Useful phone numbers

Phone contacts for various Stanhoe activities. Also see the councils and police page for things like planning applications, bin collections, potholes and crime.

Function Phone Contact person
Church (Anglican) 01485 517157 , Rector
01485 518102 , Churchwarden
Church (Methodist) 01485 570232
Docking Fish Bar 01485 518656 Fish and chips; closed Mondays
Doctor 999 or 112 Emergency ambulance
111 Non-emergency NHS service for urgent medical advice from trained operators
01328 737000 Burnham Market surgery (dispensary 01328 737002)
01485 521135 Docking (Bayfield) surgery
The Duck 01485 518330  Stanhoe’s fine gastropub; book via the website
Parish Council 01485 518301 , Parish Clerk
Police 999 or 112 Emergency police response (crimes in progress, road accidents, etc.)
101 Non-emergency service (theft, property damage, suspicious characters, etc.)
Saints Alive
01485 517005 , editor contributions 01603 873386
Village Hall & Reading Room 01485 592362 , Chairman
Women’s Institute (WI) 01485 518301 , President
01485 576261 Valerie Robson, Secretary