beckett.
Lady Harrod was thanked by the Rev. Robert Tomlinson, priest-in-charge of Stanhoe, who paid tribute to the inspiration which she had given the village, and a bouquet was presented by one of the youngest residents, four-year-old Sadie Kittle.
Refreshments were served by Stanhoe and Barwick Women’s Institute.
Lady Harrod, assisted by Mr. Harold K. Rose, unveil the best-kept village sign at Stanhoe yesterday.
Stanhoe 01490
IHTHE BLIND preacher of North-West Norfolk and of Sedge-ford has died at his daughter’s home; at Barwick Hall Farm, Stanhoe. He was Mr. George Mace, who preached I for the last time about a month ago at a Burnham Market Methodist Church at the age of 91.
He had been blind since he was 84 but this handicap did not deter him in his work of preaching the Gospel which to him was his all-important mission in life. A master baker by trade he took over the business of Mr. Thomas j Leggett, at Sedgeford, when he was a young man and retired in 1946 at the age of 70, although continuing to assist his son, Mr. Stanley Mace. Another son is Mr. Alf Mace, a well-known local cricketer.
Mr. George Mace was a native of Shotesham. His father was a shepherd and the family moved to Harpley. He became shepherd’s page to his father at the age of 13 tending 400 sheep on the verges and commons at Harpley. He left sheep to grind turnips and tend I bullocks for 3s. 6d. a week which increased to 10s. when he became a teamman working 5 a.m. to 7 p.m.
He left the land to become a baker’s apprentice at Harpley and later took over the business at Sedgeford. He married Miss Lillie Bartle, wh§ became a wonderful life partner for mm.
Mr. Mace gained a high reputation as a baker but he wasknown most of all as a Methodist Sunday school worker and preacher. In 1961 the Methodist Youth Department awarded him a certificate for “over 70 years’ devoted work.” At Sedgeford, where he was superintendent for half a century, his school once had 99 scholars or 80 per j cent, of the children in the village.!
He became a local preacher in 1898 and with his invariable button-hole was soon known all over the Wesleyan Hunstanton circuit, cycling thousands of j miles. He conducted 400 services at j Thornham and had led religious festivals for many years in the district. He was trustee of eight chapels and an annual pilgrimage for him was Cliff College anniversary.
Stanhoe 01516
EASTERN DAILY PRESS, FRIDAY, … [Handwritten] Jan 1964
1752 Stanhoe map unearthed in shed
A survey map dated 1752 has come to light at Stanhoe in a shed at Mr. Harry Calver’s Station Farm. Its existence was known by those interested in the history of the village, and great efforts were made to trace it when the Squire of Stanhoe, [Mr H.C.] Hollway-Calthrop, died and Stanhoe Hall was sold in 1949.
It is a plan of the “strip” system of agriculture, the strips being numbered, some named and some bearing the names of their owners. The church is beautifully drawn, but those studying the roads see many alterations. deviations and losses.
It is especially interesting for an inscription at the top right-hand corner is written in a later copper-plate hand as follows:
“This survey was made by the notorious Eugene Aram in 1752 who was at that time living at Lynn under the name of John Aram. He was tried and executed at York, August 1759 for the murder of Daniel Clark at Knaresboro’ 14 years before, viz: on Friday 8 February, 1740. For particulars of his trial and defence see the annual register.”
This was of course, the Eugene Aram made famous by Thomas Hood in a poem.
Fascinating footnote
Another thing of interest concerning this is that at the foot of the poem in the “Chandos” Edition is the note:
“Admiral Burney (Brother of Madame D’Arblay) went to school at an establishment where the unhappy Eugene Aram was Usher subsequent to his crime…”
This was Lynn Grammar School and Madame D’Arblay (the famous “Fanny Burney”) mentions in her diary the fact that she stayed with her aunt at Stanhoe Hall to recuperate from an illness. She describes it as “ruinous and rat-run,” which is another mystery for Stanhoe Hall 'was built only 50 years earlier, Dr. Pevsner dating it 1702.
The survey is on parchment and in an extremely parlous state, especially one half where the writing is mostly illegible, but it is hoped to place it in the care of the Norwich City Archivist for rescue work and pre[serve it] for the study of future histor students.
Many well-known names in S[tanhoe’s] past are recorded on the map [includ]ing the Earl of Orford (Sir Rob[ert Wal]pole) and Mr. Glover, the b[uilder of] many beautiful local barns sti[ll stand]ing.
The map was found on the [???] of Mr. Harry Calver, at Station[n ?Farm,] a former tenant farm belongin[g to Stanhoe] Hall. It was handed by him [to] Peter Scales, landlord of the [Norfolk] Hero Inn – named on the map as “Alehouse” and not The [Cock and Breeches, its] original name.
[Caption] Mr. Harry Calver, of Station Farm, Stanhoe, with his 1752 map [of the] village.
Stanhoe 01672
EMERGENCY services in Lynn have warned people to keep off the ice, however solid it may look.
Skating on a frozen village pond may look picturesque and fun – but one crack in the ice and you could end up in a watery grave.
The warning comes in the wake of chilly fun at Stanhoe pond where up to 60 skaters at once have been reported enjoying the big freeze.
Ponds at South Wootton and Great Massingham have also been frozen.
Inspector Ray Wright, of Lynn police community relations office, said: “Young people particularly must be extremely careful when playing near village ponds. I would say to anyone thinking of venturing on to the ice that it is a most dangerous practice.”
Lynn fire Station Officer Paddy Barrett said: “The ice is not as thick as some people imagine. With the ups and downs in temperature people are liable to go in, then we have to go along and rescue them.
“We have the equipment to do it but the trouble is that when we get out there we are usually looking for a body.”
Stanhoe parish councillor and postmaster Mr Edward Barber, who lives opposite the village pond, said: “The more people that are there the safer it is, in a way.
Skating on Stanhoe pond are Donald Morton and Georgina Latham-Smith with children, Polly, Emily, Eloise and Rosalin. (86/1352)
“Our pond has a maximum depth of 18 inches. Children would not hurt themselves on our pond, even if they fell in they would not be in long enough. They could scramble out.
“As far as I am concerned they make up their own minds. In Stanhoe I like to think people have a little bit of common sense.”