Useful phone numbers
Phone contacts for various Stanhoe activities. Also see the councils and police page for things like planning applications, bin collections, potholes and crime.
Function | Phone | Contact person |
Church (Anglican) | 01485 517157 | , Rector |
01485 518102 | , Churchwarden | |
Church (Methodist) | 01485 570232 | |
Docking Fish Bar | 01485 518656 | Fish and chips; closed Mondays |
Doctor | 999 or 112 | Emergency ambulance |
111 | Non-emergency NHS service for urgent medical advice from trained operators | |
01328 737000 | Burnham Market surgery (dispensary 01328 737002) | |
01485 521135 | Docking (Bayfield) surgery | |
The Duck | 01485 518330 | Stanhoe’s fine gastropub; book via the website |
Parish Council | 01485 518301 | , Parish Clerk |
Police | 999 or 112 | Emergency police response (crimes in progress, road accidents, etc.) |
101 | Non-emergency service (theft, property damage, suspicious characters, etc.) | |
Saints Alive newsletter |
01485 517005 | , editor | contributions | 01603 873386 | |
Village Hall & Reading Room | 01485 592362 | , Chairman |
Women’s Institute (WI) | 01485 518301 | , President |
01485 576261 | Valerie Robson, Secretary |