Saints Alive: Stanhoe and Barwick Newsletter

October 2008

Dates for your diary or calendar

Thursday 2nd October – W I in the village hall, first afternoon meeting, at 2.30 pm. Speaker: Eileen Gomme – Sugarcraft and cake decoration. New and potential members are always welcome.

Sunday 5th October – Fitness walk. Meet 9.30 am at the village hall. Details below.

Monday 13th October – Royal British Legion social at 3 pm. Details below.

Saturday 18th October – “The Big Tidy Up” autumn litter pick. Everyone welcome; equipment supplied. Assemble at the pond 10 am. Many hands make light work!

Saturday 18th October – Bingo in the village hall. Eyes down 7.30 pm.

Community Speedwatch

Many of you may have seen the ‘Speedwatch’ team in action over the last few weeks. Speeding in village is the number one concern voiced by villagers at the annual parish meeting. The purpose of ‘Speedwatch’ is to make drivers aware that excessive speed in the village is socially unacceptable. It is noticeable already that during ‘Speedwatch’ activity speeding is much reduced.

We have a team of volunteers who are undertaking ‘Speedwatch’ duties, but new volunteers are still required, so if you are interested in joining the team, please contact Peter Hallinan on 01485 518099.

Postal collection

The post box on the wall of the Old Post Office opposite the pond in Burnham Road has lost its collection times label, and this has apparently been causing some confusion. A new label is already on order, but has yet to be replaced by the Post Office’s contractors, and due to a dispute, we understand that this may not be done for some considerable time.

Collections are unchanged – Mondays to Fridays at 4 pm, and Saturdays at 10 am.

Parish council

At the Parish Council meeting on 11th September, our MP Mr Henry Bellingham attended, to meet the Councillors and discuss various matters of concern. He had been approached on several topics during the past year, and had contacted Mrs Austin, the chairman, to ask if he might visit Stanhoe and talk to us.

The subjects discussed at the meeting included fly tipping (although thankfully this has not been as serious this year as previously), the proposed Unitary Authority for Norfolk, the proposed wind farm at Chiplow, traffic speeds in the village, and the recent and ongoing petition for a footpath along Bircham Road. A cordial meeting took place, and Mr Bellingham has sympathised, noted our concerns and our efforts to date, and undertaken to assist with our endeavours in these matters.

Fitness walking

Suggestions of new uses for the playing field have been few, but –dog walking without the dog’ will commence on 5th October. The intention is to walk on the field at a brisk pace (but still with some breath left for conversation) varying the pace in deference to any new walkers so that a gradual increase is achieved. Meet at the village hall. Please wear comfortable shoes or trainers.

The Royal British Legion

will hold a social with light refreshments provided, in the village hall for all Poppy Appeal collectors and Legion members throughout the Sedgeford & District branch. Anyone interested in the work of the Legion or specifically in the Poppy Appeal is welcome to drop in as well to find out more. Collectors will be able to pick up their supplies for this year’s appeal.

Pond improvements

Reclamation of the old path behind the pond should now have been completed, and two new, maintenance-free seats provided. Ongoing maintenance of the area will be undertaken as required, and in due course two new litter bins will be installed to replace the existing bins, at the request of the County Council. It is also the intention to provide a dog waste bin adjacent to the pond.

Tree planting

Requests for suggestions of where new trees might be planted have met with prolonged silence! The Parish Council will consider where trees might be planted to enhance our surroundings without causing future problems of blocked views or reduced light, and we hope to enlist the assistance of a tree expert to advise us on our final decision. Any suggestions that residents may have will be taken into account, so if you want (or do not want) trees in a particular location, please contact Parish Clerk Peter Hallinan on 518099. We have funding for 15 native deciduous trees, likely to include some or all of the following species: ash, horsechestnut, maple, oak and rowan.

Syderstone film nights

The “Village Screen Cinema” in the Amy Robsart Hall at Syderstone will be showing the following films. Tickets £3.50 in advance, from Avril on 578588 or Sheila on 578171, or £4 at the door on the night.

Saturday 25th October “Miss Pettigrew lives for a day” (comedy)
Saturday 22nd November “Happy-go-lucky– (comedy)
Saturday 13th December “The Duchess” (historical drama shot at Holkham, Cley and Wells-next-the-sea, among other loacations)

Mobile police station

will be on The Green, Burnham Market on 1st and 29th October, in the mornings from 10 until 12 noon.